







汉语拼音:fāng yào






  1. 医方和药物。亦借指医道,医术。

    《汉书·杜延年传》:“ 昭帝 末,寝疾,徵天下名医, 延年 典领方药。”《后汉书·方术传下·华佗》:“﹝ 佗 ﹞精於方药,处齐不过数种,心识分銖,不假称量。” 明 高启 《杏林图为沉日新先生题》诗:“如今不用施方药,闻得花香疾自消。” 清 周亮工 《<医学正言>序》:“古之神仙得道者流,常藉方药以度世。”《续资治通鉴·宋太祖开宝八年》:“ 岭 表之俗,疾不呼医,自皇化攸及,始知方药;商人齎生药度 岭 者勿算。”



  1. So, clinical to choose the suitable formula according to the change of the syndrome, doctor who do not need to point one of them.


  2. but the task of conforming topical prescription of TCM hairdressing to traditional medical cosmetics is still very arduous.


  3. Objective: Optimizing the technological conditions for Extractions of Supplement Qi and Engendering Blood Oral liquid medicinal substances.


  4. Conclusion The ethanol extract method should be used to extract the potent active components of "Yueju Pills" .


  5. The medicine study for china ancient osteology can find that the medicine is a process from ease to complication and back to ease.


  6. Objective: At present on clinical treats AP Fang Yao quite a lot, often is various medicines many by own experience treatment.


  7. Objective To observe the curative effect of the recipe for nourishing Gan-Shen on Parkinson s disease (PD) of Gan-Shen yin deficiency type.


  8. Objective: To investigate the inhibitory effect of Chinese herbal medicine contained serum on gastric cancer BGC cell in vitro.


  9. By the Ming dynasty by the WuZhengLun physicians series of health, is a book to contain many health content and common medical books.


  1. 偏头痛中医方药治疗近况

    Recent Developments of TCM Prescriptions for Migraine

  2. 痛经常用得方药及研究进展。

    Prescriptions and herbs commonly applied and the research development of Dysmenorrhea.

  3. 治湿六法方药配伍浅识

    The Understanding of Herbs in Six Methods of Treating Dampness

  4. 中医与蒙医治疗脑震荡方药比较

    Comparative Study of Prescription Usage of TCM and TMEM in Treatment of Cerebral Concussion

  5. 傣医雅解理论及其方药的研究进展

    The Studying Development of The Dai Medical Ya gai Theory and Its Medicine.

  6. 张子和涌吐方药与机理的探讨

    Proke into the prescription of the emetic therapy and mechanism with Zhang Zi he

  7. 对立统一规律在方药配伍中的应用

    Application of the Law of the Unity of Opposites on Composing of Prescription

  8. 对祛邪抗肿瘤方药扶正作用研究的思考

    Speculation on Reinforcing Effect of Prescriptions for Removing Pathogenic Factors and Eliminating Tumor

  9. 胎漏、胎动不安文献及方药证治规律研究

    The Research on Literature and Order of Prescriptions and Herbs, Syndromes and Treatment of Spotting during Pregnancy and Fetal Irritability.

  10. 初步总结了单兆伟教授常用方药的特色及经验。

    Shan Zhao Wei, a preliminary summary of a single professor of the characteristics of commonly used herbs and experience.

  11. 活血化瘀法及其方药治疗慢性肾小球肾炎研究进展

    Advance research on treatment of promoting blood circulation by removing blood stasisy for chronic glomerulonephritis and its prescription

  12. 中医药治疗带状疱疹的文献质量评价与方药使用规律探讨

    Literature quality evaluation and prescription regularity on herpes zoster treated with tcm

  13. 结论化瘀祛痰颗粒剂是治疗冠心病心绞痛的有效方药之一。

    Conclusion Resolving Stasis Eliminating Phlegm Granule was one of more effective prescription for AP of CHD treatment.

  14. 自制外贴内服方药治疗腰间盘突出症的远期疗效观察

    The Prostecdtive Efficacy Observation of Apply Combination Oral Administration on Treating Lumbar Intervertebral Disc Protrusion

  15. 方药配伍对茵陈蒿汤中大黄酸提取率变化的影响

    Influence of Drug Compatibility on Extractive rate of rhein of Yinchenhao Tang

  16. 不同治则方药对拟血管性痴呆鼠学习与记忆的作用

    Effects of various traditional Chinese medicinal prescriptions on learning and memory disorders in model mice with vascular dementia

  17. 活血祛痰方药预防自发性高血压大鼠心肌纤维化实验研究

    Experimental Study on Prevention of Myocardial Fibrosis by the Prescription of Promoting Blood Circulation and Eliminating phlegm in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats

  18. 结果方药配伍对茵陈蒿汤中大黄酸溶出率变化有很大影响。

    Conclusion Drug compatibility is one of the main causes for change of rhein content in Yinchenhao Tang decoction.


