


两个,一对:一~鞋。~杠。~重(chǒng )。~方。~管齐下。~豆塞聪(耳被堵塞,一无所闻)。~瞳剪水(形容眼珠的清澈)。智勇~全。盖世无~。偶,与“单”相对:~数。~号。加倍的:~料。~份。姓。……





汉语拼音:shuāng fāng








  1. 指在某种场合中相对的两个人或两个集体。

    魏巍 《东方》第三部第十一章:“我总是怕伤了感情,影响双方的关系,工作也不好搞。”如:男女双方;买卖双方;原被告双方;缔约国双方。



  1. He was at least even -handed in his awfulness giving free kicks to both teams on several occasions when they had a real advantage to play.


  2. Each belligerent has a strong motivation to hit the enemy hard to show that it values victory very highly.


  3. And I invited the prime minister to come to the White House in December, as we plan for all the important work that we have to do together.


  4. Since the beginning of this year, the two sides have maintained close communications and coordination on the preparations for the dialogue.


  5. But the gap between the two sides is still significant and negotiations are unlikely to be concluded by the year-end.


  6. Jia hoped that both sides will continue efforts to become a fine example of regional cooperation between the two countries.


  7. At the beginning, both sides did not reach cooperative consensus, develop severally later.


  8. Such remedy shall be cumulative and nonexclusive, and shall be in addition to any other remedy to which the parties may be entitled.


  9. WHO recommends that couples wait at least two years from one birth to the time a woman attempts to become pregnant again.


  1. 双方各执一词。

    Each side persisted in its own views.

  2. 双方同时发话

    double talk.

  3. 双方分权关系

    bilateral power relationship.

  4. 信息供求双方

    information supplier and demander.

  5. 交战双方停战

    a truce between two warring sides.

  6. 签订合同双方

    both sides who have signed contract

  7. 双方意见相违。

    The two sides could not agree.

  8. 双方实力匹敌。

    The two sides are evenly matched.

  9. 双方争持不下。

    Both sides stuck to their own stand.

  10. 双方意见相左。

    The two parties held different views.

  11. 双方立场鲜明。

    Both sides made their positions clear.

  12. 双方协议如下

    Both parties agree on the following terms and conditions.

  13. 双方意见暗合。

    There was a coincidence of opinions between the two sides.

  14. 双方都有错。

    There are faults on both sides.

  15. 双方力量悬殊。

    There was a great disparity in strength between the two sides.

  16. 双方剑拨弩张。

    The knives are out on both sides.

  17. 双方队长挑边。

    Captains toss, please.

  18. 双方扳成平局。

    The score is now equal.

  19. 双方扳成平局。

    The score is now equal.

  20. 双方各有胜负。

    Both sides have a point.

  21. 双方打成平手。

    The two sides broke even.

  22. 双方白首偕老。

    Till death dispart the union.

  23. 双方口出恶言。

    Insults were hurled back and forth.

  24. 双方僵持好久。

    For quite some time, neither party was willing to budge from its original position.

  25. 双方贞洁之誓言

    mutual vow of chastity

  26. 双方同意的交易

    consensual transaction.

  27. 双方谈得火热。

    The two sides engaged in intense talks.

  28. 双方谈得火热。

    The two sides engaged in intense talks.

  29. 双方继续对骂。

    The two sides continued to trade insults.

  30. 加强双方的合作

    strengthen bilateral cooperation


  1. 问:双方拼音怎么拼?双方的读音是什么?双方翻译成英文是什么?

    答:双方的读音是shuāngfāng,双方翻译成英文是 bothways

  2. 问:双方拼音怎么拼?双方的读音是什么?双方翻译成英文是什么?

    答:双方的读音是shuāngfāng,双方翻译成英文是 both sides

  3. 问:双方专约拼音怎么拼?双方专约的读音是什么?双方专约翻译成英文是什么?

    答:双方专约的读音是shuāngfāngzhuānyuē,双方专约翻译成英文是 bipartite convention

  4. 问:双方代理拼音怎么拼?双方代理的读音是什么?双方代理翻译成英文是什么?

    答:双方代理的读音是shuāng fāng dài lǐ,双方代理翻译成英文是 bilateral agency

  5. 问:双方企图拼音怎么拼?双方企图的读音是什么?双方企图翻译成英文是什么?

    答:双方企图的读音是shuāng fāng qǐ tú,双方企图翻译成英文是 Intentions of the Opposing Sides

  6. 问:双方公民拼音怎么拼?双方公民的读音是什么?双方公民翻译成英文是什么?

    答:双方公民的读音是shuāngfānggōngmín,双方公民翻译成英文是 nationals of both parties

  7. 问:双方利益拼音怎么拼?双方利益的读音是什么?双方利益翻译成英文是什么?

    答:双方利益的读音是shuāngfānglìyì,双方利益翻译成英文是 mutual interest

  8. 问:双方协定拼音怎么拼?双方协定的读音是什么?双方协定翻译成英文是什么?

    答:双方协定的读音是shuāngfāngxiédìng,双方协定翻译成英文是 bipartite agreement

  9. 问:双方协议拼音怎么拼?双方协议的读音是什么?双方协议翻译成英文是什么?

    答:双方协议的读音是shuāngfāngxiéyì,双方协议翻译成英文是 agreement between two sides

  10. 问:双方合伙拼音怎么拼?双方合伙的读音是什么?双方合伙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:双方合伙的读音是shuāng fāng hé huǒ,双方合伙翻译成英文是 bilateral partner

  11. 问:双方合同拼音怎么拼?双方合同的读音是什么?双方合同翻译成英文是什么?

    答:双方合同的读音是shuāng fāng hé tóng,双方合同翻译成英文是 bilateral contract

  12. 问:双方同意拼音怎么拼?双方同意的读音是什么?双方同意翻译成英文是什么?

    答:双方同意的读音是shuāng fāng tóng yì,双方同意翻译成英文是 mutual consent

  13. 问:双方就位拼音怎么拼?双方就位的读音是什么?双方就位翻译成英文是什么?

    答:双方就位的读音是shuāng fāng jiù wèi,双方就位翻译成英文是 on trip

  14. 问:双方无局拼音怎么拼?双方无局的读音是什么?双方无局翻译成英文是什么?

    答:双方无局的读音是shuāng fāng wú jú,双方无局翻译成英文是 love all

  15. 问:双方有局拼音怎么拼?双方有局的读音是什么?双方有局翻译成英文是什么?

    答:双方有局的读音是shuāng fāng yǒu jú,双方有局翻译成英文是 game all; horse and horse

  16. 问:双方条约拼音怎么拼?双方条约的读音是什么?双方条约翻译成英文是什么?

    答:双方条约的读音是shuāngfāngtiáoyuē,双方条约翻译成英文是 bipartite treaty

  17. 问:双方汇票拼音怎么拼?双方汇票的读音是什么?双方汇票翻译成英文是什么?

    答:双方汇票的读音是shuāng fāng huì piào,双方汇票翻译成英文是 two party draft

  18. 问:双方犯规拼音怎么拼?双方犯规的读音是什么?双方犯规翻译成英文是什么?

    答:双方犯规的读音是,双方犯规翻译成英文是 double foul

  19. 问:双方认可拼音怎么拼?双方认可的读音是什么?双方认可翻译成英文是什么?

    答:双方认可的读音是shuāng fāng rèn kě,双方认可翻译成英文是 mutual concession

  20. 问:双方返还拼音怎么拼?双方返还的读音是什么?双方返还翻译成英文是什么?

    答:双方返还的读音是shuāng fāng fǎn huán,双方返还翻译成英文是 mutual return



魏巍 《东方》第三部第十一章:“我总是怕伤了感情,影响双方的关系,工作也不好搞。”如:男女双方;买卖双方;原被告双方;缔约国双方。