







汉语拼音:hóu mì








  1. 多而密。

    宋 沉括 《梦溪笔谈·药议》:“今莽草 蜀 道、 襄 、 汉 、 浙 江湖间山中有,枝叶稠密,团欒可爱。” 明 沉璟 《义侠记·奇功》:“山林稠密,伏精兵料想 高唐 去。” 周立波 《暴风骤雨》第一部十九:“忘了这儿是枪弹稠密的阵地。”



  1. And he waited until the final approach, trying to make sure the plane crashed in a heavily populated area.


  2. The idea would be to consolidate around two populous regions, central Helmand and Kandahar, and the main road between them.


  3. For evil was burning like a fire; the blackberries and thorns were burned up; the thick woods took fire, rolling up in dark clouds of smoke.


  4. So a run of earthquakes that by chance hit populated places makes it look as though the rate has increased, even if it hasn't.


  5. Out of the darkness and density of the old Earth has become something of great magnificence.


  6. He had to carry water and dig up the red earth and mix it into a stiff clay.


  7. Most of the heavy damage appeared to be concentrated in nearby towns, which by Chinese standards are not heavily populated.


  8. My wife and I raced out of Philadelphia as if fleeting a pestilence, only to run into dense shore-bound traffic.


  9. The dense dispersing medium, the water, permits a species to produce a large seed and yet retain dispersability.


  1. 稠密时间表

    Dense Schedule.

  2. 稠密大气层

    dense atmosphere.

  3. 稠密染色体

    condensed chromosome.

  4. 有序稠密的

    order dense.

  5. 非稠密索引

    nondense index

  6. 严格稠密的

    strictly dense.

  7. 居住稠密的

    densely settled.

  8. 稠密的人口

    dense population.

  9. 终归稠密的

    ultimately dense.

  10. 稠密分布的

    densely distributed.

  11. 交通网稠密

    dense communication network.

  12. 稠密连续图形

    dense continuous map

  13. 稠密等离子体

    dense plasma

  14. 稠密全序集合

    dense totally ordered set

  15. 稠密多晶陶瓷

    dense polycrystalline ceramics

  16. 稠密子代数

    dense subalgebra.

  17. 稠密度系数

    dense coefficient.

  18. 社团稠密度

    community density.

  19. 稠密子范畴

    dense subcategory.

  20. 相对稠密集

    relatively dense set.

  21. 稠密混交植丛

    dense mixed thicket

  22. 这个地区人口稠密。

    The area is well populated.

  23. 极小稠密性

    minimum density.

  24. 无处稠密集

    nowhere dense set.

  25. 稠密视差图

    dense disparity map.

  26. 栽植稠密的橘树丛

    a densely planted orange grove

  27. 该岛人烟稠密。

    The island is thickly inhabited.

  28. 一个稠密的树篱

    a blind hedge

  29. 我国东部人口稠密。

    The eastern part of our country has a dense.

  30. 无处稠密子集

    nowhere dense subset.


  1. 问:稠密拼音怎么拼?稠密的读音是什么?稠密翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稠密的读音是chóumì,稠密翻译成英文是 dense

  2. 问:稠密性拼音怎么拼?稠密性的读音是什么?稠密性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稠密性的读音是chóu mì xìng,稠密性翻译成英文是 density

  3. 问:稠密点拼音怎么拼?稠密点的读音是什么?稠密点翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稠密点的读音是chóu mì diǎn,稠密点翻译成英文是 density point

  4. 问:稠密集拼音怎么拼?稠密集的读音是什么?稠密集翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稠密集的读音是,稠密集翻译成英文是 Dense set

  5. 问:稠密子图拼音怎么拼?稠密子图的读音是什么?稠密子图翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稠密子图的读音是chóu mì zǐ tú,稠密子图翻译成英文是 dense subgraph

  6. 问:稠密开集拼音怎么拼?稠密开集的读音是什么?稠密开集翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稠密开集的读音是chóu mì kāi jí,稠密开集翻译成英文是 dense open set

  7. 问:稠密液体拼音怎么拼?稠密液体的读音是什么?稠密液体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稠密液体的读音是chóu mì yè tǐ,稠密液体翻译成英文是 dense fluid

  8. 问:稠密矩阵拼音怎么拼?稠密矩阵的读音是什么?稠密矩阵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稠密矩阵的读音是chóu mì jǔ zhèn,稠密矩阵翻译成英文是 dense matrix

  9. 问:稠密索引拼音怎么拼?稠密索引的读音是什么?稠密索引翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稠密索引的读音是chóu mì suǒ yǐn,稠密索引翻译成英文是 dense index

  10. 问:稠密全序集拼音怎么拼?稠密全序集的读音是什么?稠密全序集翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稠密全序集的读音是chóu mì quán xù jí,稠密全序集翻译成英文是 dense totally ordered set

  11. 问:稠密刚毛藻拼音怎么拼?稠密刚毛藻的读音是什么?稠密刚毛藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稠密刚毛藻的读音是chóumìgāngmáozǎo,稠密刚毛藻翻译成英文是 Cladophora densa

  12. 问:稠密子代数拼音怎么拼?稠密子代数的读音是什么?稠密子代数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稠密子代数的读音是chóu mì zǐ dài shù,稠密子代数翻译成英文是 dense subalgebra

  13. 问:稠密性定理拼音怎么拼?稠密性定理的读音是什么?稠密性定理翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稠密性定理的读音是chóu mì xìng dìng lǐ,稠密性定理翻译成英文是 density theorem

  14. 问:稠密混交植丛拼音怎么拼?稠密混交植丛的读音是什么?稠密混交植丛翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稠密混交植丛的读音是chóu mì hùn jiāo zhí cóng,稠密混交植丛翻译成英文是 dense mixed thicket

  15. 问:稠密等离子体拼音怎么拼?稠密等离子体的读音是什么?稠密等离子体翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稠密等离子体的读音是chóu mì děng lí zǐ tǐ,稠密等离子体翻译成英文是 dense plasma

  16. 问:稠密线性变换环拼音怎么拼?稠密线性变换环的读音是什么?稠密线性变换环翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稠密线性变换环的读音是chóu mì xiàn xìng biàn huàn huán,稠密线性变换环翻译成英文是 dense ring of linear transformations

  17. 问:稠密液体物理力学拼音怎么拼?稠密液体物理力学的读音是什么?稠密液体物理力学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稠密液体物理力学的读音是chóu mì yè tǐ wù lǐ lì xué,稠密液体物理力学翻译成英文是 dense fluid physical mechanics

  18. 问:稠密信息编码器译码器拼音怎么拼?稠密信息编码器译码器的读音是什么?稠密信息编码器译码器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:稠密信息编码器译码器的读音是chóu mì xìn xī biān mǎ qì yì mǎ qì,稠密信息编码器译码器翻译成英文是 jungle message encoder decoder



1. [intimate]∶亲切,密切 往来稠密宝玉听得这话如此亲切稠密,大有深意。——《红楼梦》 2. [dense]∶又多又密 3.数量多密度大。 与“稀疏”相对:人口稠密。