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武装部队:~威。~服。行(xíng )~。~功。~犬。~备。~纪。~衔。~阀。~令状。异~突起。溃不成~。军队的编制单位,是“师”的上一级。泛指有组织的集体:劳动大~。……
1. 种 [zhǒng]2. 种 [zhòng]3. 种 [chóng]种 [zhǒng]生物在生态和形态上具有不同特点的分类的基本单位:物~。~差(chā),植物果实中能长成新植物的部分,又泛指生物传代繁殖的物质:~子。~禽。~畜。撒~。……
汉语拼音:jūn zhǒng
"China decided that they had to deliver on this, " said Jonathan Eyal, at the Royal United Services Institute in London.
伦敦“皇家联合军种研究院”(RoyalUnitedServicesInstitute)的乔纳森-埃尔(JonathanEyal)表示:“中国决意要让这次谈判出成果。”The committee consisted of the Surgeons General of the three services, General Hawley, and a number of distinguished civilian physicians.
该委员会包括:三个军种的卫生局长,Hawley将军以及一些著名的平民内科医师。This capability will provide interoperability between the services for approach and control as well as with civilian operations.
这样的能力将提供在各军种之间以及同民用部门间对进近和控制的互操作性。The men of Task Force 373 come from different branches of the military, including Navy Seals and Delta Force, and act like a pack of wolves.
特遣部队373的士兵们来自军队中的不同军种,包括海军海豹突击队和三角洲特种部队,他们行动起来像一群狼一样。A temporary grouping of military units or forces under one commander for the performance of a specific operation or assignment.
特种部队:为了执行某一项特殊的行动或任务而被置于一名指挥员指挥下的一组临时混合的军事单位或原来隶属不同军种的部队。The scope is limited to those brevity codes used in multiservice operations and does not include words unique to single service operations.
以下代号只是用于多军种行动中,不包括单一军种行动中所使用的代号。Observers say the shuffling is to enhance inter-region and inter-services coordination, all in preparation for any fighting over the strait.
观察家们认为,这一轮人事洗牌旨在提高跨军区和跨军种的协调,以利于对台军事斗争准备工作的需要。But the office's core mission is acquiring, managing and supporting the unmanned platforms used by the services.
但是,办公室的核心任务是获取、管理和支持军种使用的无人化平台。Each of the four military branches is free to design its own personnel system, with minimal Pentagon interference.