




1. 车 [chē]2. 车 [jū]车 [chē]陆地上有轮子的交通工具:火~。~驾(帝王的马车)。~裂(中国古代一种残酷的死刑,俗称“五马分尸”)。前~之鉴。用轮轴来转动的器具:纺~。水~。用水车打水:~水。指旋床或其他机器:~床。用旋……



汉语拼音:chǎn chē






  1. 即铲运车。

    《光明日报》1990.7.8:“由铲车将垃圾袋送进压缩机内,进行压缩处理。”参见“ 铲运车 ”。



  1. In the end, he had to be forklifted out after the front wall of his house was torn down.


  2. If something falls out of the rock handler, a special bulldozer take it back to the excavating site.


  3. Qin left just to see the big three forklifts , though down.


  4. Silly as it now sounds, we will put artificial intelligence into hammers, dental picks, fork lifts, stethoscopes, and frying pans.


  5. The container can be collapsed in little more than 30 seconds by one person using a forklift truck.


  6. With the above analysis, the design reliability of the CLX3 flame proof rubber tyre forklift was improved from the theoretical point.


  7. Forklift drivers with warehouse forklift job security fence through the aisles.


  8. Garbage, Road cleaning vehicles, Tractors, Combine harvester and Forklift.


  9. He needed a forklift truck to carry it to the official weighing.


  1. 牵引式铲车

    tractor shovel.

  2. 微型方向铲车

    omnidirectional forklift.

  3. 你该对铲车说。

    ZIP Shoulda told that to the forklift.

  4. 前支撑液压铲车

    front support hydraulic forklift

  5. 他们的铲车正在店里。

    Their forklift's in the shop.

  6. 知道我们破坏那些铲车的事吗?

    Did you see what we did to their shovel?

  7. 所以一定是由铲车给移走的。

    So it had to be moved by a toploader.

  8. 农用拖拉机改装成小型铲车的创新设计

    Innovative Design of Economical and Practical Miniature Scraper

  9. 工程铲车斗齿套的锻造成形工艺分析

    Analysis of Forging Technique of Dipper Teeth Cover of Engineering Excavator

  10. 铲车匹配条件下铲作业率的计算

    Calculation of operating coefficient of shovel for matched shovels and trucks

  11. 根本没办法把他们弄到那里,要用铲车。

    Can't even get them there. Forklift.

  12. 有铲车操作证以及一定仓库管理系统操作知识。

    License on forklift, Basic ERP system knowledge in warehouse operation will be a plus.

  13. 按照采购要求及时订购维修零件、铲车、器械等。

    Timely order repairing parts, forklift, instruments, etc. upon approved purchase requests.

  14. 要求会开铲车, 并使用相关仓库打包设备。

    Ability to driving forklift and use packing equipments.

  15. 铲车, 主要用于重量大展品装卸和短距离移动。

    Forklift Vehicle used to transport heavy exhibit materials short distance, and for loading and unloading materials.

  16. 铲车低速行驶, 小心周围有人或碰到罐等物体。

    Fork lift at low speed and caution around someone or run into objects such as cans.

  17. 他需要用铲车把这颗南瓜载到官方称重地点称重。

    He needed a forklift truck to carry it to the official weighing.

  18. 在一架铲车和一辆拖车的帮助下, 他到湖边转了转。

    Manuel Uribe took a trip to the lake with the help of a forklift and a platform truck.

  19. 这取决你是否想要去温州做开铲车清理粪便的工作。

    It is if you want to shovel excrement in Wenzhou.

  20. 这取决你是否想要去温州做开铲车清理粪便得工作。

    It is if you want to shovel excrement in Wenzhou.

  21. 铲车昂贵的维护, 是对工人受伤甚至死亡, 每年的重要来源。

    Forklift trucks are expensive to maintain and are a significant source of worker injuries and even deaths each year.

  22. 带有可旋转叉的码垛扁平铲车。可显示工作通道净空范围。

    Pallet stacking forklift with rotatable forks. Working aisle clearance area can be shown.

  23. 带有可旋转叉的带升降舱铲车。可显示工作通道净空范围。

    Rising cab forklift with rotatable forks. Working aisle clearance area can be shown.

  24. 迈克·马利根开着他那辆破旧的名叫玛丽·安妮的蒸汽铲车,在给一幢待建的摩天楼挖地基。

    Mike Mulligan, in his old steam shovel named Mary Anne, is digging a hole where a skyscraper will be built.


  1. 问:铲车拼音怎么拼?铲车的读音是什么?铲车翻译成英文是什么?

    答:铲车的读音是chǎnchē,铲车翻译成英文是 forklift