







汉语拼音:mò zhī







  1. 用墨加水研成或用制墨原料制成的汁。今亦指用黑色颜料加水和少量胶质制成的液体。

    晋 王嘉 《拾遗记·周灵王》:“壶中有墨汁如淳漆,洒地及石,皆成篆隶科斗之字。” 宋 吴氏 《林下偶谈·饮墨》:“ 唐 王勃 属文,初不精思,先磨墨汁数升,酣饮,引被覆面卧,及寤,援笔成篇,不改一字。人谓 勃 为腹稿。” 丁玲 《母亲》三:“砚池里装得有昨夜磨好的墨汁,于是她聚精会神的临着。”



  1. "I can't. . . " the Rainbow Fish started to say, but the octopus had already disappeared into a dark cloud of ink.


  2. His hard-hitting non-academic painting style, as in his series Black and Red, often seems to drip with ink and blood.


  3. Mr. Pan was quite overwhelmed. He took the writing brush and dipped it in the ink.


  4. By choosing the right combination of ink and surface it is possible to make efficient solar cells using very little material or energy.


  5. Write till your ink be dry, and with your tears; Moist it again, and frame some feeling line; That may discover such integrity.


  6. "The first thing I had was a glass of cava and a bocadillo with calamari in its own ink. "


  7. I've got a mosquito bite on my tattoo. Did the mosquito get a little dose of ink along with my blood?


  8. You dip one into a china ink dish of sauce and then pop the brush part into your mouth, leaving the bamboo stem on the plate.


  9. This only take the cat's whole body is white spots, far look, like a mass of white MianHuaDian on a few drops of ink.


  1. 乌贼墨汁蛋白酶

    Sepia proteinase

  2. 章鱼为什么喷墨汁

    Why Does an Octopus Squirt Its Ink

  3. 毛笔沾满了墨汁。

    A brush is charged with black ink.

  4. 去跟老张讨点墨汁。

    Go and ask Lao Zhang for some Chinese ink.

  5. 乌梅掺墨汁检测方法研究

    Detecting Methods on Fructs Mume with Mixed Chinese Ink

  6. 接着,把墨汁刷在字上。

    Then they brushed ink onto the characters.

  7. 墨汁鬼伞生物学特性研究

    A Study on the Biological Characteristics of Coprinus atramentarius

  8. 墨汁灌注行微血管密度测定

    The density of micrangium was measured by infusion with ink.

  9. 印度墨汁浓黑的绘图墨水。

    Indian ink Intensely black drawing ink.

  10. 纸张、墨汁、颜料由组委会提供。

    Paper, ink and paint will be provided by the Organizing Committee.

  11. 墨汁灌注透明及组织学切片观察。

    Transparant slices and tissue slices after ink injection.

  12. 我教她去除衣服上墨汁的诀窍。

    I gave her a tip on removing ink from clothing.

  13. 填写票据应使用墨汁或碳素笔。

    To fill in a bill, Chinese ink or a carbon pen should be used.

  14. 金乌贼墨汁营养成分分析及评价

    Analysis and Evaluation of the Nutritive Composition of the Ink of the Golden Cuttlefish Sepia esculenta

  15. 这些煤烟子是制造墨汁的主要原料。

    Coal soot is the main material used to produce ink.

  16. 这些煤烟子是制造墨汁得主要原料。

    Coal soot is the main material used to produce ink.

  17. 这些煤烟子是制造墨汁的主要原料。

    Coal soot is the main material used to produce ink.

  18. 墨汁颗粒附着在气泡上,浮到表面上。

    Ink particles attach themselves to air bubbles and rise to the surface.

  19. 那么浓黑的墨汁一般是洗不掉的。

    Thick black ink like that doesn't usually wash out.

  20. 那么浓黑得墨汁一般是洗不掉得。

    Thick black ink like that doesn't usually wash out.

  21. 这种纸能很快地吸收液体和墨汁。

    And they can absorb liquid of water or ink very quickly.

  22. 但是现在我们都用墨汁, 不用墨块了。

    However, we often use ink instead of ink stick now.

  23. 我记起来了,你的手上有黑墨汁。

    I remember. You had black ink on your hand.

  24. 我记起来了,你得手上有黑墨汁。

    I remember. You had black ink on your hand.

  25. 墨水,墨汁成套生产线鞋油生产线农药灌装机

    Whole set of production line of ink and prepared Chinese ink production line of shoeshine pouring machine of pesticide

  26. 那个男孩尝试着用墨汁作一幅画。

    The boy tried to paint a picture in Indian ink.

  27. 对她来说, 那就像章鱼的墨汁一样。

    To her, it looked like the ink of an octopus.

  28. 墨汁能穿过并制作副本的凝胶板。

    A gelatin plate from which ink can be taken to make a copy.

  29. 宝贝儿子得先去把胸口的墨汁洗掉。

    This golden boy's gotta go wash ink off his boobs.

  30. 当她正在写信的时候, 钢笔的墨汁用完了。

    Her pen ran out while she was writing a letter.


  1. 问:墨汁拼音怎么拼?墨汁的读音是什么?墨汁翻译成英文是什么?

    答:墨汁的读音是mòzhī,墨汁翻译成英文是 prepared Chinese ink

  2. 问:墨汁染法拼音怎么拼?墨汁染法的读音是什么?墨汁染法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:墨汁染法的读音是mò zhī rǎn fǎ,墨汁染法翻译成英文是 India-ink preparation

  3. 问:墨汁鬼伞拼音怎么拼?墨汁鬼伞的读音是什么?墨汁鬼伞翻译成英文是什么?

    答:墨汁鬼伞的读音是,墨汁鬼伞翻译成英文是 Coprinopsis atramentaria

  4. 问:墨汁夹膜染色拼音怎么拼?墨汁夹膜染色的读音是什么?墨汁夹膜染色翻译成英文是什么?

    答:墨汁夹膜染色的读音是mò zhī jiá mó rǎn sè,墨汁夹膜染色翻译成英文是 India-ink capsule staining

  5. 问:墨汁荚膜染色拼音怎么拼?墨汁荚膜染色的读音是什么?墨汁荚膜染色翻译成英文是什么?

    答:墨汁荚膜染色的读音是mò zhī jiá mó rǎn sè,墨汁荚膜染色翻译成英文是 India-ink capsule staining

  6. 问:墨汁负染色法拼音怎么拼?墨汁负染色法的读音是什么?墨汁负染色法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:墨汁负染色法的读音是mò zhī fù rǎn sè fǎ,墨汁负染色法翻译成英文是 India-ink negative stain

  7. 问:墨汁荚膜染色法拼音怎么拼?墨汁荚膜染色法的读音是什么?墨汁荚膜染色法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:墨汁荚膜染色法的读音是mò zhī jiá mó rǎn sè fǎ,墨汁荚膜染色法翻译成英文是 India-ink capsule stain


