如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
用来记录语言的符号:文~。汉~。~符。~母。~典。~句。~里行(háng )间。~斟句酌。文字的不同形式,书法的派别:草~。篆~。颜~。柳~。欧~。赵~。书法的作品:~画。~幅。字的音:~正腔圆。人的别名,亦称“表~”,现多称“号”;商店的……
1. 节 [jié]2. 节 [jiē]节 [jié]竹子或草木茎分枝长叶的部分:竹~。~外生枝。物体的分段或两段之间连接的部分:关~。两~车厢。段落,事项:~~(一段一段地,逐步)。~目。中国历法把一年分为二十四段,每段开始的名称:~气。……
汉语拼音:zì jié
The eighth step during our secret key generation process is to check whether the byte array after parity fixing turns out to be a weak key.
我们的密钥生成过程的第八步是要检查奇偶修正后的字节数组是否是一个弱的密钥。Pattern detectors are a good choice when what you're trying to detect can be expressed as a sequence of bytecode patterns.
如果所要检测的问题可以表述为一组字节码模式,则模式检测器是一种好的选择。UTF-8 has no ambiguity about byte order that must be resolved with a byte order mark or other heuristics.
UTF-8没有字节序的不确定性问题,后者必须通过字节序标志或其他试探手段来解决。There used to be a time when people went nuts on hearing the phrase "bytecode manipulation" .
曾经有段时间,大家一听到“字节码操作(bytecodemanipulation)”就懵了。On the door of a computer store: "Out for a quick byte. "
电脑专卖店门上:“出去找一个更快的字节。”Function must be at least four bytes greater than the actual length of the string.
参数指定的记录长度必须至少比实际字符串长度多四个字节。It would be useful, but entirely impractical to change the size of a byte to allow a larger set of characters to be coded.
通过更改一个字节的长度而使更大的字符集得以被编码,这似乎有效但完全不切实际。The difference here is that we read the payload into a byte array instead of a String, because that makes parsing it a little easier.
这里的不同之处在于,我们将该有效负载读入字节数组而不是字符串,因为这使得解析它比较容易。How much of an applications code is turned into bytecode depends on a couple of factors.