


倾斜的地方:山~。下~。倾斜:~道。~降(jiàng )(a.坡;b.坡度)。……





汉语拼音:pō dào






坡道 [pō dào]
  1. 倾斜的道路。


坡道 [pō dào]
  1. 倾斜的道路。




  1. Girls brave enough to stand at the top of a tower (ramp), mount a galloping horse, and plummet fifty feet into a pool of water.


  2. Perry on a mountain. A few years earlier, the sales executive was skiing on an expert-level hill at a Quebec resort when he spotted Mr.


  3. He recommends intervals, hill repetitions, and tempo runs at least once a week to build your mental muscle.


  4. Although hills come in all different lengths and degrees of incline, the basic concept of a hill repeat is usually the same.


  5. Proceed cautiously once the earthquake has stopped. Avoid roads, bridges, or ramps that might have been damaged by the earthquake.


  6. a civil engineer must design a wheelchair accessible ramp next to a set of steps leading up to a building.


  7. The field vehicular experiment results show that this method has advantages of simpleness, practicality and high efficiency.


  8. As the ship moves through a spill, the oil-impregnated wool will be gathered mechanically up ramps and taken into the ship.


  9. Avoid roads, bridges, or ramps that might have been damaged by the earthquake.


  1. 上/ 下坡道

    on/ off ramp

  2. 陡峭的坡道

    a steep descent

  3. 卸载斜坡道

    off loading ramp.

  4. 长大下坡道

    long heavy down grade

  5. 惰力运行坡道

    coasting grade

  6. 我眷念坡道崎岖的山地

    Which loves the mountain's craggy side

  7. 那我把这个坡道拆了?

    So am I taking down the ramp?

  8. 应该给轮椅使用者提供坡道。

    Ramps should be provided for wheelchair users.

  9. 肯定能让你重回坡道了

    Gotta get you back on the slopes carving again.

  10. 在滑雪坡道上作愚蠢地冒险

    Took foolish liberties on the ski slopes.

  11. 我们身旁的坡道上演着惨剧。

    There was carnage on the slopes around us.

  12. 你在比赛前清扫一下滑雪坡道。

    You should groom ski slope before a competition.

  13. 而且那个地方一定要有轮椅坡道。

    And it's got to have a wheelchair ramp.

  14. 我觉得我能到高级坡道一试身手

    and I decided that I could take the advanced slope?

  15. 斜坡道溜车事故诸因素分析

    An Analysis of Sliding Accident Factors

  16. 先穿上雪屐再滑下陡坡道。

    Put on your ski before you slide down the chute.

  17. 安装了一条人造坡道方便轮椅进出。

    A ramp has been installed to allow better access for wheelchairs.

  18. 这里很少有人行道,也没有坡道和栏杆。

    There are few sidewalks, and no ramps, no rails.

  19. 该店为残障顾客设立了专用坡道。

    The shop installed a ramp for disabled customers.

  20. 旋转的坡道连接水池和眼睛形状的大楼。

    Curving ramps connect across pool to sculptural eye and box.

  21. 要宠潮湿恶棍流浪汉营地下坡道灯。

    Don't pamperdamp scamp tramps that camp under ramp lamps.

  22. 这就是我们的剧院这里是一个坡道

    So, in fact, there is the building, there is what we call the draw.

  23. 修造船只的坡道, 此坡道斜着伸入水中

    sloping way down to the water where ships are built or repaired

  24. 玩具坡道或者任何可以攀爬的。干的松果。

    Toys with ramps and lookouts for climbing and viewing the world

  25. 首先,他们开始使用半管和垂直坡道滑板。

    First, they started with halfpipe and vert ramp skateboarding.

  26. 我们需要聘用或购买一个驳船的装载坡道。

    We need to hire or buy a barge loading ramp.

  27. 斜坡道溜车事故原因分析及防范措施

    The Reason for Truck Slipping Failure on Slope and Its Preventing

  28. 从容易的坡道开始练习平行转弯,并找到转弯的节奏。

    Start on an easy slope and find the rhythm in your parallel turns.

  29. 奥运会颁奖台是台阶式,残奥会改成了坡道式。

    The Olympic Games proclaimed platform are the type, Paralympic Game altered to the slope way type.

  30. 搭载居民通过坡道 以缩短到公寓的 爬坡的距离。

    to shuttle the inhabitants up through the ramps in order to shorten the hike up to the apartments.


  1. 问:坡道拼音怎么拼?坡道的读音是什么?坡道翻译成英文是什么?

    答:坡道的读音是pōdào,坡道翻译成英文是 A ramp.

  2. 问:坡道标示拼音怎么拼?坡道标示的读音是什么?坡道标示翻译成英文是什么?

    答:坡道标示的读音是pō dào biāo shì,坡道标示翻译成英文是 exit ramp mark

  3. 问:坡道式汽车库拼音怎么拼?坡道式汽车库的读音是什么?坡道式汽车库翻译成英文是什么?

    答:坡道式汽车库的读音是pō dào shì qì chē kù,坡道式汽车库翻译成英文是 ramp garage

  4. 问:坡道驻车性能拼音怎么拼?坡道驻车性能的读音是什么?坡道驻车性能翻译成英文是什么?

    答:坡道驻车性能的读音是pō dào zhù chē xìng néng,坡道驻车性能翻译成英文是 grade parking performance



“坡道”是个多义词,它可以指坡道(Saran Barnun指导电影), 坡道(汉语词语)。