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1. 红 [hóng]2. 红 [gōng]红 [hóng]像鲜血的颜色:~色。~叶。~灯。~尘。~包。~烧。~润。~艳艳。~口白牙。~绳系足(旧指男女前生注定的姻缘)。象征顺利或受人宠信:~人。~运。~角(jué)儿(受观众欢迎的演员)。……
汉语拼音:hóng yù
《西京杂记》卷一:“ 赵后 体轻腰弱,善行步进退,女弟 昭仪 ,不能及也。但 昭仪 弱骨丰肌,尤工笑语。二人并色如红玉。” 唐 施肩吾 《夜宴曲》:“被郎嗔罚琉璃盏,酒入四肢红玉软。” 宋 吴文英 《醉落魄·题藕花洲尼扇》词:“春温红玉,纤衣学翦娇鸦緑。” 清 纳兰性德 《鬓云松令·咏浴》词:“鬢云鬆,红玉莹。”
明 李东阳 《张亚卿等领武官诰草事奉赠一首》诗:“书函御宝开红玉,酒出宫壶泻碧涛。”
King QingYue took the children to see Chen, notice he scanned the sky and the public telephone address, let heaven to find LiangGongYu Chen.
王清越带着孩子来看陈顶天,通知他查到了公用电话的地址,让陈顶天去找梁红玉。And let the mo amazement, and HeYingLiang is getting as people, the carbuncle competence is incredibly members of the team.
而让墨玉诧异的是,和贺英良是密谈的担任人,红玉居然是密使小组的成员。The great Song dynasty poet Su in Dingzhou, I had to use "Dingzhou Huaci Zhuo-Yu, " a poem to praise Ding porcelain colorful.
宋代大诗人苏东坡在定州时,曾用“定州花瓷琢红玉”的诗句,来赞美定窑瓷器的绚丽多彩。I swept aside the veil from my face, I tore the ruby chain from my neck and flung it in his path.
我从脸上掠开面纱,我从颈上扯下红玉的颈环,扔在他走来的路上。Getting the leakage of information will HeYingLiang on the SiLu and force, he knew everything is mo gave worship carbuncle.
密谈情报的泄露将和贺英良逼上了死路,他明白一切都是拜红玉墨玉所赐。Is jack lee found and HeYingLiang conspiracy, Chen and sisters, to save for maintenance, and the carbuncle, mo is jack lee sacrifice.
李杰克发现了和贺英良的阴谋,为救陈氏姐妹,为维护墨玉、红玉,李杰克牺牲。Breed basically has: Bai Yu, balas of aquamarine, green white jade, violet jade, topaz, lotus, Mo Yu and motley jade.
品种主要有:白玉,绿玉、绿白玉、紫玉、黄玉、芙蓉红玉、墨玉及杂色玉等。This ruby draws from the underground of flaming volcano capillary in, extremely precious rare.
这红玉取自炎火山脉的地底之中,极为珍贵难得。Since then, Hong Yu stayed with Xiangru to manage the family affairs and teach the child.