




1. 育 [yù]育 [yù]生养:~龄。节~。生儿~女。养活:~婴。哺~。培~。抚~。养~。按照一定的目的长期地教导和训练:德~。智~。体~。美~。教书~人。……



汉语拼音:fū yù







  1. 哺育。

    周建人 《关于熊猫》:“果蠃把小青虫捕去是供给幼虫食用的,并非孵育成为己子。” 唐弢 《论作家与群众结合》:“描写自己熟悉的本阶级的生活,塑造为这种生活所孵育的富有个性的人物。”



  1. A fine idea, but these instruments are in their infancy and have yet to be tested.


  2. The red cells could also be treated with a proteolytic enzyme (we usually used fic in) prior to incubation with the serum.


  3. Incubation of recombinant -SYN protein with isolated mitochondria led to transportation of this protein into mitochondria.


  4. Do not expose reagents to strong light or hypochlorite fumes during storage or during incubation steps.


  5. Incubation of -SYN protein with isolated mitochondria decreased the complex I activity of respiratory chain in a dose-dependent manner.


  6. In conclusion, BSA is able to assembly into amyloid fibrils upon incubation.


  7. AIM: To investigate the role of nitric oxide (NO) on cell proliferation and protein synthesis of the incubated kidney slices.


  8. RESULT: The incubation instrument worked well for incubating brain slices and obtaining stable results efficiently.


  9. The Eagle built her nest in the branches of a tall tree, while the Fox crept into the underwood and there produced her young.


  1. 卵孵育时间

    egg incubation period.

  2. 辅助孵育着床

    assisted hatching.

  3. 肝微粒体孵育

    liver microsomes incubation.

  4. 加温孵育后的渗透脆性试验

    incubated osmotic fragility test

  5. 在孵育过程中细胞有没分化?

    Do the cells divide during the incubation time.

  6. 使用这种技术可以人工孵育小鸡。

    One can achieve artificial incubation by applying this technology.

  7. 基于模糊控制的酶免分析仪孵育系统

    Fuzzy Control of the Raising Module of the ELISA Processor

  8. 然而,大量孵育秃鹫幼雏只是计划的第一步。

    But hatching a lot of condor chicks is only the first step.

  9. 孵育温度对锯缘青蟹幼体质量的影响

    Effect of Brooding Temperature on Larval Quality of Mud Crab Scylla serrata

  10. 也将孵育和支持在大学生水平的适当训练。

    Appropriate training at the undergraduate level is also to be fostered and supported.

  11. 我觉得它们处于活跃繁殖和孵育寄生得季节。

    I wonder if they may be in breeding season and brood parasite activities busily.

  12. 我觉得它们处于活跃繁殖和孵育寄生的季节。

    I wonder if they may be in breeding season and brood parasite activities busily.

  13. 缩短细菌药敏孵育时间对药敏试验结果的影响

    Influence of Shortening the Incubation Time on the Results of Antimicrobial Susceptibility Test

  14. 孵育可致精子的脂质过氧化损伤和蛋白氧化损伤。

    And incubation can not only induce lipid peroxidation but also induce protein oxidation.

  15. 澳洲科学家成功孵育七只斑纹须鲨,释放海中。

    And Australian scientists have successfully bred seven wobbegong sharks to release into the wild.

  16. 当她们孵育幼代的时候, 它们便会明白其中的含义。

    They know the meaning of these sounds from the time they hatch.

  17. 结果脑片孵育装置具有良好的平行性和可操作性。

    RESULT The incubation instrument worked well for incubating brain slices and obtaining stable results efficiently.

  18. 方法采用离体孵育的大鼠海马脑片制备缺血模型。

    Methods Studying in an in vitro model of rat hippocampal slice.

  19. 浴槽也可用于如孵育和样品保温等类常规实验。

    The bath also performs general laboratory applications, such as incubation and sample tempering.

  20. 细胞种类及孵育时间对血卟啉单甲醚在细胞内分布的影响

    Influence of Cell Type and Incubating Time on Intracellular Distribution of Hematoporphrin Monomethyl Ether

  21. 大部分爬行动物在孵育时巢的温度决定了其后代的性别。

    Nest temperature determines the sex of offspring for many reptiles.

  22. 不同孵育时间具核梭杆菌黏附和侵入上皮细胞的变化

    Adhesion and invasion of Fusobacterium nucleatum strains to epithelial cells with the different incubation time in the early stage

  23. 表皮生长因子对体外长期孵育保存的人胎胰岛的支持作用

    Epidermal growth factor promotes the proliferation and secretion function of human embryonic pancreatic islets in vitro

  24. 在存储和孵育过程中不要暴露试剂于强光或次氯酸蒸汽中。

    Do not expose reagents to strong light or hypochlorite fumes during storage or during incubation steps.


  1. 问:孵育拼音怎么拼?孵育的读音是什么?孵育翻译成英文是什么?

    答:孵育的读音是fūyù,孵育翻译成英文是 To hatch.

  2. 问:孵育室拼音怎么拼?孵育室的读音是什么?孵育室翻译成英文是什么?

    答:孵育室的读音是fū yù shì,孵育室翻译成英文是 camera incubata



fū yù