


1. 单 [dān]2. 单 [shàn]3. 单 [chán]单 [dān]不复杂:~纯。简~。~调(diào)。独一:~独。~一。~词。只,仅:做事~靠热情不够。奇(jī)数的:~日。~号。薄,弱:~薄。衣服被褥只有一层的:~裤。~衣。……


1. 杠 [gàng]2. 杠 [gāng]杠 [gàng]一种较粗的棍子:~子。~杆。在阅读或批改文字中作标记而画的粗直线。杠 [gāng]旗杆。小桥。床前横木。……



汉语拼音:dān gàng





2.男子竞技体操项目之一。运动员在杠上做回环 、摆越、转体、腾越、飞行等动作。



  1. 体操器械名。用两根支柱和一根铁杠做成。

  2. 体操运动项目之一,运动员在单杠上做各种动作。




  1. Yeah, but today he was really hyper. He even got on the monkey bars and then he went on to go on the swings for a half hour. I'm exhausted!

  2. In artistic events (performed on an apparatus), men compete in floor, pommel horse, rings, vault, parallel bars and horizontal bars.

  3. Human and Horizontal Bar in a birdcage. A man is performing gymnastics on a Horizontal Bar.

  4. Remember that high altitude horizontal bar project makes me scared, watching team-mates easily climbed cylindrical up, trudged can't stand.

  5. The individual events for men include floor exercise, vault, pommel horse, horizontal bar, parallel bars, and rings.

  6. Instead of constantly being in project mode, take a trip now and then to the playground. I hear the monkey bars are fun.

  7. With wide after grasping a neck (horizontal bar) the exercise of pull-up will develop flesh back broadness .

  8. Men's events are floor exercise, horizontal bar, parallel bars, pommel horse, still rings and vault.

  9. The horizontal bar is a solid steel bar, from which the gymnast perform a variety of swings while hanging.


  1. 儿童用单杠

    Horizontal bars use only for children.

  2. 单杠挂钩短梯

    ceiling stick.

  3. 单杠前臂卷缠损伤

    horizontal bar coiling injuries of the forearm

  4. 海司单杠杆比较仪

    Hirth minimeter

  5. 体操运动员们在单杠上练习。

    The gymnasts were exercising on the horizontal bars.

  6. 他在单杠上变换了姿势。

    He shifted his position from the horizontal.

  7. 竞技体操单杠项目的发展概述

    The Development of Horizontal Bar Event

  8. 只有男子参加吊环, 双杠, 单杠和

    Only men perform on the rings, on the double bars, on the high bar, and on

  9. 这个身体强壮得人可以绕单杠。

    The strong man could turn an iron bar.

  10. 这个身体强壮的人可以绕单杠。

    The strong man could turn an iron bar.

  11. 单杠上人体回环运动的仿真设计

    Computer Simulation Design of the Giant Swing on Horizontal Bar

  12. 体操器材。单杠。安全要求和试验方法

    Gymnastic equipment. horizontal bars. safety requirements and test methods

  13. 有一天,我一个人在外面爬单杠。

    One day I was playing on a horizontal bar by myself.

  14. 他从单杠上摔了下来,弄断了脖子。

    She fell off the monkey bars and broke her neck.

  15. 浅谈女生单杠教学中心理障碍的克服

    Discussioa on Overcoming Girl Students'Mental Impediment in Bar Teaching.

  16. 单杠飞行动作的历史发展及其演进规律

    The Historical Development and Evolution Rule of the Flight Elements on the Horizontal Bar

  17. 新规则下世界男子单杠的发展态势分析

    Analysis of the Development of the World's Men Horizontal Bar Performance under the New Rules

  18. 鸟笼里的人,单杠。人在单杠上做着体操动作。

    Human and Horizontal Bar in a birdcage. A man is performing gymnastics on a Horizontal Bar.

  19. 中、外优秀体操运动员单杠成套动作比较研究

    The Comparison Analysis on Complete Set Movement of Horizontal Bar for Elite Gymnast at Home and Abroad.

  20. 单杠引体向上的锻炼效果与动作难易的分析

    Analysis on Training Effect and How to Act in Chinning

  21. 对我国男子体操运动员单杠技术现状的剖析

    Dissection of the present situation of horizontal bar technique for men gymnasts in our country

  22. 试论单杠飞行动作的发展及其与比赛成绩的关系

    Development of the Flight Element in Horizontal Bar and Its Relations with Results

  23. 提高我国优秀体操运动员单杠项目训练水平的研究

    A Study on Raising Chinese Elite Gymnasts'High Bar Training Level

  24. 他会滔滔不绝地讲给她听,他是多么喜欢单杠运动。

    He talked to her endlessly about his love of horizontals.

  25. 浅谈如何提高体操单杠骑撑前回环的教学效果

    Shallow Talking about how to Improve the Teaching Result of Gymnastics Horizontal bars Riding and Supporting the Wreath.

  26. 我也喜欢单杠。但只有男子体操才有这个项目。对么?

    I like the high bar, too. It is only for male gymnasts, right ?

  27. 单杠回环辅助练习器的设计与训练效果的实验研究

    Designed and Experimental Research in the Training Effects of Swing Assistant Apparatus of the Horizontal Bar

  28. 我撞上了教练,撞上单杠,撞上农科学生,撞上摆动着的铁环。

    I bumped into professors, horizontal bars, agricultural students, and swinging iron rings.

  29. 对世界男子单杠飞行动作的现状及其发展趋势的研判

    The present situation and development of flying on man's horizontal bar

  30. 单杠扭臂握直体前空翻抓杠技术的运动学特征

    Kinematic Characteristics of Swing down in Elgrip Salto Forward Stretched to Regrasp on Horizontal Bar


  1. 问:单杠拼音怎么拼?单杠的读音是什么?单杠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:单杠的读音是dāngàng,单杠翻译成英文是 horizontal bar

  2. 问:单杠杆拼音怎么拼?单杠杆的读音是什么?单杠杆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:单杠杆的读音是dān gàng gǎn,单杠杆翻译成英文是 single lever

  3. 问:单杠梯拼音怎么拼?单杠梯的读音是什么?单杠梯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:单杠梯的读音是dān gàng tī,单杠梯翻译成英文是 pole ladder

  4. 问:单杠立柱拼音怎么拼?单杠立柱的读音是什么?单杠立柱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:单杠立柱的读音是dān gàng lì zhù,单杠立柱翻译成英文是 uprights of the horizontal bar

  5. 问:单杠项目拼音怎么拼?单杠项目的读音是什么?单杠项目翻译成英文是什么?

    答:单杠项目的读音是dān gàng xiàng mù,单杠项目翻译成英文是 horizontal bar

  6. 问:单杠挂钩短梯拼音怎么拼?单杠挂钩短梯的读音是什么?单杠挂钩短梯翻译成英文是什么?

    答:单杠挂钩短梯的读音是dān gàng guà gōu duǎn tī,单杠挂钩短梯翻译成英文是 ceiling stick

  7. 问:单杠 (体操)拼音怎么拼?单杠 (体操)的读音是什么?单杠 (体操)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:单杠 (体操)的读音是,单杠 (体操)翻译成英文是 Horizontal bar

  8. 问:单杠 (器械)拼音怎么拼?单杠 (器械)的读音是什么?单杠 (器械)翻译成英文是什么?

    答:单杠 (器械)的读音是,单杠 (器械)翻译成英文是 Chin up bar



男子竞技体操项目之一。1896年,单杠(horizontal bar)被列为奥运会比赛项目。现代比赛用单杠由一直径 2.8 厘米的铁制横杠固定在两根支柱上,两端用钢索固定,横杠离地面 2.55 米 。单杠成套动作全 部由摆动动作组成,不能停顿。动作包括向前、向后大回环,各种换握、腾身回环,各种转体、扭臂握以及飞行动作。杠长2.4米,直径2.8厘米,高2.55~2.75米。横杠两端分别固定在支柱上。1896年被列为奥运会比赛项目。