


含某种成分多,与“淡”相对:~茶。~雾。~墨。~眉。~重(zhòng )。~郁。深厚,不淡薄:情深意~。……


1. 重 [zhòng]2. 重 [chóng]重 [zhòng]分(fèn)量较大,与“轻”相对:~负。~荷。~量(liàng )。~力。举~。负~。程度深:~色。~病。~望。~创。价格高:~价收买。数量多:~金聘请。眉毛~。~兵。主要,……



汉语拼音:nóng zhòng








  1. 指烟雾、气味、露水等很浓很重。

    杨朔 《木棉花》:“浓重的夜露把草叶都濡湿了。”

  2. 强烈,鲜明。

    鲁迅 《集外集·<奔流>编校后记二》:“N.Evereinov的画像又是一体,立方派的手法非常浓重的。”

  3. 深厚。

    郭沫若 《黑猫》二:“那时的少年人大都是一些国家主义者,他们有极浓重的民族感情。”



  1. Two internal glands at the bottom of their tails produce a thick and oily liquid made of particularly smelly chemical compounds.


  2. The Tasmanian devil lives on the island of Tasmania in Australia and is a fierce marsupial with black fur and a strong smell.


  3. Faulkner's works to show us a strong showing both the United States and South colors only belong to his own Yoknapatawpha County.


  4. It was more than just an imagined sense of evil; it was the smell.


  5. None of this was visible the evening I got there. We stepped on to Guling's main street in mist so thick you could barely see your hands.


  6. "A wine is not going to make a meal so much better, " she says, "Asian flavours and the intensity of those flavours are already so high. "


  7. Here and further, Stalin speaks in a thick accent. As far as our limited skills go, this accent seems to be untranslatable into English.


  8. Sonny Corleone's heavy Cupid face, redly obscene with winey lust, frightened her, but she had teased him for the past week to just this end.


  9. Such a rich architectural heritage contributes heavily to the storybook appearance of the city.


  1. 雾越发浓重了。

    The fog became thicker still.

  2. 商办民用企业思想浓重。

    Mercantilism thought in the civil enterprise was strong.

  3. 带有浓重的/ 德国口音

    to have a strong/ German accent

  4. 死尸有股浓重的臭味。

    There was a strong stench of dead bodies.

  5. 死尸有股浓重得臭味。

    There was a strong stench of dead bodies.

  6. 新词语具有浓重的词彩。

    Some new words and phrases possess thick colors of language.

  7. 空气是那样温润, 浓重, 沉闷呆滞。

    The air was warm, thick, heavy, sluggish.

  8. 她说话带有浓重的澳大利亚口音。

    She spoke with a strong Australian accent.

  9. 空气里有浓重的稻花香气。

    The air was heavy with the aroma of the paddy fields.

  10. 他说话带着浓重的农村口音。

    He spoke with a heavy rural accent.

  11. 他说话带着浓重的英国口音。

    He spoke with a pronounced English accent.

  12. 低音的浓重能震动你的脚踝。

    The low notes have a rich roundness that make your ankles wobble.

  13. 低音的浓重能震动你的脚踝。

    The low notes have a rich roundness that make your ankles wobble.

  14. 只要有浓重烟雾, 我就不外出。

    I will not go out as long as there is heavy smog.

  15. 他说英语带有浓重的异国口音。

    He spoke heavily accented English.

  16. 浓重的大雾使得交通完全中断。

    The dense fog paralyzed the traffic.

  17. 其二是体现出浓重的禅情。

    Second embodythe deep zen feeling.

  18. 涂的比较多, 比较厚, 所以看来浓重。

    Tu's more, relatively thick, so it appears that thick.

  19. 她衣服上粘着浓重的厨房气味。

    The odours clung to her kitchen clothes.

  20. 第一间客房有浓重的烟臭味。

    The first room that I had a terrible stale stench of smoke.

  21. 屋子里浓重的水蒸气使得家具受潮。

    The thick steam in the room made the furniture moist.

  22. 孔子故里曲阜有着浓重的文化色彩。

    Qufu is the hometown of Confucius.

  23. 他说英语带有浓重的德国口音。

    The accent in the word important is on the second syllable.

  24. 浓重的血腥味。在空气中飘忽不定

    The strong smell of blood. Flutters in the air suddenly not

  25. 浓重得血腥味。在空气中飘忽不定

    The strong smell of blood. Flutters in the air suddenly not

  26. 她叹息的时候,呼出浓重的香粉的香气。

    When she sighed she exhaled a heavy perfume of sachet powder.

  27. 蓝色底色将红色涂料衬托得愈加浓重。

    The blue base gives the red paint more depth.

  28. 卡特里娜讲话带有浓重的俄国口音。

    Katrina speaks with a broad Russian accent.

  29. 卡特里娜讲话带有浓重的俄国口音。

    Katrina speaks with a broad Russian accent.

  30. 这个人的英语夹杂着浓重的德国口音。

    He spoke English with a strong German accent.


  1. 问:浓重拼音怎么拼?浓重的读音是什么?浓重翻译成英文是什么?

    答:浓重的读音是nóngzhòng,浓重翻译成英文是 strong




【读音】nóng zhòng

【词义】1.指烟雾、气味、露水以及雾气等很浓很重。 杨朔 《木棉花》:“浓重的夜露把草叶都濡湿了。” 2.强烈,鲜明。 鲁迅 《集外集·编校后记二》:“N.Evereinov的画像又是一体,立方派的手法非常浓重的。” 3.深厚。 郭沫若 《黑猫》二:“那时的少年人大都是一些国家主义者,他们有极浓重的民族感情。”