




草木的根:~草(泛指中药)。无~之木。事物的根源,与“末”相对:~末(头尾;始终)。根~(根源;彻底;本质上)。草的茎,树的干:草~植物。中心的,主要的:~部。~体。原来:~来。~领。自己这方面的:~国。~身。~位。~分(fèn )。……






  1. When Newland Archer opened the door at the back of the club box the curtain had just gone up on the garden scene.


  2. From being a shoo-in at the next election, the man who was supposed to have tamed the terrorists is now looking more like a has-been.


  3. A growing number of scientists, some gathered at a one-day symposium this week at the British Geological Society in London, say "yes" .


  4. The victim would have had a chance to survive if he had been taken to hospital in time.


  5. And he has made of one blood all the nations of men living on all the face of the earth, ordering their times and the limits of their lands.


  6. I had thought that I could wish her a happy life, but my wish turned out to be so reluctant.


  7. However, it is usually due to the lag of the human-oriented management thinking that causes a variety of problems in an enterprise.


  8. nor shall it be construed as a waiver, extension, or forbearance of any other terms, conditions, or covenants of the Parties hereunder.


  9. The results show that the person referred to in the implementation of the concept of corporate culture is the root of the key.


  1. 人本经济学

    Anthropocentric Economics.

  2. 人本学唯物主义

    humanistic materialism

  3. 人本管理雏议

    Discussion on Humanistic Management

  4. 人本文义学习理论

    humanism learning theory

  5. 人本尘身终归尘土

    Dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return

  6. 悠悠管理人本为大

    Regarding the Man as the Basis of the Enterprise Is the Core of Human Resource Management

  7. 古希腊神话与人本思想

    The Mythology of Ancient Greek and the Thought of Humanism

  8. 古希腊文学中的人本意识

    Awareness of Humanism of Ancient Greek Myth

  9. 论人本管理是管理的必然选择

    On the Inevitable Choice of Humanitarian Management

  10. 现代精神分析学与人本管理

    Modern Psychoanalytic Theory and Humanism Management

  11. 自我管理是人本管理的必然归属

    Self Management is a Necessary Result of Humanist Management

  12. 你不烦恼吗,这个人本有可能

    It doesn't bother you that this guy probably hacked.

  13. 美国公司治理的人本理念探析。

    The Exploration of the Thoughts of Americans in Running.

  14. 强化人本管理是集约经营的根本

    Strengthened Instinctive Management of Employees Is the Foundation of Intensive Management

  15. 运用人本原理改进学校管理的思考

    Improve school administration by applying humanist principles

  16. 高职院校应当推行战略管理与人本管理

    On Practising Strategic and Human Management in Higher Vocational Colleges

  17. 浅谈人本管理在安全生产管理中的作用

    A Brief Talk on Function of Humanist Management in Safety Production Management

  18. 浅论人本管理在现代企业的运用

    Discussion on the Application of Humanist Management in the Modern Enterprise

  19. 论人本管理思想在思想政治教育中的运用

    On the practice of managerial humanism exercised in IPE

  20. 这位讲演人本星期每晚都有预约。

    The lecturer is booked for every night of the week.

  21. 加强人本管理是提高组织效应的关键

    Strengthening Human Managementa Keg for Enhancing the Effect of Organization

  22. 这些人本应处于工资收入的黄金时期。

    These are people who should be in the prime of their wage-earning years.

  23. 儒家政治伦理的人本倾向与普世关怀

    The Humanism inclination of Confucian Political Ethics and Concerns about Universalism

  24. 李执中等。人本心理治疗进阶。台北大洋。

    Rowan, J. . The reality game a guide to humanistic counseling and therapy.

  25. 本厂大力推行以为人本, 科技兴厂的方针政策。

    Our vigorously promote the thought that this person, plant science and technology policies.

  26. 本厂大力推行以为人本,科技兴厂得方针政策。

    Our vigorously promote the thought that this person, plant science and technology policies.

  27. 人本主义健康人格是人本心理学的集中反映。

    The humanism healthy personality is the person conscienceNeoConfucianism concentrated reflection.

  28. 煤炭企业安全管理中树立人本观念的思考

    A thought about fostering the ides of taking human as foundation in safety management of coal enterprises.

  29. 赞比西河桥, 我们这些人本想来此造桥。

    The Zambezi bridge, A whole boat load of us Canucks came to work on it.

  30. 人本主义内涵与装备采购中的人本管理对策研究

    Research on conception of humanism and countermeasure of human being administration in armament purchase


  1. 问:人本主义原则拼音怎么拼?人本主义原则的读音是什么?人本主义原则翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人本主义原则的读音是rén běn zhǔ yì yuán zé,人本主义原则翻译成英文是 humanistic principle

  2. 问:人本主义治疗拼音怎么拼?人本主义治疗的读音是什么?人本主义治疗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人本主义治疗的读音是rén běn zhǔ yì zhì liáo,人本主义治疗翻译成英文是 humanistic therapy

  3. 问:人本主义心理学拼音怎么拼?人本主义心理学的读音是什么?人本主义心理学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人本主义心理学的读音是rén běn zhǔ yì xīn lǐ xué,人本主义心理学翻译成英文是 humanistic psychology

  4. 问:人本主义性观念拼音怎么拼?人本主义性观念的读音是什么?人本主义性观念翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人本主义性观念的读音是rén běn zhǔ yì xìng guān niàn,人本主义性观念翻译成英文是 humanistic view of sexuality

  5. 问:人本主义学习理论拼音怎么拼?人本主义学习理论的读音是什么?人本主义学习理论翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人本主义学习理论的读音是rén běn zhǔ yì xué xí lǐ lùn,人本主义学习理论翻译成英文是 humanistic theory of learning

  6. 问:人本主义心理治疗拼音怎么拼?人本主义心理治疗的读音是什么?人本主义心理治疗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人本主义心理治疗的读音是rén běn zhǔ yì xīn lǐ zhì liáo,人本主义心理治疗翻译成英文是 humanistic psychotherapy

  7. 问:人本主义犯罪心理观拼音怎么拼?人本主义犯罪心理观的读音是什么?人本主义犯罪心理观翻译成英文是什么?

    答:人本主义犯罪心理观的读音是rén běn zhǔ yì fàn zuì xīn lǐ guān,人本主义犯罪心理观翻译成英文是 humanistic psychologist's view on criminality...


