


1. 应 [yīng]2. 应 [yìng]应 [yīng]该,当,又引申料想理该如此:~当。~该。~分(fèn )。~有尽有。回答:答~。喊他不~。~承。随,即:“桓督诸将周旋赴讨,~皆平定”。姓。应 [yìng]回答或随声相和:~答。呼……





汉语拼音:yìng zhàn









  1. 谓迎战来敌。

    瞿秋白 《乱弹·新英雄》:“一连三十多天的‘我军沉着应战,阵线不动’,岂不是比神话还难懂吗?” 闻一多 《愈战愈强》:“ 卢沟桥 的烽火一起,我们挺身应战。”

  2. 接受挑战。

    周而复 《上海的早晨》第三部十一:“ 马慕韩 沉着应战:‘主客不是我,是 信老 。’” 艾芜 《百炼成钢》第六章:“请你说一句,到底我们能不能应战?”



  1. And he came out with three thousand footmen, and four hundred horsemen.


  2. It reminded me a little bit of the performance last season when we went down to 10 men against Everton.


  3. He held up the ball and allowed the team to take a breather when they were in 10 men.


  4. The Sony competitor, Home, is still not released after multiple delays and is now several years behind.


  5. And there was a great battle in heaven, Michael and his angels fought with the dragon, and the dragon fought and his angels.


  6. The Democratic campaign must be delighted, not least by the neglect of his Republican rival, John McCain.


  7. LuoYi helpless had to battle, was JiangGuiZhi LuoYi lay a Malay, shame, but a XieZui confess his wife.


  8. In our world, the word "authority" never starts with a capital A. We challenge policies and procedures.


  9. They defied the warriors of Troy to come out on the plain and meet them in battle.


  1. 挑动他应战

    to pique him to answer the challenge.

  2. 有能力应战的

    equal to the challenge

  3. 不可轻率应战。

    We should not rashly accept battle

  4. 他会奋起应战的。

    He could be expected to rise to the challenge.

  5. 不可率尔应战。

    We should not rashly accept battle.

  6. 谁也不敢应战。

    No one dared take up the challenge.

  7. 奋起应战吧,谢博德

    Rise to the challenge, Shepherd.

  8. 我们不应仓促应战。

    We should not rashly accept battle.

  9. 你做好应战准备了吗?

    Are you ready to pick up the gauntlet ?

  10. 战士们斗志昂扬, 准备应战。

    The soldiers were at concert pitch for war.

  11. 他挺起胸决定应战。

    He threw his shoulders back and decided to accept the challenge.

  12. 他的挑战没有引起应战。

    His challenge drew no reply.

  13. 他们不得不适应战时经济。

    They have had to adapt themselves to a war economy.

  14. 我们还有多少甲兵可以应战?

    How many armored soldiers are left for fighting ?

  15. 我们还有多少甲兵可以应战?

    How many armored soldiers are left for fighting?

  16. 这位冠军向挑战者应战。

    The champion took up the gaunlet of the challenger.

  17. 我向他挑战, 可是他不敢应战。

    I dared him, but he didn't.

  18. 这是一场战争,应战是我们的义务。

    It's a war, and it's our duty to fight.

  19. 敌人第二波攻击接近中。准备应战!

    Chopper Second enemy attack wave approaching. Lets engage them.

  20. 临时仓卒应战, 胜利的把握是没有的。

    To accept battle in haste is to fight without being sure of victory.

  21. 他们不得不以极少的弹药应战。

    They have to meet the attack with very little ammunition.

  22. 我们在将军的指挥下沉着应战。

    We met an enemy attack calmly under the direction of the general.

  23. 如果他们这样做,我们就坚决应战。

    If they do so, we'll resolutely take up the challenge.

  24. 我们必须对我们面临的挑战切实应战。

    We must effectively respond to the challenges that confront us.

  25. 立即动员全国陆海空军准备应战。

    Immediately mobilize all the countrys land, sea and air forces for action.

  26. 审视我的心灵吧, 亲爱的朋友, 你应战栗。

    Look in my heart, kind friends, and tremble.

  27. 我们拭目以待,诸多灵媒师前来应战。

    We're waiting for the psychics to come forth and snap at it.

  28. 第四场单打,邱贻可再度出场应战马琳。

    The fourth singles, Qiu Yi may enter the stage once again accepts a challenge Ma Lin.

  29. 他不是一个想退却的人,倒是一个宁愿应战的人。

    He was not one to retreat but rather one who would take up the gauntlet.

  30. 我们已经重整旗鼓,不仅为了应战,而是为了积极出击。

    We have regained the power not just to react but to be active.


  1. 问:应战拼音怎么拼?应战的读音是什么?应战翻译成英文是什么?

    答:应战的读音是yìngzhàn,应战翻译成英文是 engage the enemy; accept a challenge




拼音:yìngzhàn 基本解释 1. [meet enemy attack]∶与前来进犯的敌人作战 2. [take up a challenge]∶接受对方的挑战条件 我坚决应战,保证按时完成生产任务 详细解释 1. 谓迎战来敌。 瞿秋白 《乱弹·新英雄》:“一连三十多天的‘我军沉着应战,阵线不动’,岂不是比神话还难懂吗?” 闻一多 《愈战愈强》:“ 卢沟桥 的烽火一起,我们挺身应战。” 2. 接受挑战。 周而复 《上海的早晨》第三部十一:“ 马慕韩 沉着应战:‘主客不是我,是 信老 。’” 艾芜 《百炼成钢》第六章:“请你说一句,到底我们能不能应战?”