




1. 甲 [jiǎ]甲 [jiǎ]天干的第一位,用于作顺序第一的代称:~子。花~(六十岁的人)。居于首位的,超过所有其它的:~等。古代科举考试成绩名次的分类:一~(名为“进士及第”);二~(名为“进士出身”);三~(名为“同进士出身”)。古……



汉语拼音:pò jiǎ






  1. 谓植物种子裂开外壳初生嫩叶。

    明 王世贞 《王复过斋中小酌》诗:“菜青初破甲,魴紫旋批鳞。”



  1. The crossbow is a favourite weapon of the men of Granada , being both easy to use, and effective against the armour of their Christian fors.


  2. The handle seems to be of three-axis Dao, very thick. Is it rhombus in section? Armour-breaking wimble?


  3. Eye of the Storm now grants a new attack damage buff, "Cyclone Strike" which persists through the shield breaking.


  4. But the tooltip doesn't make any mention of added threat like the tooltips for other abilities like Shelloeld Slam and Sunder Armor.


  5. Militia units armed with a halberd which can fend off cavalry, and pierce or crush armour.


  6. Lacerate: The damage from this ability will now stack properly when two different characters are applying Lacerate to a target.


  7. Sunder Armor (and similar debuffs) now reduces armor by 4% per application, and is now a single rank.


  8. Devastate now benefits from the Improved Snder Armor talent, so there is no longer any way for Devastate to cost more rage than Snder Armor.


  9. If there is no nature's grasp, I generally save the kidney shot for later use and expose armor instead.


  1. 破甲现在按百分比计算效果。

    Expose Armor will now reduce armor by a percentage.

  2. 钽在破甲弹药型罩中的应用

    Application of Tantalum as Shaped Charge Liner Material

  3. 破坏每破甲数量增加的伤害增加到35。

    Devastate damagepersunder increased to 35.

  4. 破甲聚能装药射流控制技术研究

    Study on the Control Technique of Jet of Shaped Charge

  5. 扑灭冲击到底在哪些方面比破甲好?

    In what ways is Devastate better than Sunder Armor ?

  6. 如果我们用20的武器,施放英勇打击和破甲。

    Suppose we have a 2.0 speed weapon, HS spam and sunder spam.

  7. 毁灭打击比破甲产生更多得威胁值吗

    Does Devastate generate more threat per hit than Sunder Armor

  8. 药型罩对聚能破甲效应的影响浅析

    Discussion on the Influence of Shaped Charge Cover on the Armour Destroying Effect

  9. 扑灭冲击比破甲产生更多得威胁值吗?

    Does Devastate generate more threat per hellot than Sunder Armor?

  10. 扑灭冲击比破甲产生更多的威胁值吗?

    Does Devastate generate more threat per hellot than Sunder Armor?

  11. 更多细节见以下对于战士破甲技能的修改。

    See Sunder Armor in the warrior update below for additional details.

  12. 更多细节见以下对于战士破甲技能得修改。

    See Sunder Armor in the warrior update below for additional details.

  13. 击毁击毁刷新的破甲能正确的现实持续时间了。

    Devastate The duration remaining graphic will now display properly for Sunder Armor after it has been refreshed on a target by Devastate.

  14. 聚能射流形成及破甲过程的数值模拟分析

    Numerical Simulation of the Shaped Charge Jet Formation and Penetration through the Wall of Perforating Gun.

  15. 长戟民兵擅长对抗骑兵,其手中长戟破甲极为有效。

    Militia units armed with a halberd which can fend off cavalry, and pierce or crush armour.

  16. 变形工艺对铜药型罩材料破甲性能的影响

    Effect of deformation technology penetration ability to copper shaped charge lines

  17. 高破甲性能精密铜药型罩材料的织构研究

    Study on textures of the precision copper shaped charge material with high properties

  18. 炸药破甲威力与爆轰参数之间定量关系的探讨

    Studies on the Quantitative Relation between the Penetration Performance and Explosive Properties

  19. 穿破甲有限元的几何非线性及物理参数的确定

    Geometric Nonlinearity and the Determination of Physical Parameters in Finite Element Analysis of Hypervelocity Impact.

  20. 那么当我点出毁灭打击后,我还有必要使用破甲吗?

    Is there any reason at all to use Sunder Armor when you have Devastate?

  21. 每次破甲产生的仇恨完全一致,无论已经打上了几次。

    Sunder armor is the same amount of hate per application, regardless of how many sunders are already on.

  22. 破甲技能生成得减益状态与它产生得仇恨没有任何关系。

    The sunder armor debuff seems completely independent of the hate it generates.

  23. 柄好象就是三棱刮刀的感觉非常厚断面菱型?破甲锥?

    The handle seems to be of threeaxis Dao, very thick. Is it rhombus in section Armourbreaking wimble.


  1. 问:破甲弹拼音怎么拼?破甲弹的读音是什么?破甲弹翻译成英文是什么?

    答:破甲弹的读音是pò jiǎ dàn,破甲弹翻译成英文是 Metal Patch Bullet

  2. 问:破甲炸药拼音怎么拼?破甲炸药的读音是什么?破甲炸药翻译成英文是什么?

    答:破甲炸药的读音是pò jiǎ zhà yào,破甲炸药翻译成英文是 Armour Piercing Explosive