如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
用耳朵接受声音:~力。~写。~觉。聆~。洗耳恭~。顺从,接受别人的意见:言~计从。任凭,随:~任(rèn )。~凭。~之任之。治理;判断:~讼(审理案件)。~政。量词,指马口铁密封成筒状以贮藏食物、饮料等:一~可口可乐。……
汉语拼音:tīng tǒng
洪深 《冯大少爷·电影故事》:“适少年之电又至,生持听筒大声询问谁何,少年闻男子声,惊极,听筒失手而坠。” 茅盾 《子夜》七:“厂里来的电话!不知是吉是凶?当他拿起听筒的时候,不知不觉手也有点抖了。”
Scanning the rack, I ran across a card with a chimpanzee on the front holding a phone receiver in his hand.
浏览卡片架时,我看到一张卡片,封面是一只手拿著电话听筒的黑猩猩。A girl picked up a wallet on her way home. The phone stopped ringing just as I picked up the receiver.
我一拿起听筒,电话就不响了。Dad took the fiddle to the telephone and thumped the strings. Putting the receiver to his ear, he said, "Hear anything. Will? "
爸爸把小提琴拿到话机旁,重重地拨弄了几下琴弦。然后他把听筒拿到耳边,问:“威尔,听到吗?”I've also heard of that. You see, I'm using an earphone instead of its built-in receiver so I'm suffering less from its radiation.
我也听说过。你看,近来我一直用耳机,没用手机内置的听筒,这样我受到的辐射就会小一些吧。Now you do like this. First pick up the receiver. Then you put the money in. After that, you wait for the dial tone and dial.
现在你要这样做。首先拿起听筒。然后放进钱。之后,你就等待拨号音并拨号码了。The wind picks up and SLAMS a tree branch against the window. Startled, Nancy moves the receiver away from her ear and looks at the window.
窗外,风猛烈地刮着,突然,砰一声,一根树枝打在玻璃窗上。南希吃了一惊,把听筒从耳边移开,看着窗外。"I still have to be careful, " he said, before the phone crackled loud enough that I had to pull it away from my ear.
“我仍然要小心,”他说,在电话的杂音大到我的耳朵得远离的听筒的程度之前。Finally had a phone. came the voice of a mother, I blame asked a little voice in how the mother was not at home.
电话终于通了。听筒里传来母亲气喘嘘嘘的呼声,我语气中带点责怪问母亲怎么不在家。I held the phone away from my ear as my mother went into a stream-of-consciousness curse that embarrassed me.
拼音:tīng tóng基本解释听筒是电话、对讲机、手机等通讯工具传送声音的一种配件,是扬声器的一种,但一般不叫扬声器。一般这个词都用于描述电子产品传送声音的零件。如:手机、对讲机,等等。1. [headphone;earphone;earpiece]∶耳机2. [telephone receiver]∶电话机中一种使电的脉动或变化的电流转换成声音的装置3. [stethoscope]∶听诊器详细解释1. 即耳机。 洪深 《冯大少爷·电影故事》:“适少年之电又至,生持听筒大声询问谁何,少年闻男子声,惊极,听筒失手而坠。” 茅盾 《子七》:“厂里来的电话!不知是吉是凶?当他拿起听筒的时候,不知不觉手也有点抖了。”