


1. 台 [tái]2. 台 [tāi]台 [tái]高平的建筑物:亭~楼阁。敬辞,用于称呼对方或与对方有关的事物:~鉴。~甫。像台的东西,器物的座子:井~。窗~。灯~。量词:一~戏。台湾省的简称:~胞。~币。姓。桌子、案子:写字~。发生在……





汉语拼音:tái jī







  1. 台的基础。

    北魏 郦道元 《水经注·涑水》:“ 安邑 , 禹 都也。 禹 娶 涂山氏 女,思恋本国,筑臺以望之。今城南门,臺基犹存。”

  2. 旧称专事暗中为男女撮合的罪恶场所。

    清 讴歌变俗人 《醒世缘弹词》第十回:“更兼物色良家女,诱上臺基密定情。” 清 讴歌变俗人 《醒世缘弹词》第十回:“天下最可恶的,莫如臺基,那开臺基的,大半多是上了年纪的老太婆,满腹歪心,一张滑嘴。”



  1. Middle the Kang Yunnan earth axis sticks out for the anteklise, big area appearing platform basis.


  2. A sickle-shaped creature was darting toward Chimney Rock, two sandstone pinnacles that cap a long, narrow rock platform.


  3. During those years , she published Letters from China from I Tai Ji Chang in Beijing .


  4. Items granting skills bestow a lower skill level to those character classes who have the skill in their tree.


  5. Podium : In architecture, a pedestal on a large scale.


  6. large-scale rammed platform reveals the core of Liangwangchen layout.


  7. Is it Police museum near Taiji factory?


  8. Comparative analysis of the analog and digital records and station basement appraisement in Jiashan Seismic Station


  9. Discussion on Relation Between Different Earthquake Magnitude Scales and Effect of Seismic Station Site on Magnitude Estimation


  1. 台基厂大街

    Taijichang Dajie.

  2. 基础与台基

    foundation and wall foundation.

  3. 台基脉动噪声

    pulse noise of station base

  4. 楚南郢松30号台基殿堂复原初探

    Introduction of the Recorstruction of the 30th in Southern Chu

  5. 大佛寺站和台基厂站不停车。

    We don't stop at Dafosi and taijichang.

  6. 这栋大厦的台基比别的楼房的台基都要高。

    This mansion has a much higher foundation than other buildings.

  7. 装备附加得技能能被作为升高级技能得台基?

    Items granting skills bestow a lower skill level to those character classes who have the skill in their tree.

  8. 采用塑料台基取代蜂蜡台基育王的研究

    Study on Replacing Wax Cup with Plastic Cup for Queen Breeding.

  9. 装备附加的技能能被作为升高级技能的台基?

    Items granting skills bestow a lower skill level to those character classes who have the skill in their tree.

  10. 华北陆台基底构造格局研究现状一瞥

    The Progress in the Tectonic Division of North Chian BlockBasement in Early Precambrian

  11. 数字及模拟地震观测中的台基噪声评价指标

    Criterion for Evaluating Seismic Noise Level of Digital and Analog Seismic Stations

  12. 基于三次回归分析的试车台基线库的建立

    Construction of test cell baselines based on thrice regression analysis

  13. 不同标度震级关系和台基影响问题探讨

    Discussion on Relation Between Different Earthquake Magnitude Scales and Effect of Seismic Station Site on Magnitude Estimation

  14. 冻土与扩大台基相互作用的有限元分析

    A Finite Element Analysis of the Coaction between Frozen Ground and Spread Wall Foundation

  15. 台基正面有阶梯三级,左,右后有矮墙围绕。

    Platform is a positive step three, left, right after Aiqiang around.

  16. 通过台基校正后的震级,标准误差明显下降。

    For the corrected magnitude, the standard error is obviously decreased.

  17. 从先秦墓上建筑的台基到汉代帝陵的堂坛

    Discussion about Tomb Pedestals of Xian Qin Period and Hall Altar of Han Imperial Tombs

  18. 新疆数字地震台站观测动态范围和台基噪声的分析

    Analysis on observational dynamic range and station base noise of Xinjiang Digital Seismic Stations

  19. 宽频带强震仪与地震仪同一台基上记录仿真对比研究

    Comparison research on the records of wide band strong motion seismograph and seismometer at same station

  20. 台基四周是用来自大渡河畔的枣红色花岗石彻起。

    Platform is surrounded by banks of the Dadu River from the date from the red granite thorough.

  21. 可惜民国年间被毁,现仅存台基和清咸丰年间重修的碑。

    Unfortunately, in the Republic of destruction, is the only pedestal and Qing Xianfeng years rebuilt the monument.


  1. 问:台基拼音怎么拼?台基的读音是什么?台基翻译成英文是什么?

    答:台基的读音是táijī,台基翻译成英文是 Podium; the base of building higher than ground....