




1. 说 [shuō]2. 说 [shuì]3. 说 [yuè]说 [shuō]用话来表达意思:~话。~明。演~。解~。介绍:~合(a.从中介绍;b.商议;c.说和。“合”均读轻声)。~媒。言论,主张:学~。著书立~。责备:数~。文体的一种……



汉语拼音:luàn shuō







  1. It was nasty of you to go round telling tales you know weren't true.


  2. Pooh! nonsense, mother! ' said the little father Jackal. 'Come, we'll run on a bit! '


  3. well , ben rogers , if i was as ignorant as you i wouldn t let on.


  4. Do not know what I dare not make irresponsible remarks of.


  5. Two is a real business, not talk nonsense, a top secret, everyone thinks is business chance when it is no longer business opportunities.


  6. Not to mention, would not say that, it will not talk nonsense, and never make mistakes.


  7. It goes without saying that she will lose all her friends if she continues to gossip about them.


  8. "A life-long commitment" means that you want to spend the rest of your life with someone. pretty serious, huh?


  9. They happened to have the soldier shooting his mouth off about the camp's defence system.


  1. 当心, 不可乱说。

    Guard your tongue.

  2. 当心,不可乱说。

    Guard your tongue.

  3. 到处乱说此事

    to blabbermouth the story everywhere.

  4. 是肿瘤,别乱说

    It's tumor. You don't know that.

  5. 不要背后乱说!

    Don't gossip behind people's backs!

  6. 她会满学校乱说。

    She'll blab it all over the school.

  7. 你不想让我乱说。

    You didn't want me running my mouth.

  8. 你不想让我乱说。

    You didn't want me running my mouth.

  9. 别乱说了,不,是真的

    Stop. No, it's true.

  10. 你乱说什么呢,福斯特

    What're you saying,Foster?

  11. 警察警告歹徒们不要乱说。

    The policemen warned the crooks to keep their mouths shut.

  12. 我不喜欢开会不说会后乱说。

    I hate saying nothing at a meeting but gossiping afterwards.

  13. 那个家伙乱说, 这课程很难!

    That guy is full of it. This class is a bear!

  14. 说真的,有时候你就信口乱说

    Honestly, sometimes you just say things.

  15. 你干吗把我的事到处乱说?

    Why you putting all my business in the street?

  16. 谁是那小白脸,你可别乱说。

    Who is that, you don't blather.

  17. 当面不说,背后乱说。开会不说,会后乱说。

    To say nothing to people to their faces but to gossip behind their backs,or to say nothing at a meeting but to gossip afterwards.

  18. 菲菲,你老是乱说!哎,新工作怎么样

    Feifei, Du erz hlst immer Quatsch! He, wie ist Dein neuer Job

  19. 如要乱说乱动, 立即取缔, 予以制裁。

    If they speak or act in an unruly way, they will be promptly stopped and punished.

  20. 不了解的东西我就不敢乱说了。

    Do not know what I dare not make irresponsible remarks of.

  21. 他这样乱说,妖言惑众,真是太可恶了。

    He is so abhorrent, saying such bullshit to confuse people.

  22. 他喝了酒,无所顾忌地乱说起来。

    He loosed up under the liquor.

  23. 玩笑话不要乱说,卡洛斯,我认真的。

    Don't say that if you don't mean it, Carlos. I do.

  24. 听她咕噜咕噜的乱说一通实在很有趣!

    Listens to her rumbling irresponsibly to be really interesting!

  25. 是很多学校有的,不知道的不要乱说。

    JKD Be Water My Friend. Using NoWay As Way. Having No Limitation As Limitation.

  26. 是很多学校有得,不知道得不要乱说。

    JKD Be Water My Friend. Using NoWay As Way. Having No Limitation As Limitation.

  27. 一定会到处跟人家乱说我们中马票了。

    They will definitely go around spreading that we struck.

  28. 你们要是随便乱说,我们的人就有可能被害。

    Loose lips can get somebody killed.

  29. 不用说,她如果继续背后乱说,她会失去她所有的朋友。

    It goes without saying that she will lose all her friends if she continues to gossip about them.

  30. 此外,他还要弄清楚哈克是否始终没有随便乱说。

    Moreover, he wanted to assure himself that Huck had remained discreet.



luàn shuō ㄌㄨㄢˋ ㄕㄨㄛ 乱说  随意胡说 例如:乱说这样粗俗的句子