


1. 不 [bù]2. 不 [fǒu]不 [bù]副词。用在动词、形容词和其它词前面表示否定或加在名词或名词性语素前面,构成形容词:~去。~多。~法。~料。~材(才能平庸,常用作自谦)。~刊(无须修改,不可磨灭)。~学无术。~速之客。单用,……


1. 期 [qī]2. 期 [jī]期 [qī]规定的时间,或一段时间:定~。限~。~限。学~。量词,用于刊物或其他分期的事物:第五~。盼望,希望:~望。~冀。~盼。~待。限度:“征敛无~求索无度”。必,决定:“~死,非勇也”。〔~颐〕指人……


1. 而 [ér]而 [ér]古同“尔”,代词,你或你的:“~翁归,自与汝复算耳”。连词(a.表平列,如“多~杂”。b.表相承,如“取~代之”。c.表递进,如“~且”。d.表转折,如“似是~非”。e.连接肯定和否定表互为补充,如“浓~不烈”……





汉语拼音:bù qī ér yù








  • 【解释】:期:约定时间。没有约定而遇见。指意外碰见。
  • 【出自】:《谷梁传·隐公八年》:“不期而会曰遇。”
  • 【示例】:前在公主府内,也是我们姐妹三十三个先会面;今日~,又是如此。
  • 【语法】:紧缩式;则谓语、定语、状语;形容意外相遇


  1. There have been numerous assumptions, hopes the city a certain a way we have come together with you peek, you are so worried about.


  2. I think I shall stop startled if ever we meet after our next birth, walking in the light of a far-away world.


  3. about the stage entrance, hoping vaguely for a casual brush with one of the butterflies, when an open truck pulls up to the sidewalk.


  4. The summit is shrouded in freezing mist, and my wife is concerned we might have a close encounter of the scary kind with a polar bear.


  5. For a list of my small, cannot write too many words are incomplete, but is often met in our work and I hope we can avoid it.


  6. And while signing glossy photos during an appearance in a small record store back in his favorite city, he saw her.


  7. That a certain period of time of a peek into the cause, perhaps he or she had to beg the Buddha fruit of years before the millennium.


  8. From there you might stand in a light warm rain as you look out over the beautiful valleys below.


  9. Two people from completely different worlds meet by chance, thrown together as if by fate.


  1. 碰见, 尤指不期而遇

    To meet, especially unexpectedly.

  2. 碰见,尤指不期而遇。

    To meet, especially unexpectedly.

  3. 悲剧再度与他不期而遇。

    Tragedy crossed his path once again.

  4. 这两位老朋友不期而遇。

    The two old friends had a casual meeting.

  5. 那些和金牌不期而遇的美女们。

    Then the beauties who meet gold by chance.

  6. 我和简在纽约不期而遇。

    Jane and I had a causal meeting in New York.

  7. 青春仿佛因那场不期而遇开始。

    As for the youth met began.

  8. 许多年以后我们又不期而遇了。

    Our paths were to cross again many years later.

  9. 我在回家途中和他不期而遇。

    I came across him on my way home.

  10. 鲍伯和彼得在公园不期而遇。

    Bob and Peter bumped into each other in a park.

  11. 黛安娜和她得朋友史蒂夫不期而遇。

    Diana bumps into her friend, Steve.

  12. 黛安娜和她的朋友史蒂夫不期而遇。

    Diana bumps into her friend, Steve.

  13. 我在图书馆与一位老朋友不期而遇。

    I ran across an old friend of mine in the library.

  14. 我们上星期在伦敦与凯特不期而遇。

    We bumped into Kate when we were in London last week.

  15. 我与奥巴马总统在晚宴上不期而遇。

    I happened to cross paths with President Obama at the dinner party.

  16. 我与奥巴马总统在晚宴上不期而遇。

    I happened to cross paths with President Obama at the dinner party.

  17. 我在图书馆里与一位老朋友不期而遇。

    I ran across an old friend of mine in the library.

  18. 几年后,我在贝鲁特与他不期而遇。

    Years later, I came across him in beirut.

  19. 我将如何面对与我不期而遇的每个人呢?

    And how will I confront each whom I meet?

  20. 在去邮局途中,我与一位老朋友不期而遇。

    On my way to the post office, I come across and old friend.

  21. 那人一直跟在她后边,上前装作不期而遇。

    The man, who has been follow hag her, pretends to happen to meet her.

  22. 她上星期在公园中和一个老同学不期而遇。

    She ran against an old schoolmate in the park last week.

  23. 伯顿是与柯克不期而遇的几个人之一。

    Burton was one of several men who crossed paths with Kirk.

  24. 再也没什么比我们不期而遇的事发生的那样必然。

    Nothing is so certain to happen as something that we do not expect.

  25. 有天下午,我们在湖边与一场雷雨不期而遇。

    Oneafternoon while we were there at that lake a thunderstorm came up.

  26. 由于这不期而遇的相逢,他的手和肩部在抽搐。

    His hand and shoulder were twitching from the unlookedfor contact.

  27. 外交家们也将与全球化的这条悖论不期而遇。

    Diplomats have run smack up against one of the paradoxes of globalisation.

  28. 由于这不期而遇得相逢, 他得手和肩部在抽搐。

    His hand and shoulder were twitching from the unlookedfor contact.

  29. 最近不期而遇一位高中时代的老友,我吓了一跳。

    It was a shock to urn into an old friend from high school recently.

  30. 这次不期而遇使得三人个个又惊又喜,又觉尴尬。

    Surprise, consciousness, and pleasure appeared in each of the three on this unexpected meeting.


  1. 问:不期而遇拼音怎么拼?不期而遇的读音是什么?不期而遇翻译成英文是什么?

    答:不期而遇的读音是bùqī'éryù,不期而遇翻译成英文是 meet unexpectedly; have a chance encounter, bum...




解释: 期:约定时间。事先没有约定而遇见。指意外碰见,没有指定的时间,地点 ,让人感觉突如其来。