


1. 般 [bān]般 [bān]样,种,类:这~。那~。百~。~配。暴风雨~的掌声。古同“班”,散布,分布。同“搬”。……


两性结合:~偶。~种(zhǒng)。相互分工合作:~合。~器。用适当的标准加以调和:~料。~制。~伍。~药。~色。~餐。有计划地分派、安排:~备。~置。~给(jǐ)。分~。搭~。把缺少的补足:~套。~乐(yuè )。装~。衬托,陪衬:~搭。……



汉语拼音:bān pèi








  1. 方言。谓彼此条件相当,配得上。

    丛深 《百年大计》:“她男人去世四年了,他今年都三十五岁了,连个孩子也没有,也迫切需要找个对象啊!再说也不容易找到个般配的,你们俩真是太般配了。”



  1. But surely you are sad, said he to his daughter, that you have not got a proper man for your husband.


  2. They saw that she had to have blood, but their limited supplies did not include plasma, so a matching blood type was required.


  3. And yet Coyne and his wife both have a profile on the site, and the algorithms have determined that she is his No. 1 match.


  4. The year she turned fourteen her mother met a man. The man was tall. He and her petite mother was a good match standing together.


  5. Rain and sunshine do not always come together. Night and day never coincide. But you and I, whatever they say, is for me the perfect match.


  6. It's more common than you think, but most couples don't realize that they're mismatched until much further along in their relationship.


  7. Try to adapt your logo, or use the initials of the name of your site, and put them on the favicon.


  8. This time, she met a young man and thought they would make a perfect match. Still, she asked him if he truly loved her.


  9. Do people you know think you; re a good couple?


  1. 他们般配吗?

    Was it a love match?

  2. 看起来非常般配

    make a really cute couple.

  3. 很般配的一对

    to be/ make a good match

  4. 在一起有多般配

    Ben and Zoey are together?

  5. 这对夫妇非常般配。

    The couple are well suited.

  6. 他们的婚姻不般配。

    Their marriage was a mismatch.

  7. 所以我们才般配啊。

    That's why we're good together.

  8. 所以我们才般配啊。

    That's why we're good together.

  9. 多般配的一对啊!

    What a good couple they are!

  10. 我认为他们十分般配。

    They were well matched, I thought.

  11. 这是不般配的婚姻。

    It was a misalliance.

  12. 他们夫妻俩不般配。

    They made a mismatched couple.

  13. 你妈和你爸很般配。

    Your mother is a good match for your father.

  14. 你们在一起挺般配的。

    You two seemed good together.

  15. 他们很般配,你觉得呢

    They're great together, don't you think?

  16. 他们是很般配的一对。

    They are a perfectly matched couple.

  17. 他们真是很般配的一对!

    Don't they make a good match!

  18. 她的项链与手镯很般配。

    Her necklace matched her bracelet.

  19. 我的父母并不十分般配。

    My parents were not very well matched.

  20. 他们看起来很般配啊,闭嘴

    They look so cute together. Shut up.

  21. 世上的所有般配的才最美丽。

    That everything in this world is the most beautiful when matched.

  22. 他们不仅相爱,而且也很般配。

    Not only were they in love, they were also very well matched.

  23. 可能我的脾性和你很般配。

    So maybe my nature does draw me to you.

  24. 他俩都很有活力,十分般配。

    They are both very vital people and a good match.

  25. 我能逗你开心,我们多般配

    And I make you laugh, that's why we're so good together.

  26. 焊接之前,要确认管子是否般配。

    Before you solder, make sure that the pipes fit together properly.

  27. 而谁是和她最般配的男人?

    Who's her best match?

  28. 成对未必成双。夫妻不尽般配。

    Every couple is not a pair.

  29. 除此之外,他们两人并不十分般配。

    In addition, they do not match very much.

  30. 确认要焊接的管件都般配。

    Make sure the pieces you are about to weld fit together.


  1. 问:般配拼音怎么拼?般配的读音是什么?般配翻译成英文是什么?

    答:般配的读音是bānpèi,般配翻译成英文是 be well matched



“般配”是个多义词,它可以指般配(词语), 般配(汪苏泷演唱歌曲), 般配(群星演唱歌曲)。