




1. 薄 [báo]2. 薄 [bó]3. 薄 [bò]薄 [báo]厚度小的:~片。~饼。冷淡,不热情:~待。味道淡:~酒。土地不肥沃:~田。薄 [bó]义同(一),用于合成词或成语,如“厚薄”,“浅薄”,“尖嘴薄舌”等。轻微,少:~礼。……



汉语拼音:xī bó








  1. 稀少,淡薄;密度小,不浓厚。

    瞿秋白 《<鲁迅杂感选集>序言》:“他们的都市化和摩登化更深刻了,他们和农村的联系更稀薄了。” 郭沫若 《革命春秋》小引:“我现在只能够根据着我所参加过的一部分写出,而且是根据着我的日渐稀薄下去的记忆。”如:山洞里空气稀薄,进去的人多了容易出危险。



  1. my only problem is the overpowering and strong smell, it would be better if it were a bit more subtle.


  2. Much time was wasted in trying to make piston-engined planes operate at higher altitudes where the air seemed thin and easier to push aside.


  3. It has to be maintained at an altitude where the thin air makes it a struggle for humans to breathe.


  4. It may not be easy for you to start making people vanish into thin air, but you surely can try your hands at some sort of magic tricks.


  5. The air grew thin within a day. Many people could do nothing but sleep. I watched as my Princess was slowly dying. I had to try something.


  6. I feel as if the air in his apartment has gotten thinner, or as if someone has siphoned most of the oxygen out of my lungs.


  7. It was badly cold, it had a very thin atmosphere and that atmosphere was mostly carbon dioxide.


  8. To read Graeme Turner is to understand that celebrity culture has not arisen out of thin air.


  9. When the last moment, from its body mirrored by the beam, thin and weak quarter final follow to complete and silence of the dark.


  1. 稀薄细麻布

    sheer lawns.

  2. 精液清冷稀薄

    thinness of seminal fluid

  3. 高处空气稀薄。

    The air is rare at high altitudes.

  4. 山上空气稀薄。

    Up in the mountains the air is thin.

  5. 高空的稀薄空气

    the tenuous air at a great height

  6. 高山上空气稀薄。

    The air on a high mountain is rare.

  7. 稀薄似水的浓度

    a watery consistency

  8. 寒冷刺骨 空气稀薄

    It's freezing cold, and that thin air really gets you.

  9. 变稀薄,变得不浓

    To become thin or less compact or dense.

  10. 空气和爱那么稀薄。

    The air and love so thin.

  11. 山顶上稀薄的空气

    the rarefied air of the mountain tops

  12. 山越高空气越稀薄。

    The higher the mountain be, the thinner the air be.

  13. 高度越高,空气越稀薄。

    The higher the altitude is, the thinner air becomes.

  14. 汽油机稀薄燃烧技术

    Lean Combustion Technology Used for Gasoline Engine

  15. 机关枪声渐渐稀薄了。

    The chatter of the machinegun gradually petered out.

  16. 大气层的上部空气稀薄。

    the tenuity of the upper atmosphere.

  17. 浆液稀薄, 含少量细胞。

    Serous a transudate with mainly edema fluid and few cells.

  18. 在稀薄的空气里出现。

    Appear out of thin air.

  19. 高山顶上的空气稀薄。

    The air is thin on the top of a high mountain.

  20. 也许非洲森林变得稀薄。

    Maybe the African forests thinned out.

  21. 他分线处的头发稀薄。

    He is thin at the part.

  22. 从稀薄的空气中赚得!

    Wring it out of the thin air!

  23. 尽管最近,湄公河流量稀薄。

    Recently, though, it has been running thinly.

  24. 从稀薄的空气中赚得!

    Wring it out of the thin air!

  25. 安第斯山脉的稀薄空气。

    The rarefied air of the andes.

  26. 这意味着空气稀薄,风力微弱。

    This means thin air and weak winds.

  27. 这液体好像变得稀薄了。

    This liquid appears to have thinned down.

  28. 山顶上的空气变得稀薄。

    The air rarefies at the top of the mountain.

  29. 越往山上爬, 空气越稀薄。

    The higher you climb up the mountain, the rarer the air be.

  30. 离地面越高, 空气就越稀薄。

    The higher the ground is, the thinner air becomes.


  1. 问:稀薄拼音怎么拼?稀薄的读音是什么?稀薄翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稀薄的读音是xībó,稀薄翻译成英文是 thin

  2. 问:稀薄的拼音怎么拼?稀薄的的读音是什么?稀薄的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稀薄的的读音是,稀薄的翻译成英文是 subtle

  3. 问:稀薄气流拼音怎么拼?稀薄气流的读音是什么?稀薄气流翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稀薄气流的读音是xī báo qì liú,稀薄气流翻译成英文是 rarefied gas flows

  4. 问:稀薄流体拼音怎么拼?稀薄流体的读音是什么?稀薄流体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稀薄流体的读音是xī báo liú tǐ,稀薄流体翻译成英文是 thin fluid

  5. 问:稀薄燃料拼音怎么拼?稀薄燃料的读音是什么?稀薄燃料翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稀薄燃料的读音是xī bórán liào,稀薄燃料翻译成英文是 Unthickened Fuel

  6. 问:稀薄燃烧拼音怎么拼?稀薄燃烧的读音是什么?稀薄燃烧翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稀薄燃烧的读音是,稀薄燃烧翻译成英文是 Lean burn

  7. 问:稀薄琼脂拼音怎么拼?稀薄琼脂的读音是什么?稀薄琼脂翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稀薄琼脂的读音是xī bó qióng zhī,稀薄琼脂翻译成英文是 sloppy agar

  8. 问:稀薄空气拼音怎么拼?稀薄空气的读音是什么?稀薄空气翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稀薄空气的读音是xī báo kōng qì,稀薄空气翻译成英文是 Rarefied Air

  9. 问:稀薄蛋白拼音怎么拼?稀薄蛋白的读音是什么?稀薄蛋白翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稀薄蛋白的读音是xībódànbái,稀薄蛋白翻译成英文是 watery white

  10. 问:稀薄空气飞行拼音怎么拼?稀薄空气飞行的读音是什么?稀薄空气飞行翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稀薄空气飞行的读音是xī báo kōng qì fēi xíng,稀薄空气飞行翻译成英文是 Superaerodynamic Flight

  11. 问:稀薄气体动力学拼音怎么拼?稀薄气体动力学的读音是什么?稀薄气体动力学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稀薄气体动力学的读音是xī bó qì tǐ dòng lì xué,稀薄气体动力学翻译成英文是 superaerodynamics

  12. 问:稀薄混合气极限控制器拼音怎么拼?稀薄混合气极限控制器的读音是什么?稀薄混合气极限控制器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稀薄混合气极限控制器的读音是xī bó hùn hé qì jí xiàn kòng zhì qì,稀薄混合气极限控制器翻译成英文是 lean limit control




拼音:xī bó英译:[thin]基本解释不密集,稀疏。