




职务,分(fèn )内应做的事:~业。~务。~守。~权。天~。尽~。职位,执行事务所处的一定地位:~工。~位。~员。~称。以身殉~。旧时公文用语,下属对上司的自称:卑~。~当奉命。掌管:~掌。由于:~此而已。……



汉语拼音:tíng zhí







  1. 停止职务。属处分的一种。

    金 王若虚 《<新唐书>辨》下:“ 萧復 以擅发京畿观使储粟,削阶停职。”如:停职检查。



  1. Earlier, Ugandan MPs voted unanimously to call on three senior government ministers, including the prime minister, to be suspended.


  2. This rule shall not affect any liability of the judicial trustee for breach of trust or to be removed or suspended.


  3. The News of the World, which suspended Goodman on Friday, said it had no comment to make on today's court proceedings.


  4. Formerly the company's chairman, Huang resigned from GOME in January after he was suspended from his post in December.


  5. "In nine out of 10 cases, suspension (without pay) of this kind, is followed by a dismissal, " he said.


  6. People familiar with the matter said the individual concerned had been suspended pending the outcome of the inquiry.


  7. Yet in due course the traders, briefly suspended, returned to work. There was no news of anyone being fired.


  8. He said the couple had been laid off for economic reasons.


  9. JetBlue announced Tuesday that it had suspended Mr. Slater pending the outcome of the investigation.


  1. 她被勒令停职4天。

    A fourday suspension was imposed on her.

  2. 校长讽刺学生面临停职

    Ariz principal suspended over sarcastic letter

  3. 你早已经被停职了。

    You would be suspended from duty already.

  4. 停职已被移位的状态

    The condition of having been displaced.

  5. 被捕后,他被勒令停职。

    Upon his arrest, he was suspended from his job.

  6. 他受到了降薪停职处分。

    He incurred a suspension on reduced pay.

  7. 她因行为不端而被停职。

    She had been suspended from her job for discreditable behaviour.

  8. 有些主管人员也许被停职了。

    Some executives may be out of business.

  9. 她对被停职一事已经上诉。

    She appealed against her suspension.

  10. 出事后不久,朱莉就被停职了。

    Julie was suspended from her job shortly after the incident.

  11. 当地四名官员次事故被停职。

    Four local officials have been suspended for the accident.

  12. 他被公司暂令停职,随后被辞退。

    He was suspended by the firm and subsequently dismissed.

  13. 她对被停职一事已进行上诉。

    She appealed against her suspension.

  14. 上周,蔡尔兹因此遭到停职处分。

    Last week, cai Erci suffers punish of suspend sb from his duties accordingly.

  15. 尽管可能会被停职,他仍然桀骜不驯。

    Despite the risk of suspension, he remained defiant.

  16. 有人提出也许她也应当被停职。

    It was suggested that perhaps she too should have been suspended.

  17. 如果你不照做,我就会把你停职。

    Now, if you don't, then I will suspend you.

  18. 我们不能再因撞车而被停职了。

    But I'm not getting suspended for this.

  19. 负责调查这个案子的侦探被停职了。

    The detective on the case has been suspended from duty.

  20. 四名官员已经被通知停职在家休整。

    Four officers were told to go off duty and rest at home.

  21. 被控告不诚实的官员应该马上被停职。

    An official accused of dishonesty should be suspended forthwith.

  22. 斯蒂芬已被解雇,考夫兰则被停职。

    Stepney was sacked, Coughlan suspended.

  23. 那个无名的职员由于看守职责被停职了。

    The unnamed employee has been suspended from guard duties.

  24. 她在犯了一个错误之后已经被停职了。

    She's already been suspended for one mistake.

  25. 所以我不管怎么凑你,也不会被停职

    That means I can kick your fucking head in and not get fired.

  26. 雅芳证实了停职一事,但没有提供细节。

    Avon confirmed the suspensions but gave no details.

  27. 当公司岌岌可危之时 你带薪停职了八周。

    You've been gone eight weeks, with pay, while the company's been falling apart.

  28. 我不会投降,直到申诉专员推翻我停职的决定。

    And I won't surrender until the decision of the Ombudsman is reversed.

  29. 被停职的官员提出的申请尚待最高法院处理。

    A petition filed by the suspended officials is still pending before the Supreme Court.

  30. 在圣诞节出丑之后,几个主要的编辑被停职。

    Following the embarrassing Christmas Day gaffe, several senior editorial staff was suspended.


  1. 问:停职拼音怎么拼?停职的读音是什么?停职翻译成英文是什么?

    答:停职的读音是tíngzhí,停职翻译成英文是 suspend



停职是指暂时停止其履行的职务,接受调查或者审查· 严格来说停职检查还不算处分,还属于检查阶段,怎么处分,是检查之后的事·