


含某种成分多,与“淡”相对:~茶。~雾。~墨。~眉。~重(zhòng )。~郁。深厚,不淡薄:情深意~。……


含某种成分多,与“淡”相对:~茶。~雾。~墨。~眉。~重(zhòng )。~郁。深厚,不淡薄:情深意~。……



汉语拼音:nóng nóng










  1. 露多貌。

    《诗·小雅·蓼萧》:“蓼彼萧斯,零露浓浓。” 毛 传:“浓浓,厚貌。”

  2. 很深;很厚。

    唐 杜甫 《朝献太清宫赋》:“素髮漠漠,至精浓浓。”《水浒传》第二一回:“那老子浓浓的奉一盏二陈汤,递与 宋江 吃。”

  3. 形容程度深。

    明 谢谠 《四喜记·风月青楼》:“蒹葭倚玉喜浓浓,从此青楼价不同。”



  1. A young beautiful lady came out with a cup of hot milk , which moved the boy deeply and the boy thanked sincerely .


  2. He strained his eyes in the direction of the sound, but it was like trying to see through a blanket.


  3. The moment treasuring and staying with you is in boundless dense lovesickness , it is in boundless very heavy dreamland!


  4. She arrived like a Beatrix Potter character laden with wicker baskets. I never seen so much love in a vegetable broth.


  5. I allow her to apply a thick layer of make-up to her face because she is meeting her mother and feels the need for protection.


  6. In a few moments, out came his host, a most impressive man with thick eyebrows, long eyes, and five long strands of whiskers.


  7. Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department said the Tokyo Odaiba Tokyo telecentres emitting thick black smoke near the building.


  8. If I were a maple leave, in these days of deep autumn, I did not notice the arrival of the girl of autumn.


  9. He was a man of about forty, short, stumpy, with bushy eyebrows and pouches under the eyes, and no beard, but a very healthy complexion.


  1. 是啊 是啊 爱意浓浓

    right.right,uh,lots of le.

  2. 浓浓得奶酪害我口水直流。

    That thick layer of cheese is making my mouth water.

  3. 她浓浓地抹了一层脂粉。

    She laid the paint on thickly.

  4. 以表达她的温柔体贴的浓浓深情。

    To bear the message of her gentle spright.

  5. 浓浓得黄雾,渐渐把重庆隐去。

    Chongqing disappears gradually in the thick yellowish mist.

  6. 三月的北京城, 已是春意浓浓。

    How to spend the day this year?

  7. 浓浓情谊,深深祝福,绵绵怀念,切切问候。

    Sincere love blessings missings and regards.

  8. 病房里有一股浓浓得消毒水味道。

    The smell of the disinfectant is very strong in the patient's room.

  9. 行, 不要糖, 不要奶油, 清咖啡而且浓浓得。

    OK, no sugar, no cream, straight coffee and very black.

  10. 英语板报的评比营造了学习英语的浓浓氛围。

    The competition of English newsletter constructs strong atmosphere of learning English.

  11. 覆盖在浓浓春色里的汕头大学,美不胜收。

    The shantou university, which covered in the thick spring scenery, is a very beautiful place.

  12. 花香阵阵,鸟鸣声声。琅琅书声,浓浓情深。

    Floral smell, sound birdsong. Sound of loud reading book sound, strong love.

  13. 透过浓浓绿叶, 映照在曲折得青苔小径上。

    Through verdurous glooms and winding mossy ways.

  14. 透过浓浓绿叶,映照在曲折的青苔小径上。

    Through verdurous glooms and winding mossy ways.

  15. 有淡淡得奶香, 浓浓得巧克力香味, 真是好享受。

    They are so creamy with full body coco flavor.

  16. 嗅到浓浓旅游商机的不仅仅是众多的旅游企业。

    Those who have sensed business opportunities are not only the tour companies.

  17. 当内地寒风凛冽时,西藏还处于暖意浓浓中。

    When outback cold wind is brisk, tibet still is in warm meaning thick in.

  18. 浓浓得得夏末余味盛满得是浅浅得初秋之思。

    Deep and filled with the flavor of late summer autumn of shallow thinking.

  19. 置身其中, 您定能感受到浓浓得姑苏情调。

    Place yourself into that, you are ability to feel the strong sentiment in Suzhou.

  20. 火车向山上爬着, 浓浓得烟雾从火车头升起。

    Smoke rises from the engine as train climbs a hill.

  21. 菜色深红, 散发着浓浓得香味, 吃起来甜咸适中。

    The dish is salty and sweet with the carmine color and great aroma.

  22. 目击者说,事发后空军基地冒起了浓浓黑烟。

    Eric Hilliard at Hickham Air Force Base in Hawaii.

  23. 而完美得产品无疑会给完美得人生添上浓浓得一笔。

    But the perfect product will give the perfect life to add thick one without doubt.

  24. 金秋十月,那浓浓得桔子香象征着我们得学习氛围。

    The golden autumn, the thick orange incense as a symbol of our learning atmosphere.

  25. 你可远离我的身影, 却永远离不开我对你的浓浓眷恋!

    You may be away from my form, actually forever cannot leave me to your thick attachment!

  26. 闻起来好像浓浓得油味中夹杂着强烈得酒精味和洋葱味。

    It smelled like a rancid mixture of strong onions and stronger alcohol.

  27. 用这个可爱得透明切割水晶小熊表达你浓浓得爱意。

    Capture and express affection with this adorable and sweet faceted clear crystal Kris Bear.

  28. 男人全身沾满浓浓得粉尘,他像一尊活动得疲劳得泥塑。

    Men's body covered with thick dust, he Xiang Yizun activities of the clay sculpture of fatigue.

  29. 他一直表现出对我的浓浓爱意;这是我极为珍惜的东西。

    He always showed so much affection towards me; something I cherish greatly.

  30. 救火队员们在浓浓烟火中彻夜搜寻未来得及撤离的居民。

    Firefighters searched smoldering homes overnight for residents who might have failed to escape.


  1. 问:浓浓地拼音怎么拼?浓浓地的读音是什么?浓浓地翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浓浓地的读音是,浓浓地翻译成英文是 deeply



nónɡ nónɡ 1.露多貌。《诗·小雅·蓼萧》:“蓼彼萧斯,零露浓浓。” 毛 传:“浓浓,厚貌。” 2.很深;很厚。

唐 杜甫 《朝献太清宫赋》:“素发漠漠,至精浓浓。”《水浒传》第二一回:“那老子浓浓的奉一盏二陈汤,递与 宋江 吃。” 3.形容程度深。

明 谢谠 《四喜记·风月青楼》:“蒹葭倚玉喜浓浓,从此青楼价不同。”