如显示乱码,请安装支持7万5千多字显示的中日韩越超大规模字符集,下载地址:百度网盘;提取码: y1x5
1. 节 [jié]2. 节 [jiē]节 [jié]竹子或草木茎分枝长叶的部分:竹~。~外生枝。物体的分段或两段之间连接的部分:关~。两~车厢。段落,事项:~~(一段一段地,逐步)。~目。中国历法把一年分为二十四段,每段开始的名称:~气。……
汉语拼音:jié shí
谓按照一定的时间来伺候。时,通“ 伺 ”。
唐 韩愈 《故幽州节度判官赠给事中清河张君墓志铭》:“君弟 復 ,亦进士。佐 汴 宋 ,得疾,变易丧心,惊惑不常。君得閒,即自视衣褥薄厚,节时其饮食,而匕筯进养之。”
With his own three kids, he gave them each $10, 000 a year--the tax-deductible limit--at Christmas.
对自己的3个孩子,巴菲特在每年圣诞节时给他们每人1万美元作为一年的花销--免征所得税收的最低限度。He got a dinosaur bank for Christmas and when he acts well, I will give him a few pennies to put in there.
圣诞节时,他得到了一个“恐龙银行”(存钱罐)。他表现好时,我就会往里面放上几便士。After two weeks, he asked whether he could be her boyfriend. "Already? " she responded. But when he asked again on Christmas, she said yes.
两个星期后,他问他是否可以成为她的男友。“现在就?”她回答。不过,在圣诞节时他又问了一遍,她同意。When he asked the children why Christmas is celebrated, one of them piped up: "The birth of baby Jesus. "
当他问大家为什么要庆祝圣诞节时,有个孩子脱口而出:“纪念耶稣诞生。”Harry felt in the pocket of his robes and pulled out a Chocolate Frog, the very last one from the box Hermione had given him for Christmas.
哈利把手伸进长袍口袋,掏出一块马蹄形巧克力,这是圣诞节时赫敏送给他的那盒里的最后一块。In the West, whether Christian, had a Christmas tree at Christmas must be prepared to increase the festive atmosphere.
在西方,不论是否基督徒,过圣诞节时都要准备一棵圣诞树,以增加节日的欢乐气氛。I said perhaps everyone would like to receive a letter saying how much they mean to another person for Christmas.
我说,也许每个人圣诞节时都喜欢收到这么一封信,写着他们对别人有多么大的意义。It was the festive run up to Xmas and I was determined to keep his morale up.
快到圣诞节时,我决定鼓舞他对抗病魔的士气。Christmas visit we made to the hospital had a huge impact on me, that's where the idea came from and a lot of people have got involved.