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汉语拼音:wēi shè
亦作“ 威讋 ”。以声势或威力使之恐惧屈服。
汉 张衡 《西京赋》:“威慑兕虎,莫之敢伉。” 晋 郭璞 《开明》诗:“开明天兽,禀兹食精,虎身人面,表此桀形,瞪视 崑山 ,威慑百灵。”《梁书·武帝纪上》:“若功业克建,威讋四海,号令天下,谁敢不从!” 唐 元稹 《论教本书》:“ 赵高 之威慑天下,而 胡亥 已自幽於深宫矣。” 峻青 《秋色赋·故乡杂记》:“站在他面前的一些又高又大的敌人,竟被这满身血迹又瘦又小的孩子底一双冒着火花的眼神威慑住了。”
NATO insiders say that some member countries have begun to see BMD as an alternative to nuclear deterrence, not as a complement to it.
北约内部人士表示,一些成员国不再将BMD系统看成是核威慑力量补充,而是其替代品。No matter what you have done or not done, no one deserves to be treated disrespectfully or in a threatening manner.
不管你做了什么,或者没有做什么,你不应该被如此无礼对待,也不应被威慑恐吓。Pretending to keep a military threat on the table while trying to talk or bribe Iran out of going nuclear is not a bad policy.
在谈判桌上假装军事威慑要谈条件或者给;伊朗好处让它放弃核路线并不是一个坏谋略。On the face of things, capital punishment ought to be the ultimate deterrent. But it does not seem to be.
表面看来,死刑应是终极的威慑,但实际似乎不是。He would be useful for the Italy squad and is always a danger in the area, as he has an instinct for goal, but that is up to the Coach.
他是小组中的重要一员,因为他正点的射门,使他成为球场上,最具威慑力的人物,但这也要取决于教练。Col. David Lapan, the Pentagon spokesman, said the exercise was meant to be a deterrent to North Korean attacks.
五角大楼发言人大卫.拉潘上校说,此次演习是为了给朝鲜的攻击一个威慑。'Do not commit crime. Pay for your fuel' is hardly a deterrent to a criminal who has every intention of driving off without paying.
‘禁止犯罪,加油付款’对一个想要加了油就跑的犯罪分子可没有什么威慑力量。The stigma associated with incarceration serves as a greater deterrent than a fine that can be passed along as the cost of doing business.
监禁作为一种比罚金更具威慑力的刑罚,其缺陷在于他可以被忽略掉,就像忽略做生意的成本一样。S. went ahead with plans to build a missile defense system that he said appeared to be designed to neutralize Russia's nuclear deterrent.