




人、动物的躯体,物体的主要部分:~躯。人~。~材。~段。船~。树~。指人的生命或一生:~世。献~。亲自,本人:自~。亲~。~教。~体力行。统指人的地位、品德:出~。~分(fèn )。~败名裂。孕,娠:~孕。量词,指整套衣服:做了一~儿新衣服……



汉语拼音:xiū shēn








  1. 陶冶身心,涵养德性。儒家以修身为教育八条目之一。

    唐 元稹 《授杜元颖户部侍郎依前翰林学士制》:“慎独以修身,推诚以事朕。” 鲁迅 《南腔北调集·真假堂吉诃德》:“意思其实很明白,是要小百姓埋头治心,多读修身教科书。”参阅《礼记·大学》。



  1. I recently saw a woman in her sixties wearing leather pants with a tunic blouse, and she looked stunning.


  2. And east roadside boulder, on the early years of the Qing Emperor Kangxi line engraved a monk sitting on a lotus cultivation.


  3. South Pacific war shows that the Jap is no superman and can be beaten. Osami Nagano can be beaten, but not without one hell of a scrap.


  4. The focus was upon the cultivation of a moral self, self defined in terms goodness, caring, compassion, altruism and benevolence.


  5. But if you work in a more casual profession, try upgrading a sleek pair of jeans with a structured blazer.


  6. Advocate character self-restraint and aged respected, diligent work, plain, promote formation for all, all for one of the social atmosphere.


  7. Nine to five of the OL looking for a modern new changes, may wish to consider this knit jacket Slim popular winter.


  8. Because we did not have to fix a perception, no religious root bone, can do is to housekeeping.


  9. Golf is a popular global fashion movement, it also allows players a full range of movement sense of self-cultivation.


  1. 修身教科书

    the textbook of moral education.

  2. 静以修身。

    A light heart lives long.

  3. 纤体修身液

    body contour lotion.

  4. 德教与修身

    Moral Education and Character Training.

  5. 紧致修身凝胶

    hydra SPA body firming treatment gel.

  6. 她博览群书,修身养性。

    She cultivated her mind by reading many books.

  7. 棉中袖修身款衬衫

    MAXSTUDIO new arrival cotton shirt

  8. 她以阅读来修身养性。

    She cultivated her mind by reading.

  9. 肩头装饰兔毛修身背心

    PHILOSOPHY adorn rabbit hair wool gilet

  10. 书法练习中的养气与修身

    Cultivating Yourself in Calligraphy Drills

  11. 修身, 齐家, 治国, 平天下

    To cultivate the moral self, regulate the family, maintain the state rightly and make all peaceful.

  12. 永野修身元帅非常了解553率。

    Admiral Osami Nagano knew the 553 ratio well.

  13. 老和尚在寺庙里修身养性。

    The old monk cultivates his moral character and nourishes his inborn nature in the Buddhist temple.

  14. 老和尚在寺庙中修身养性。

    The old monk cultivates his moral character and nourishes his inborn nature in the Buddhist temple.

  15. 天鹅绒修身西装,搭配高腰短裤。

    Business suit of velvet cultivate one's morality, knickers of collocation tall waist.

  16. 维新运动时期的大学修身教育

    University Moral Education during Reform Movement

  17. 儒家修身理论的函数矩阵分析

    The Analysis of Confucian Ideas of Character Cultivation via the Function Matrix

  18. 有效得燃烧脂肪, 有修身塑体作用。

    It can also effectively burning fat.

  19. 有效的燃烧脂肪, 有修身塑体作用。

    It can also effectively burning fat.

  20. 王伯伯是个很懂得修身养性的人。

    Uncle Wang knows very wellabout how to cultivate moral character and develop temperament.

  21. 王伯伯是个很懂得修身养性的人。

    Uncle Wang knows very wellabout how to cultivate moral character and develop temperament.

  22. 女人需要修身养性,需要增加内涵,也需要安全感。

    Women need to refine their mind and to make themselves more intellectually prepared. They need the sense of security too.

  23. 她也是该年度的修身美态奖得主。

    She is also the winner of the Trimming Beauty award.

  24. 我很抱歉,孩子们 但是玛丽亚在修身。

    I'm very sorry, but Maria is in seclusion.

  25. 腰带的作用也不可小觑,修身第一法宝。

    Belt's role should not be overlooked, cultivating the first magic weapon.

  26. 郭店楚简所见子思的修身思想

    Self Cultivating Thought of Zi Si studied from Guo Dian Chu Bamboo Slips

  27. 加强大学生劳动教育构建文明修身实践途径

    Strengthening labor education and constructing practical approaches for morality cultivation

  28. 经典,具有女人味的修身西装适合各种体型。

    A tailored blazer is classic, feminine and looks great on all body types.

  29. 我真糊涂,竟把战争带进我修身养性的地方。

    I am fool enough to bring the war into my spiritual retreat.

  30. 儒家的修身思想对科技人才道德修养的启示

    The Inspiration of Confucian Thoughts on Cultivating Moral Character of Science and Technology Talents


  1. 问:修身拼音怎么拼?修身的读音是什么?修身翻译成英文是什么?

    答:修身的读音是xiūshēn,修身翻译成英文是 improve oneself

  2. 问:修身养性拼音怎么拼?修身养性的读音是什么?修身养性翻译成英文是什么?

    答:修身养性的读音是xiūshēnyǎngxìng,修身养性翻译成英文是 Cultivate one's moral character and perfect one...


