


跟着:~从。~员。~葬。~即(立刻)。~行(xíng )。~身。~喜。~波逐流。~行(hāng )就市。顺从,任凭:~意。~口。~宜。~和。~俗。~笔。~遇而安。顺便,就着:~带。~手关门。像:他长得~他父亲。姓。……
















  1. So, what reasons do we not only already have grow do not survive with the side improperly round ?


  1. 君子如水, 随方就圆, 无处不自在。

    A gentleman is like water, which takes the shape of the container into which it flows. He is comfortable in any situation.

  2. 外圈的圆就和地球盘绕回归年复一年的扭转周期相符。

    Thellos therevolution of the earth the sun and the time periods the same the outer circle.

  3. 看见水面荡开一圈圈波纹, 就像圆一样。

    We can see some ripples, they look like circles.

  4. 外圈的圆就和地球围绕太阳年复一年的旋转周期一致。

    This is the annual revolution of the earth around the sun and the time periods are the same as the outer circle.

  5. 如果把片状物放在纸片的中心,就需要一整圆。

    And if I make the flap from the middle, it uses a full circle.

  6. 在八卦山下, 也有许多好吃的店家, 其中最著名的就是肉圆。

    Under Mt. Bagua, also many delicious shop owners, most famous is the meat circle.

  7. 圆脑壳就是认为世界是不确定的,随机应变的人。

    The round pate also means those consider the world is indefinite, and being flexible and adaptable.

  8. 所以接下来我就要说配合圆的枪法了。

    Therefore, I must say that with the next round of bombardment.

  9. 还有一样东西就是几块圆的碎南瓜片。

    It was the broken pieces of a round orange pumpkin.

  10. 它是圆的,就像

    It's round, uh, like.

  11. 把圆形钟放入文本文档,文本就将围绕这个圆流动。

    Drop a round clock into your text document, and the text will flow around the circle.

  12. 进化是一个既定的科学事实就好比地球是圆的一样。

    Evolution is as firmly established a scientific fact as the roundness of the Earth.

  13. 这就好比要把圆的变成方的。也就是说,是不可能的。

    It was like trying to square a circle. That is, it was impossible.

  14. 地球是圆的,就像个橘子。

    The earth is round, like an orange.

  15. 假如世界是个圆, 圆心就是上帝。

    Suppose that this circle is the world, and that the center of the circle is God.

  16. 不一会儿他就吞下了三个圆面包。

    He swilled three buns in a short time.

  17. 如果你有一副圆规, 就很容易画一个圆。

    It is easy to describe a circle if you have a pair of compasses.

  18. 如果你的脸形是圆的, 就选个刚好切合你脸型大小的发型。

    If your face is round, choose a hairstyle that frames your face.

  19. 这个球就不可能再是圆的,月亮也是同样的道理。

    That ball, and our moon, are no longer round.

  20. 我如果有一百万美圆就好了。

    If only I had a million dollars.

  21. 他拉了一下那圆把手,它就随手掉下来了。

    He pulled the knob and it just came off.

  22. 宝宝的脑门儿很圆, 看着就像个聪明孩子!

    The forehead of the baby is quite round, which signifies cleverness at first sight.

  23. 宝宝的脑门儿很圆,看着就像个聪明孩子!

    The forehead of the baby is quite round, which signifies cleverness at first sight.

  24. 小,圆而且有光泽,就像闪烁的珠子或者钮扣一样。

    small and round and shiny like a shiny bead or button.

  25. 这样的话靠观察这张图片, 圆的中心在哪就可以知道?

    And, now, I think I know just by looking at the picture where the center of mass of this circle will be, right?

  26. 想你就在月圆时。

    Miss you at the month circle.

  27. 这些礼物就是圆圆的月饼。

    These gifts were round mooncakes.

  28. 圆的对称中心线就是直径。

    The axis of a circle is its diameter.

  29. 剪下圆环,看上去就像这样。

    Cut it out, and you'll have something that looks like this.

  30. 南瓜就是大大,圆圆的橘黄色蔬菜。

    A pumpkin is a big, round, orange vegetable.