







汉语拼音:niáng men








  1. 女人。

    张天翼 《仇恨》:“他们这破破烂烂的一群人在黄土上移动着步子:男人走在前面,娘们儿和孩子们跟着。” 老舍 《龙须沟》第一幕:“ 狗子 (向 四嫂 ):‘你这娘们再多嘴,我可揍扁了你!’”

  2. 妻子。

    周立波 《暴风骤雨》第一部十:“我还没住处呢, 李振江 娘们把我撵出来了。”



  1. You bitch, you underwear your trousers to have sex with me for happiness, do not you admit after you wear your trousers?


  2. Jimmy's such a dawg! Look at him over there with those hoochies.


  3. Oh, listen to you, bitching about being tired like a little bitch.


  4. Keith Perez: You think it's funny to fornicate with loose women?


  5. A fat man is the first speaker. His voice is thin and weak as if a sissy.


  6. Kid: Girl, you gotta be out of your mind.


  7. And not one of those sissy ceremonial things the Marines have.


  8. Red narrating: I have no idea to this day what those two Italian ladies were singing about.


  9. Bndrew: It is a story about an old foolish man, a foolish old man, who has a foolish idea to move a mountain.


  1. 这该死的骗人的娘们。

    Damn deceitful creatures.

  2. 为了一个娘们陷害我。

    You set me up over a woman.

  3. 你怀念你的男人了吧,娘们?

    You missed your beau, huh, girlfriend?

  4. 你扔东西就像个娘们一样。

    You throw like a girl.

  5. 你也象个娘们一样养兔子?

    You raise a rabbit like a bitch?

  6. 喂, 娘们, 别在餐厅生孩子啊!

    Hey! No getting off in the lunchroom, ladies.

  7. 有些娘们, 丈夫一走她们就高兴。

    Some wives are glad to see their husbands go.

  8. 我要把这个娘们给高尚起来了。

    I'm putting the pussy up on a pedestai.

  9. 让他受受这娘们的火爆 是他应得的。

    He deserves every bit of crazy she's gonna rain down on him.

  10. 她打扮得花枝招展, 真他妈个娘们。

    She got nice outfit, she is such a hottie.

  11. 哦, 娘们, 看在上帝面上, 坐下来吧!

    Oh, for god's sake, woman, sit down!

  12. 没有人赏识骗人的孩子。这该死的骗人的娘们。

    No one can admire a deceitful boy. Damn deceitful creatures.

  13. 挑三个人协助我, 别再像个娘们了。

    Pick three to assist me, and stop being a sissy.

  14. 那就别让你老爸弄得你像娘们一样。

    Then don't let your old manmake you bitch up.

  15. 听听你在说什么, 像个娘们似的抱怨你累了。

    Oh, listen to you, bitching about being tired like a little bitch.

  16. 他妈的,你这么娘们根本解决不了问题,起来!

    It become a problem you're too pussy to tackle, get up.

  17. 现在我就能让她们两个娘们在我的房子里。

    I'd have both them chicks over at my house right now.

  18. 胡说,莫里斯!来吧,大家!让我们迎接那些娘们!

    Nonsense, Maurice! Come on everybody! Let's go and meet the pansies!

  19. 如果这娘们还没疯就把我的手脚都砍下来。

    Cut my limbs off one by one if I don't think the girl's stark raving mad.

  20. 杰米真实酷哥一个,看看那边他和这些娘们一起的样子。

    Jimmys such a dawg! Look at him over there with those hoochies.

  21. 我会杀那娘们

    I'll kill that old bitch!

  22. 给小姑娘们一点指导。

    Give the kids some pointers.

  23. 给小姑娘们一点指导。

    Give the kids some pointers.

  24. 小姑娘们一边走,一边唱。

    The little girls sang as they went.

  25. 她只是个蠢娘们儿。

    She's just a dumb broad.

  26. 她只是个蠢娘们儿。

    She's just a dumb broad.

  27. 小姑娘们长着金色卷发。

    The little girls had blond curls.

  28. 胆小鬼!安吉丽娜娘们儿!

    chicken shit! jane smith pussy!

  29. 别为那个小娘们辩护了

    Don't defend that selfcentered brat.

  30. 告诉她真相, 你这个臭娘们!

    Tell her the truth, you little cunt!


  1. 问:娘们儿拼音怎么拼?娘们儿的读音是什么?娘们儿翻译成英文是什么?

    答:娘们儿的读音是niángmenr,娘们儿翻译成英文是 Refers to married women.; Refers to a wife....