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1. 胳 [gē]2. 胳 [gé]胳 [gē]〔~臂〕上肢,肩膀以下手腕以上的部分。亦称“胳膊”(“臂”、“膊”均读轻声)。〔~肢窝〕同“夹肢窝”。胳 [gé]〔~肢〕在别人身上抓挠,使人由发痒而笑(“肢”读轻声)。同“骼”。……
1. 臂 [bì]2. 臂 [bei]臂 [bì]从肩到手腕的部分:~力。~腕。~肘。左膀右~。助你一~之力。臂 [bei]〔胳~〕见“胳”。……
汉语拼音:gē bì
叶圣陶 《倪焕之》四:“ 蒋冰如 站在学校水后门外,举起一条胳臂招动着。” 老舍 《茶馆》附录第二幕幕前:“动脑筋,白费力,胳臂拧不过大腿去。” 周而复 《上海的早晨》第四部五一:“刚迈开脚步,他的胳臂给一只粗大有力的巨手抓住了。”
She is often portrayed with a child in her arms, near her feet, or on her knees, or with several children about her.
经常描绘她胳臂里抱着一个孩子,脚旁边,膝盖上或她周围好几个孩子。"Shut your eyes and hold out your arms, " she ordered, and Laurie, obeying, opened his eyes again, to see --- two babies!
“闭上眼睛把胳臂伸出来”,她命令道,劳里遵命照办,再睁开眼睛时,他看见了——两个婴儿!It seemed to him as though a hard stick was swung full at him by some soldier near, dealing him a violent blow on the head.
他仿佛觉得,近在咫尺的某个士兵好像抡起胳臂将一根坚硬的棍子朝他头部使劲地打去。My dear creature, " she replied, " do not think me such a simpleton as to be always wanting to confine him to my elbow.
我的好宝贝,”伊莎贝拉回道,“别以为我是个傻瓜,总想成天价把他挎在胳臂上。but when the Badger took him firmly by the other arm he began to see that the game was up.
可是当獾紧紧抓住他的另一只胳臂时,他明白,事情败露了。"I don't know if I ought to have come" , she said breathlessly , grasping Phyl's arm.
“我不知道我该不该来”,她气喘喘地说,一把抓住菲儿的胳臂。(副词。It was Zillah; donned in her scarlet shawl, with a black silk bonnet on her head, and a willow basket swung to her arm.
这一次,这个人走进屋子里来了,那是齐拉,披着她的绯红色的围巾,头上戴一顶黑丝帽,胳臂上挎个柳条篮子。To which she held up one of heR arms in a threatening gesture, so I shut my mouth.
我一说这句话,妈妈就会举起一只胳臂,摆出再说就要打我的姿势,所以我马上闭上嘴。The philosopher nearly fell into the water when he tried to jump into the boat. The boatman caught his arm and helped him to get in.