




白绢:素~。江平如~。把生丝、麻或布帛煮熟,使柔软洁白:~漂(“漂”,漂白)。反复学习,多次操作:~习。~笔。~操。训~。~功。经验多,精熟:老~。熟~。干(gàn )~。~达(阅历多而通达人情世故)。姓。……



汉语拼音:lì liàn









  1. 经历的事情多而富有经验。

    《警世通言·苏知县罗衫再合》:“朝中大小官员,见他少年老成,诸事歷练,甚相敬重。” 明 刘若愚 《酌中志·内臣职掌纪略》:“自逆 贤 擅政,尽将歷练老成之人摈斥杀害。”《红楼梦》第十三回:“如今出了阁,在那府裡办事,越发歷练老成了。”

  2. 经历和锻炼。


  3. 谓经受锻炼。

    曹禺 《王昭君》第二幕:“朕叫他随你在 匈奴 历练。”



  1. However, because PE teachers out of years of exposure and a gentle temperament, an impression or a more solid man.


  2. Anyhow, we have free-will to choose to be in heaven or to be somewhere else to experience for ourselves.


  3. July 20 The soul leads you to the right and perfect opportunities for you to experience exactly what you had planned to experience.


  4. Experience the diligent work style and a strong sense of responsibility; develop the ability of innovation.


  5. She said, now is the time for you to travel around the world, build up your knowledge through actual experiences and have fun.


  6. Her years of archery has allowed her to fire multiple arrows with keen accuracy.


  7. All that I need do is accept it wholeheartedly, and ask for guidance to understand and learn the lessons that it provides.


  8. They wait for a boss (hopefully a great one) to give them responsibility or authority or experiences that add up to a career.


  9. In life, not every pitch is good, but a strong hitter with a lot of practice and discipline can swing the bat successfully anytime.


  1. 他们是我人生的历练。

    They are the story of my life.

  2. 让孩子出门历练一番。

    Let the child go out to see the world.

  3. 这是生活的历练留下的宝藏。

    This is the life experience of the treasures left behind.

  4. 亲身亲身历练, 才是亲身历练。

    Experience holds no educate, IT teaches IT pupils singly.

  5. 我想这会是一项好的历练的。

    It's supposed to be a great program.

  6. 这些都是由日常生活的历练得来的。

    He got them from his everyday life.

  7. 历练与苦难总是会引导我们走向成功。

    Trials and tribulations always lead us to success.

  8. 我们必须经历这两个阶段中的所有历练。

    We have to experience everything in between these two stages.

  9. 勇敢。无所畏惧的心,需要智力,心力与历练。

    Braveness. Have no the heart be afraid, need the intelligence, mental exertion and experience and training.

  10. 经过几年的社会历练,他办事老到多了。

    After several years' social training, he is more experienced, careful and reliable in business.

  11. 历练了踏实肯干的工作作风以及强烈的责任心

    Experience the diligent work style and a strong sense of responsibility develop the ability of innovation.

  12. 社会就好比一个烤箱, 给我们各种各样的历练。

    The society is similar to the oven, bringing various trails for us.

  13. 他已经把自己历练成了一位合格的领导。

    He has distinguished himself as a qualified leader.

  14. 他已经把自己历练成了一位合格的领导。

    He has distinguished himself as a qualified leader.

  15. 成语呈现出一个民族的智慧、幽默和生活历练。

    Idioms represent national wisdom, humor and life experiences.

  16. 到不同的环境和组织中去历练自己, 接受挑战。

    By experiencing a variety of different environments and organizational challenges.

  17. 无亲身历练的青年们在南洞口闲荡了唯一月。

    The youth youths lounged in the south mouth of the cave for one month.

  18. 不经过社会的历练,他很难适应这复杂的工作。

    If he hasn't been tempered by society, it will be difficult for him to acclimatize himself to the complicated job.

  19. 你方在推销咱们的牛皮纸方面很有亲身历练。

    You are not experienced in promoting the sale of our craft paper.

  20. 他做事历练稳重,总能在危机关头随机应变,化险为夷。

    He handles affairs neatly, maturely, and always plays to the score at critial moment to head off danger.

  21. 他做事历练稳重,总能在危机关头随机应变,化险为夷。

    He handles affairs neatly, maturely, and always plays to the score at critical moment to head off danger.

  22. 无数的历练, 洗涤与超脱不出一片属于自己的天空。

    Countless ads, no washing and detached piece of the sky belongs.

  23. 无数得历练,洗涤与超脱不出一片属于自己得天空。

    Countless ads, no washing and detached piece of the sky belongs.

  24. 饱满浓郁,单宁紧实,典型的梅多克强劲历练的结构。

    A frank attack that opens out onto tight tannins with a typical robust structure of the Medoc.

  25. 她没有经过常规的政治历练就被选为党的领导人。

    She was elected party leader without serving the normal political apprenticeship.

  26. 虽然生活难免带来失望, 但是生活的历练依然让我们感激。

    Although life can never avoid disappointments, we still appreciate the experience of life.

  27. 对我来说,哈佛的求学历练是一段非凡的历练。

    Harvard were only a phenomenal experience for me. Academic life were fascinating.

  28. 此刻的过分担心又使我们少了通向未来所需的历练。

    And overly worrying about the future deprives us of the experience we need to carry us there.

  29. 你已策划要历练的,灵魂会引领你至最佳的时机发动。

    July 20 The soul leads you to the right and perfect opportunities for you to experience exactly what you had planned to experience.

  30. 饱满浓郁, 单宁紧实, 典型得梅多克强劲历练得结构。

    A frank attack that opens out onto tight tannins with a typical robust structure of the Medoc.


  1. 问:历练拼音怎么拼?历练的读音是什么?历练翻译成英文是什么?

    答:历练的读音是lìliàn,历练翻译成英文是 To have experienced a lot and thus strengthen an...




【拼音】:lì liàn

【注音】:ㄌㄧˋ ㄌㄧㄢˋ


