


两个,一对:一~鞋。~杠。~重(chǒng )。~方。~管齐下。~豆塞聪(耳被堵塞,一无所闻)。~瞳剪水(形容眼珠的清澈)。智勇~全。盖世无~。偶,与“单”相对:~数。~号。加倍的:~料。~份。姓。……


1. 杠 [gàng]2. 杠 [gāng]杠 [gàng]一种较粗的棍子:~子。~杆。在阅读或批改文字中作标记而画的粗直线。杠 [gāng]旗杆。小桥。床前横木。……



汉语拼音:shuāng gàng








  1. 体操器械的一种。由固定于四根支柱上的两根平行木杠构成。

  2. 竞技体操项目之一,在双杠上做摆动、倒立、转体、屈伸等动作。



  1. An aerial gymnastic move performed on the parallel bars, rings, or other apparatus, especially a flying dismount with a somersault.


  2. The parallel bars are two round wooden bars used for such exercise as swinging, vaulting, and handstands .


  3. On the pavement outside, there are a handful of basketball hoops and a set of rusty metal parallel bars.


  4. But he struggled with some of his skills on parallel bars and acknowledged he still had pain in the hand.


  5. In artistic events (performed on an apparatus), men compete in floor, pommel horse, rings, vault, parallel bars and horizontal bars.


  6. I swung a few times, and I went up into a handstand, the first time I was ever on the parallel bars.


  7. sealing, stretching pantone parallel bars, together, benefit conjoined design with instant molding product surface.


  8. Mr. Lange lifted me up to the parallel bars.


  9. The individual events for men include floor exercise, vault, pommel horse, horizontal bar, parallel bars, and rings.


  1. 折叠式双杠

    bars, folding parallel.

  2. 双杠椅子顶

    chair pyramid atop shoulders.

  3. 步行训练用双杠

    parallel bars

  4. 双杠或滑梯上掉下来所致。

    monkey bars, or slides.

  5. 西莉亚第一个上双杠。

    Celia was the first to go on the parallel bars.

  6. 另外,经常拉双杠和倒走。

    In addition, the parallel bars and pull often inverted walk.

  7. 体操运动员在双杠上摆动身子。

    The gymnast swung on the parallel bars.

  8. 高一女生双杠教学教法初探

    A probe into the teaching methods of parallel bars for senior grade one girl students

  9. 只有男子参加吊环, 双杠, 单杠和

    Only men perform on the rings, on the double bars, on the high bar, and on

  10. 她整个下午都在做双杠练习。

    She was practicing on her dip exercises all afternoon.

  11. 她整个下午都在做双杠练习。

    She was practicing on her dip exercises all afternoon.

  12. 今天的双杠将没有银牌和铜牌。

    And there will be no silver, no bronze medals on bars today.

  13. 她做规定动作时紧紧抓住了双杠。

    She gripped the bars tightly during her acrobatic routine.

  14. 双杠成套动作的关键成分是什么?

    What is the key element in a parallel bars routine?

  15. 其双杠杆系统拥有国际专利。

    The double lever system is internationally patented.

  16. 兰格先生将我送上双杠。

    Mr. Lange lifted me up to the parallel bars.

  17. 双杠动作技术的演进及发展趋势

    The Course and Tendency of Technique Development in Parallel Bars Event

  18. 双杠整套动作的内容、结构及发展

    On the content'Structure and development of parallel bars'entire exercise

  19. 只有男人才能表演吊环,双杠,高杠。

    Only men perform on the rings, on the double bars, on the high bar.

  20. 双杠自选动作类型与组合方式的变化

    Type and Combination of Optional Exercises of Parallel Bars

  21. 浅谈双杠教学中女生畏惧心理的克服

    Discussion on Overcoming Flinch in Parallel Bars Exercises of Schoolgirls

  22. 浅议克服单双杠教学中的恐惧心理

    A Brief Introduction to the Solving of Psychological Trepidation in Performing Horizontal and Parallel Bars

  23. 双杠杆液压联合冲剪机的研制

    Development of hydraulic iron worker with double levers

  24. 新规则下双杠动作编排的最优化探讨

    Optimal combination of parallel bars movements under new code of points

  25. 双杠比赛的整套动作以摆动和腾空为主。

    A parallel bar routine consists of predominantly swing and flight.

  26. 冯喆在奥运会双杠项目上以15。966分夺得金牌。

    Feng Zhe of China claimed gold with a score of15.966 in the parallel bars Olympic final.

  27. 我国优秀体操运动员双杠自选动作的现状分析

    Analysis on Present State of Parallels's Optionals in Elite Gymnastical Athletes in China

  28. 从釜山亚运会看世界双杠技术发展的趋势

    The developing trend of world parallel bars technology through the Busan Asian games

  29. 中外优秀运动员双杠整套动作的发展与比较研究

    Development and Comparative Study on Excellent Athletes'Completing the Movements of A Set of Parallel Bars.

  30. 双杠向后大回环转体类动作的生物力学分析

    A biomechanical analysis for the giant circle backward with turn classification on the parallel bars


  1. 问:双杠拼音怎么拼?双杠的读音是什么?双杠翻译成英文是什么?

    答:双杠的读音是shuānggàng,双杠翻译成英文是 parallel bars

  2. 问:双杠杆拼音怎么拼?双杠杆的读音是什么?双杠杆翻译成英文是什么?

    答:双杠杆的读音是shuāng gàng gǎn,双杠杆翻译成英文是 double lever

  3. 问:双杠底座拼音怎么拼?双杠底座的读音是什么?双杠底座翻译成英文是什么?

    答:双杠底座的读音是shuāng gàng dǐ zuò,双杠底座翻译成英文是 base support of parallel bars

  4. 问:双杠立柱拼音怎么拼?双杠立柱的读音是什么?双杠立柱翻译成英文是什么?

    答:双杠立柱的读音是shuāng gàng lì zhù,双杠立柱翻译成英文是 standards of parallel bars

  5. 问:双杠连音拼音怎么拼?双杠连音的读音是什么?双杠连音翻译成英文是什么?

    答:双杠连音的读音是shuānggàngliányīn,双杠连音翻译成英文是 double-bar juncture

  6. 问:双杠项目拼音怎么拼?双杠项目的读音是什么?双杠项目翻译成英文是什么?

    答:双杠项目的读音是shuāng gàng xiàng mù,双杠项目翻译成英文是 parallel bars

  7. 问:双杠杆操纵拼音怎么拼?双杠杆操纵的读音是什么?双杠杆操纵翻译成英文是什么?

    答:双杠杆操纵的读音是shuāng gàng gǎn cāo zòng,双杠杆操纵翻译成英文是 two stick operation



双杠(parallel bars)是男子竞技体操项目之一。金属的架子支撑两条平行的木头、塑胶或合成金属制成的杠。一套典型的双杠动作包括在支撑位置、倒立位置和挂臂位置的转换;运动员要在这些位置做摆动,摆越、屈伸、弧形摆动、回环、空翻和静止等动作。最后,整套动作的下法要求必须站在杠的一侧。双杠于1896年被列为奥运会比赛项目。