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郊外,村外:~外。~景。~游。~趣。~餐。~战。四~。郊~。界限,范围:分~。视~。指不当政的地位,与“朝(cháo )”相对:朝~。下~。在~。~史。不讲情理,没有礼貌:~蛮。粗~。巨大而非分的欲望:~心。不受约束:心玩儿~了。不是人工驯……
汉语拼音:yě tù
Better still, if we had the vision of an eagle we would be able to detect the twitch of a rabbit from a distance of two miles.
比这更历害的是,如果我们具有鹰的视力,我们能在两英里外察觉到野兔抽动。You might be able to rush like the hare from the famous fairy tale - which leads to sloppy work and eventual burn out.
你可能需要跑得像来自著名童话故事中的野兔一样--它导致草率的工作,并最终失去热情。i cannot bear to see a bear bearing down upon a hare . when bare of hair he strips the hare , right there i cry , " forbear ! "
我实在不忍心看着大熊一步一步向野兔逼近。当大熊差不多将野兔所有的毛都拔光时,我大叫:“忍住啊!”'Come thou with me, ' said the Hare, 'and I will lead thee to it, for I know where it is hidden, and for what purpose. '
“跟我来吧,”小野兔说,“我带你去,我知道它藏在哪儿,也知道它的用途哦。”The trail layer, known as a hare would deliberately set check points and false trails to put off the chasing pack, known as hounds .
负责放置踪迹的人就象野兔一样,故意地设下核对点和假踪迹来拖延像猎狗似的负责追踪的人。and when the Hare awoke from his nap, he saw the Tortoise just near the winning-post and could not run up in time to save the race.
当野兔从小睡中醒来的嗣后他看到乌龟就快要超过终点了.它不能及时敢过去赢得比赛了。A rabbit runs out, a frog jumps and a fish sticks his head out of water and looks at us.
一只野兔跑了出来,一只青蛙跳了起来,一条鱼把脑袋伸出水面看着我们。All his mind, all his soul, is busied to know where the poor hare may be found.
他的思想,他的灵魂都在忙着考虑在哪里可以找到可怜的野兔。And old Peter came in after him, with his gun on his back and a hare in his hand.