


1. 采 [cǎi]2. 采 [cài]采 [cǎi]摘取:~撷。~花。~摘。~制。选取,搜集,开发,利用:~访(搜集寻访)。~纳(接受意见)。~集。~伐。~购。~掘。~写。神色,精神:神~。精~。同“彩”。〔~~〕盛多的样子。古代指官。采……





汉语拼音:cǎi guāng






  1. "two other caterpillars surprised to see him, " rest? do not see the other side of flowers in the flower pretty soon, someone else light it?


  2. The courtyard for sunlight and ventilation goes up to the Chimney, or sky and develop it into a symbol of this kindergarten.


  3. With just a few exceptions, only the gable ends are glazed, and the structural volumes seem to have been shaped with an extrusion press.


  4. After several studies, it was mutually decided the program would be about multiple galleries, each with a different daylighting technique.


  5. By mathematical method and computer simulation, it calculated the sun-light incidence rate of different surface radian curves of greenhouse.


  6. A series of courtyards introduce space and light. From the viewing rooms, the only sight of the exterior is the sky.


  7. There has no precedent go by about the lighting and aeration through opening double big holes in high-rise building construction.


  8. If the space is larger, daylighting is better, can select the plant with a bit loftier , a bit stronger positive.


  9. A greenhouse water film sunbeam-gathering heat-storage insulation system relates to a supporting facility of a planting greenhouse.


  1. 采光屋面板

    rooflighting sheet

  2. 采光和日照

    lightening and sunlight

  3. 采光权妨害

    infringement of lighting

  4. 树冠采光面积

    Crown lighting area.

  5. 公共建筑采光

    daylighting for public building.

  6. 北向采光锯齿形屋

    north light roof

  7. 陈列室的采光和照明

    Natural Lighting and Illumination ofExhibition Room

  8. 禁止妨碍眺望采光役权

    Servitus ne luminibus prospectui offciatur

  9. 我们让建筑物采用自然采光

    So we light our buildings with daylight.

  10. 公共场所采光系数测定方法

    Methods for determination of daylighting efficient in public places

  11. 应当注意畜舍的采光量。

    The amount of light available in a barn should be noted.

  12. 采光全部是自然光和阳光。

    It let in natural light and sent in rays of sunshine.

  13. 我们为采光设计了遮阳帆布。

    We designed sunshade canvas for daylighting.

  14. 这些窗户采光及通风性能良好。

    The windows permit light and air to enter.

  15. 它的商店采光好且非常干净。

    Its stores are welllit and spotlessly clean.

  16. 通风采光标准性,防尘防腐消除性。

    Understand sex of wind daylighting standard, dustproof and anticorrosive eliminate a gender.

  17. 而且吸收体表面平整, 洁白, 采光好。

    The absorbers present smooth surface, and good brightness.

  18. 房屋的假层, 应具有采光通风设施。

    Housing false layer, should have ventilation and lighting facilities.

  19. 房屋得假层,应具有采光通风设施。

    Housing false layer, should have ventilation and lighting facilities.

  20. 自然光光导照明在建筑采光中的应用

    The Applications on Architectural Lighting of Tubular Skylight

  21. 整座房子的采光和通风都非常好。

    The whole house was beautifully light and airy.

  22. 阳光照进四围全是玻璃的采光室。

    Sunlight streamed into the porch which had been glassed in

  23. 液晶显示器件的装配方法与采光技术

    Assemblage Methods and Lighting Technologies about Liquid Crystal Display Parts

  24. 本户型客厅是大飘窗, 采光非常好。

    The Unit is a large bay window living room, lighting is very good.

  25. 该工厂使用地热能源,自然采光和自然通风。

    The factory uses geothermic energy, natural lighting and natural ventilation.

  26. 客厅及主卧室环形大玻璃, 采光极好。

    Ring a large living room and master bedroom glass, excellent lighting.

  27. 关于采光窗口采光效率和房屋进深问题的探讨

    Exploration on Day Lighting Efficiency of Window and Room Depth

  28. 对办公建筑的天然采光进行了实验研究。

    This paper provides an experimental study on day lighting of office buildings.

  29. 挑空构造,天窗采光,激发工作与创作灵感。

    The void structure and daylighting by skylights inspire work and creation.

  30. 通行, 通风, 采光仍是相邻诉讼的热点问题

    Pass through, ventilate, the daylighting is still the hot question of the adjoint lawsuit


  1. 问:采光拼音怎么拼?采光的读音是什么?采光翻译成英文是什么?

    答:采光的读音是cǎiguāng,采光翻译成英文是 lighting

  2. 问:采光井拼音怎么拼?采光井的读音是什么?采光井翻译成英文是什么?

    答:采光井的读音是cǎi guāng jǐng,采光井翻译成英文是 light well

  3. 问:采光口拼音怎么拼?采光口的读音是什么?采光口翻译成英文是什么?

    答:采光口的读音是cǎi guāng kǒu,采光口翻译成英文是 daylight opening

  4. 问:采光塔拼音怎么拼?采光塔的读音是什么?采光塔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:采光塔的读音是cǎi guāng tǎ,采光塔翻译成英文是 lantern

  5. 问:采光带拼音怎么拼?采光带的读音是什么?采光带翻译成英文是什么?

    答:采光带的读音是cǎi guāng dài,采光带翻译成英文是 lighting belt

  6. 问:采光权拼音怎么拼?采光权的读音是什么?采光权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:采光权的读音是cǎi guāng quán,采光权翻译成英文是 light and air

  7. 问:采光板拼音怎么拼?采光板的读音是什么?采光板翻译成英文是什么?

    答:采光板的读音是cǎi guāng bǎn,采光板翻译成英文是 lighting slab

  8. 问:采光窗拼音怎么拼?采光窗的读音是什么?采光窗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:采光窗的读音是cǎi guāng chuāng,采光窗翻译成英文是 utility window

  9. 问:采光罩拼音怎么拼?采光罩的读音是什么?采光罩翻译成英文是什么?

    答:采光罩的读音是cǎi guāng zhào,采光罩翻译成英文是 lighting casing

  10. 问:采光井墙拼音怎么拼?采光井墙的读音是什么?采光井墙翻译成英文是什么?

    答:采光井墙的读音是cǎi guāng jǐng qiáng,采光井墙翻译成英文是 areaway wall

  11. 问:采光天窗拼音怎么拼?采光天窗的读音是什么?采光天窗翻译成英文是什么?

    答:采光天窗的读音是cǎi guāng tiān chuāng,采光天窗翻译成英文是 roof light

  12. 问:采光权法拼音怎么拼?采光权法的读音是什么?采光权法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:采光权法的读音是cǎi guāng quán fǎ,采光权法翻译成英文是 law of lights

  13. 问:采光法规拼音怎么拼?采光法规的读音是什么?采光法规翻译成英文是什么?

    答:采光法规的读音是cǎi guāng fǎ guī,采光法规翻译成英文是 lighting regulations

  14. 问:采光系数拼音怎么拼?采光系数的读音是什么?采光系数翻译成英文是什么?

    答:采光系数的读音是cǎi guāng xì shù,采光系数翻译成英文是 daylight factor

  15. 问:采光范围拼音怎么拼?采光范围的读音是什么?采光范围翻译成英文是什么?

    答:采光范围的读音是cǎi guāng fàn wéi,采光范围翻译成英文是 light field

  16. 问:采光通风拼音怎么拼?采光通风的读音是什么?采光通风翻译成英文是什么?

    答:采光通风的读音是cǎi guāng tōng fēng,采光通风翻译成英文是 light and air

  17. 问:采光面积拼音怎么拼?采光面积的读音是什么?采光面积翻译成英文是什么?

    答:采光面积的读音是cǎi guāng miàn jī,采光面积翻译成英文是 day light width

  18. 问:采光地役权拼音怎么拼?采光地役权的读音是什么?采光地役权翻译成英文是什么?

    答:采光地役权的读音是cǎi guāng dì yì quán,采光地役权翻译成英文是 light easement

  19. 问:采光均匀度拼音怎么拼?采光均匀度的读音是什么?采光均匀度翻译成英文是什么?

    答:采光均匀度的读音是cǎi guāng jūn yún dù,采光均匀度翻译成英文是 uniformity of daylighting

  20. 问:采光通风孔拼音怎么拼?采光通风孔的读音是什么?采光通风孔翻译成英文是什么?

    答:采光通风孔的读音是cǎi guāng tōng fēng kǒng,采光通风孔翻译成英文是 window bole


