


1. 倒 [dǎo]2. 倒 [dào]倒 [dǎo]竖立的东西躺下来:摔~。墙~了。~塌。~台。打~。卧~。对调,转移,更换,改换:~手。~换。~车。~卖。~仓。~戈。倒 [dào]位置上下前后翻转:~立。~挂。~影。~置。把容器反转或倾……


1. 头 [tóu]2. 头 [tou]头 [tóu]人身体的最上部分或动物身体的最前的部分:~骨。~脑。~脸(a.头和脸;b.指面貌;c.指面子,体面)。~角(jiǎo )(喻青年的气概或才华)。指头发或所留头发的样式:留~。剃~。物体的……



汉语拼音:dǎo tóu






  1. 躺倒。


  2. 谓人死。旧俗忌讳“死”字,讳称死为“倒头”。


  3. 犹该死。表示厌恶、愤恨或埋怨的情感。

    陈登科 《活人塘》四:“唉! 大团子 不做这个倒头的民兵什么长不长的,话还好说。”



  1. The fact that it's a common problem that men fall asleep after sex does not make it a trivial one.


  2. If you've never been good at anything in your life, why would murder be any different? A Dog's Breakfast is a head smacking . . .


  3. But even that doesn't always work. It's too easy to punch the off button and fall asleep again.


  4. But that "glimmers of hope" phrase could come back to haunt him if the recession turns out to be prolonged.


  5. Thereupon he rang the bell, went home, and without saying a word went to bed, and fell asleep.


  6. One Russian crew member is renowned for doing without a sleeping bag and falling asleep wherever he ends the day.


  7. I was too tired to think about it more, so I just glanced at it and fell asleep.


  8. I've never had a problem with it though, since when I'm too sleepy to keep reading, I can just put the book down and go to sleep.


  9. Tired, take a shower tumble into bed, also thoroughly broken think and wife sweet idea.


  1. 我会把门锁上和倒头大睡。

    I'd lock the door and sleep.

  2. 倒头一睡睡死啦, 九个只剩八。

    One overslept himself then there were eight.

  3. 经过那儿的门时, 小心别撞倒头。

    Watch your head as you go through the door there.

  4. 只要一把工作做完,我就倒头大睡。

    And as soon as I was done working I could just fall asleep.

  5. 下午,要么享受日光浴,要么倒头大睡,便去跳舞。

    In the afternoon she sunbathes or sleeps, resting up for going dancing.

  6. 一脸倦容的我赶紧吃饭, 然后倒头便睡。

    Still being plagued by exhaustion, I quickly ate lunch and took a nap.

  7. 疲惫得男人匆匆洗脸刷牙, 然后倒头就睡。

    Tired of men rushed to wash brush and then gear and sleep.

  8. 疲惫的男人匆匆洗脸刷牙,然后倒头就睡。

    Tired of men rushed to wash brush and then gear and sleep.

  9. 颠倒头向下而顶朝上反过来的

    With the top downward and the bottom upupside down.

  10. 最后一批客人一走,我们就累得倒头睡去。

    We conked out right after the last guests took their leave.

  11. 下午,要么享受日光浴,要么倒头大睡,然后便去跳舞。

    In the afternoon she sunbathes or sleeps, resting up for going dancing.

  12. 我太累了, 只要倒头一睡就很难醒过来了。

    I was too exhausted to wake easily when once asleep.

  13. 一回到家,他连衣服都没有脱,倒头就睡。

    Upon reaching home he went to sleep immediately without undressing his closes.

  14. 一天辛苦的工作之后, 她筋疲力尽, 倒头就睡着了。

    She went out like a light after an exhausting day at work.

  15. 因为我们可以轻易地按下停止钮, 然后倒头再睡。

    It's too easy to punch the off button and fall asleep again.

  16. 他这几天太累了,总是来不及洗漱倒头就睡。

    He has been too tired in recent days, he couldn't wait to brush his teeth and wash his face before going to sleep.

  17. 我实在太累了, 跟着他们回到家就倒头大睡。

    I was really exhausted, so I followed them straight home for a big sleep.

  18. 没过多久, 我每天都画到天亮, 然后倒头就睡。

    Before long I was painting until dawn every day before crashing into bed.

  19. 这叫没事,你闯入了邻居家中 倒头就昏睡过去。

    Okay? You broke into a neighbor's house and passed out.

  20. 她服用了那玩意儿一小会儿后, 便倒头昏睡过去了。

    A little while after she took the stuff, she just flaked out.

  21. 有的人可以在餐中饮用特浓咖啡而后倒头便睡。

    Some people can drink an espresso with dinner and fall asleep with no problem.

  22. 褐发女郎回家后倒头就睡, 以便第二天早点起身。

    The Brunette went Home and straight to bed so she could get an early start the next morning.

  23. 我记得那时大家都盼望休息, 每次执行完任务倒头就睡。

    I remember how everyone was yearning for rest, catching up on sleep after our routine duties.

  24. 累了,冲个凉倒头就睡,也彻底断了想和老婆温馨的主意。

    Tired, take a shower tumble into bed, also thoroughly broken think and wife sweet idea.


  1. 问:倒头拼音怎么拼?倒头的读音是什么?倒头翻译成英文是什么?

    答:倒头的读音是dǎotóu,倒头翻译成英文是 lie down; die

  2. 问:倒头胶足藻拼音怎么拼?倒头胶足藻的读音是什么?倒头胶足藻翻译成英文是什么?

    答:倒头胶足藻的读音是dǎotóujiāozúzǎo,倒头胶足藻翻译成英文是 Gloeopodium nutans


