


上,升:~山。~车。~门。~天。~台。~场(chǎng )。~高。~攀。~临。~科。~程。~堂入室。踩,践踏,脚向下用力:~踏。踢~。记载:~记。~报。~载。谷物成熟:~岁(丰年)。五谷丰~。立刻:~时。“~即相许和,便可作婚姻。”进:~崇……





汉语拼音:dēng gāo









  1. You need to be a bit of a politician to succeed in this company.


  2. Tang Di depicts the scene. In his painting, five of the friends stand on a protruding rock platform looking across the river.


  3. Any of the small ropes fastened horizontally to the shrouds of a ship and forming a ladder for going aloft.


  4. The height people will reach is usually a mountain or a tower. Ancient literary figures have left many poems depicting the activity.


  5. If there could build a high hathpace to overlook hometown for healing their homesick that would be very nice.


  6. Here you can experience the highest long-term perspective can also be the brilliant insights of five thousand years of Chinese civilization.


  7. It always stirs up agitation inside your heart and stimulates you to climb higher but in fear of coldness and regret when failing.


  8. Playing at home, do not climb high, let alone on the balcony, the window play the stairs to avoid down the stairs of the accident.


  9. Looking out over the Andes mountains in Peru, you think you see an airplane. But is that really what it is?


  1. 登高迎新年

    Getting High on a New Year.

  2. 登高必自卑。

    He who would climb the ladder must begin at the bottom.

  3. 登高心跌重。

    From a great height, a great fall.

  4. 登高平台云梯车

    combined platform ladder aerial vehicle

  5. 曲臂登高平台车

    articulating aerial platform apparatus

  6. 我登高/ 算数不灵

    I have no head for heights/ figures

  7. 登高骋望, 感慨万千。

    Ascending a height to enjoy a distant view, I felt all sorts of emotions surging within me.

  8. 登高骋望,感慨万千。

    Ascending a height to enjoy a distant view, I felt all sorts of emotions surging within me.

  9. 登高骋望,感慨万千。

    Ascending a height to enjoy a distant view, I felt all sorts of emotions surging within me.

  10. 矮子上楼梯, 步步登高。

    A dwarf going upstairs getting higher step by step.

  11. 能登高而又不害怕

    With a head for heights

  12. 遥知兄弟登高处,

    When brothers carry dogwood up the mountain

  13. 行远必自迩, 登高必自卑

    He that wants to go far must start from near

  14. 带云梯的登高平台消防车

    tower ladder

  15. 她有算术才能/ 善于登高

    she's got a head for figures/ heights

  16. 登高式手推台车

    Ascerding Dispath Trolley

  17. 登高平台消防车调平传感器

    Modulating sensor of elevating platform truck

  18. 只有一位哑巴在登高远眺。

    Only one mute person is looking afar.

  19. 这座山得登高并不难。

    The ascent of the mountain was not difficult.

  20. 这座山的登高并不难。

    The ascent of the mountain was not difficult.

  21. 我们用登高来纪念这个节日。

    We mark the festival by going to mountain tops.

  22. 人们经常在重阳节登高远眺。

    On the Double Ninth Festival people often climb hills or mountains to look far into the distance.

  23. 去找一个梯子或登高工具。

    Take the time to get a stepladder or stepstool.

  24. 在重阳节我们有登高的习俗。

    On the day of Chongyang Festival, one traditional activity is to climb mountains.

  25. 相望始登高,心随雁飞灭。

    And now, as I climb this mountain to see you, High with the wild geese flies my heart.

  26. 不。我们用登高来纪念这个节日。

    No. We mark the festival by going to mountain tops.

  27. 在古代,重阳节人们有登高的习俗。

    In ancient time, people used to climb mountains on this day.

  28. 爬梯需从底层起。登高必自卑。

    He who would climb the ladder must begin at the bottom.

  29. 上巳踏青与重阳登高的生命意蕴

    The Life Implication of Outing on ShangSi and Mounting on Double Ninth Day

  30. 和登高相联系的有吃重阳糕的风俗。

    And the associated high Chongyang have to eat cake custom.


  1. 问:登高拼音怎么拼?登高的读音是什么?登高翻译成英文是什么?

    答:登高的读音是dēnggāo,登高翻译成英文是 ascend a height; uprise

  2. 问:登高车拼音怎么拼?登高车的读音是什么?登高车翻译成英文是什么?

    答:登高车的读音是dēng gāo chē,登高车翻译成英文是 ladder truck

  3. 问:登高工作拼音怎么拼?登高工作的读音是什么?登高工作翻译成英文是什么?

    答:登高工作的读音是dēng gāo gōng zuò,登高工作翻译成英文是 truck work

  4. 问:登高装置拼音怎么拼?登高装置的读音是什么?登高装置翻译成英文是什么?

    答:登高装置的读音是dēng gāo zhuāng zhì,登高装置翻译成英文是 aerial device

  5. 问:登高车中队拼音怎么拼?登高车中队的读音是什么?登高车中队翻译成英文是什么?

    答:登高车中队的读音是dēng gāo chē zhōng duì,登高车中队翻译成英文是 truck company

  6. 问:登高平台云梯车拼音怎么拼?登高平台云梯车的读音是什么?登高平台云梯车翻译成英文是什么?

    答:登高平台云梯车的读音是dēng gāo píng tái yún tī chē,登高平台云梯车翻译成英文是 combined platform ladder aerial vehicle

  7. 问:登高平台消防车拼音怎么拼?登高平台消防车的读音是什么?登高平台消防车翻译成英文是什么?

    答:登高平台消防车的读音是dēng gāo píng tái xiāo fáng chē,登高平台消防车翻译成英文是 elevating platform fire truck



“登高”是个多义词,它可以指登高(杜甫所作诗歌), 登高(汉语词语)。