






跟着:~从。~员。~葬。~即(立刻)。~行(xíng )。~身。~喜。~波逐流。~行(hāng )就市。顺从,任凭:~意。~口。~宜。~和。~俗。~笔。~遇而安。顺便,就着:~带。~手关门。像:他长得~他父亲。姓。……





汉语拼音:rú yǐng suí xíng








  • 【解释】:好像影子总是跟着身体一样。比喻两个人关系亲密,常在一起。
  • 【出自】:《管子·任法》:“然故下之事上也,如响之应声也;臣之事主也,如影之从形也。”汉·刘向《说苑·君道》:“故天之应人,如影之随形,响之效声者也。”
  • 【示例】:善恶昭彰,~。


  1. We need to know, and let it be known, that doubt is just a feeling that comes to us when we are about to step out of our comfort zone.


  2. Lonely and poor bedfellows, let me feel more helpless is going to pay the next month's rent.


  3. Here he soon got better, and began to hunt, and wherever he went, his dog, now grown very old, went with him.


  4. To keep a brand fresh and with highly expected values all the time, it has to be an emotional resonance with the brand interdependently.


  5. At on the market, mimicry with shine on to move the west the phenomenon of the building is always inseparable.


  6. Web development and free and open source software (FOSS) have gone hand in hand since the beginning of the web.


  7. Interestingly, however, luxury and productivity always seem to progress and economic development go hand in hand.


  8. Dealers now discourage that, in part to avoid the corruption that tends to accompany large volumes of cash.


  9. Since you met that day on, my heart will no longer belong to myself. Regardless of all the world to see you, miss haunting.


  1. 荣誉、美德,如影随形。

    Glory is the shadow of virtue.

  2. 言与行如影随形。

    The word is the shadow of the deed.

  3. 但邪恶总是如影随形。

    But evil is always with us.

  4. 撒旦都如影随形,没错

    Satan follows.That's right.

  5. 但邪恶总是如影随形。

    But evil is always with us.

  6. 撒旦都如影随形,没错。

    Satan follows. That's right.

  7. 如影随形的守护着你。

    Like the shadow that's by your side.

  8. 如影随形是对你的渴望

    That this longing for you follows wherever I go

  9. 则快乐如影随形, 须臾不离。

    Then happiness will follow that person as a shadow that never departs.

  10. 快乐与单纯的思想如影随形。

    Joy comes along with pure mind, like a shadow that never leaves.

  11. 无论走到哪里议论都如影随形

    people on campus keep whispering about me.

  12. 不论我在哪里,你都会如影随形。

    And everywhere I am there you'll be.

  13. 我时刻如影随形与你仔细思寻。

    I am always here to think with you.

  14. 苦与乐如影随形互相参杂交替。

    Pleasure and pain alternate inexorably.

  15. 我们抛在身后的过往 总是如影随形。

    The past we left behind will still find a way to catch up to us.

  16. 嫉恶与强烈的爱通常是如影随形的。

    Jealousy is the usual concomitant of violent love

  17. 黑色如影随形,追逐着存留不多得沉默。

    Black was the shadow of yourself, tacking a little silence left.

  18. 虚拟计算机,包括数据与应用软件,将如影随形。

    Virtual computers, including data and applications, will follow them everywhere.

  19. 肉体的痛苦真真切切,死亡的阴影也如影随形。

    The suffering is real, so is the possibility of death.

  20. 宪法解释与宪法适用是如影随形、相伴而生的。

    Constitutional interpretation is accompanied by constitutional application.

  21. 对古罗马样式的回归与基督教的衰退如影随形。

    The return to the ways of ancient Rome has closely paralleled the decline of Christianity.

  22. 面对苦难,如果选择抱怨与逃避,苦难就永远如影随形。

    If you choose only to complain and escape from the hardship, it will always follow you wherever you go.

  23. 然而叛逆却从来是翻译如影随形的特征与现象。

    However, treason has always been the necessary and unavoidable feature and phenomenon of translation.

  24. 而且这种不适感如影随形,与我们每个人亦步亦趋。

    And this kind of uncomfortableness associates and follows everyone of us closely.

  25. 而每次看录像, 绞脑汁, 挫败感都与他如影随形。

    And throughout this routine, frustration is his steadiest escort.

  26. 他们与我如影随形 他们留下的记忆让我每天都受到启迪

    They live in me somehow, their memories giving me meaning every day.

  27. 疑虑,花心,不确定和对失落的恐惧常与迷恋如影随形。

    Feeling of doubt, fickleness uncertainty, and fear of loss often accompany infatuation.

  28. 她的恶行一辈子都对她如影随形,在睡梦里也不放过她。

    Her bad deed followed her and haunted her dreams all her life.

  29. 当约翰逊在营地监督建设项目时,吉尔伯特如影随形。

    When Johnson oversaw construction projects in the camp, Gilbert tagged along.

  30. 这段友谊是如此珍贵的赐予,对你的思念如影随形,无时无刻。

    Friends like this are a precious kind. the yearning of you rest house.


  1. 问:如影随形拼音怎么拼?如影随形的读音是什么?如影随形翻译成英文是什么?

    答:如影随形的读音是rúyǐngsuíxíng,如影随形翻译成英文是 like the shadow following the person—very clo...



“如影随形”是个多义词,它可以指如影随形(同名歌曲), 如影随形(汉语成语), 如影随形(薛清元写的歌词), 如影随形(米奇·利德尔执导电影), 如影随形(陈育新执导电视剧), 如影随形(冯华2007年出版小说)。