


1. 别 [bié]2. 别 [biè]别 [bié]分离:~离。~情。~绪(离别时离别后的情感)。分~。告~。久~重逢。分门~类。差别:霄壤之~。分类:类~。性~。职~。级~。派~。另外的:~人。~号。~字。~墅。~论。~开生面。卡住,插……


1. 称 [chēng]2. 称 [chèn]3. 称 [chèng]称 [chēng]量轻重:~量(liáng )。叫,叫做:自~。~呼。~帝。~臣。~兄道弟。名号:名~。简~。~号。~谓。职~。说:声~。~快。~病。~便。赞扬:~道。~……



汉语拼音:bié chēng







  1. 正式名称以外的别名。

    冯承钧 《<西域地名>序例》:“此外不常见的名称,比方 苫国 (Scham)对音采自 德 文, 撒剌克思 (Tcherkesses)之别称采自 法 文。”如: 湘 是 湖南 的别称, 鲁 是 山东 的别称。



  1. Winter of the year last season, and therefore, "the poor winter, " said the other.


  2. suzhou, China's cities are now referred to as the Soviet Union, with Gusu, Miss all, Wu, Wu, Wu Jiang, and many other ancient city of peace.


  3. Don't pretend to be shocked: you know they're out there, and make up a large share of the G. O. P. caucus.


  4. The word "A crystal vase" can be explained as these two different concepts: mind and meat hearts.


  5. Man, I can't stand the Knicks, yo! -Knickerbocker, please! -I'll have no problems gettin' up for the big games in the Big Apple!


  6. As well as the paid help, Darwin could also rely on the college "gyp" , the Cambridge nickname for a valet or servant.


  7. If you happen to find yourself in the Big Apple with a hankering for delicious borscht, be sure to take yourself to the Carnegie Deli.


  8. My acronym is ATOM and good ol' Atom allows you to organize pretty much any space using four simple steps.


  9. Do not use "Contractor" as a nick title unless these party is legwhichley a contractor.


  1. 莎士比亚的别称。

    the Bard,ie Shakespeare

  2. 莎士比亚得别称。

    the Bard, ie Shakespeare.

  3. 湘是湖南的别称。

    Xiang is another name for Hunan.

  4. 别称我李太太,叫我李小姐。

    Please don't call me Mrs. lee, call me miss lee.

  5. 夏历月名别称考

    An investigation on another name for each month in the traditional Chinese calendar

  6. 包含新西兰鹪鹩的某科的别称

    alternative names for the family comprising the New Zealand wrens

  7. 别称我为上校,我只是个少校。

    Don't address me as Colonel. I'm only a major.

  8. 由包含新西兰鹪鹩的某科的别称。

    Alternative names for the family comprising the New Zealand wrens.

  9. 专家系统是古典人工智能的别称。

    Expert systems are another name for Classical AI.

  10. 黎明人性在炼金术中的别称。

    New Dawn, the Alchemical euphemism for Mortality.

  11. 这个别称是州立法机关选定的。

    The state legislature chose this nickname.

  12. 实际就是运营和开发的别称吧。

    Actual the another namer that is operation and development.

  13. 不列颠是大英帝国的别称。

    Britain is another name to refer to Great Britain.

  14. 不列颠是大英帝国的别称。

    Britain is another name to refer to Great Britain.

  15. 周期避孕法的别称, 用于控制生育。

    Another name for the rhythm method of birth control.

  16. 我们别称之为干预会了吧

    Let's not call this an intervention.

  17. 明代学校生员的别称与种类

    The Other Name and Kind of the Official School Student in Ming Dynasty

  18. 唐宋学士院及翰林学士别称考

    A Probe into the Scholar Academy and the Alternative Names for the Members of the Imperial Academy in the Tang and Song Dynasty

  19. 狄克西本身是美国南部的别称。

    Dixie itself is a nickname for the American South.

  20. 在某些分类中, 是绿藻纲的别称。

    alternative name for the class Chlorophyceae in some classifications.

  21. 在云实科的分类系统中的别称

    alternative name in some classification systems for the family Caesalpiniaceae

  22. 别称呼我的姓,叫我汤姆就行了。

    Call me Tom, don't surname me.

  23. 在某些分类中, 这是绿藻纲的别称。

    It is alternative name for the class Chlorophyceae in some classifications.

  24. 孙悟空别称之宗教性内涵初探

    The Religionary Meaning of but Appellation of the Monkey Spirit

  25. 黄花菜还有萱草、女儿花、忘忧草等别称。

    Day lily Hemerocallis there, daughter of flowers, as wang you cao another name.

  26. 你知道在中文里钱都有些什么别称吗?

    Do you know any slang of money in Chinese?

  27. 书城是新加坡哪一个商业中心的别称?

    Which commercial complex is also known as the book city?

  28. 古汉语中月亮别称词及其文化特征研究

    Another Name for the Moon in Ancient Chinese Word and Its Cultural Characteristics of

  29. 这些是我们大部分人叫做瓢虫的东西的别称。

    They are other names for what most of us call the ladybug.

  30. 第一种意思是指套衫, 即橄榄球比赛服装得别称。

    Jumper a common name for a rugby jersey.


  1. 问:别称拼音怎么拼?别称的读音是什么?别称翻译成英文是什么?

    答:别称的读音是biéchēng,别称翻译成英文是 alternative name


