











汉语拼音:bèi shòu guān zhù







  1. The relation between social developments and family pattern changes has always been a focal area in American sociology.


  2. Black carbon is part of a chemical mix of particulate matter that has long been an air-pollution concern due to its impacts on human health.


  3. The national pavilion of the host country has always been a cynosure.


  4. While those tensions seem to have eased , the United States' nuclear disarmament deal with North Korea is also a concern.


  5. One of the Russians, Anna Chapman, captured attention with her looks and stories of her New York party life.


  6. Job burnout has always been of great concern as one of the outcome variables of pay satisfaction.


  7. So far, the U. S. has won few high-profile cases, compared with the aftermath of the savings-and-loan crisis and the dot-com bust.


  8. Mourinho's future has been under the spotlight this season following media reports of a fall-out with owner Roman Abramovich.


  9. Cheaper drug prices have always been a concern.


  1. 这次调查的结果备受关注。

    The survey's findings are a matter of great concern.

  2. 小榄,因为乐百氏而备受关注。

    Small Lan, because of Baishi equipment gets attention.

  3. 这次演出群星璀璨,所以备受关注。

    Many stars appeared in that show, so people paid full attention.

  4. 除了打斗戏, 片中得爱情戏也备受关注。

    Love is in the air as well, in this installment.

  5. 除了打斗戏,片中的爱情戏也备受关注。

    Love is in the air as well, in this installment.

  6. 她与一名政界要人备受关注的风流韵事

    her highly publicised affair with a leading politician

  7. 一部备受关注的关于一只老鼠成为大厨的电影。

    that provocative movie about a rat becoming a master chef.

  8. 在未来一段时间之内, 评级机构仍将备受关注。

    The agencies will be in the limelight for a while yet.

  9. 行政法的理论基础问题一直是一个备受关注的问题。

    The foundational theory of the administrative law is a hot topic.

  10. 行政法得理论基础问题一直是一个备受关注得问题。

    The foundational theory of the administrative law is a hot topic.

  11. 英国被指控串谋折磨囚犯事件使政府备受关注。

    The issue of alleged British complicity to torture is dogging the government.

  12. 服务质量评价是高校图书馆备受关注得一个问题。

    Service quality evaluation is a key problem of university library.

  13. 服务质量评价是高校图书馆备受关注的一个问题。

    Service quality evaluation is a key problem of university library.

  14. 科比说,这场比赛会备受关注得,且意义非凡。

    To have this game being spotlighted, and the significance of the rivalry

  15. 科比说,这场比赛会备受关注的,且意义非凡。

    To have this game being spotlighted, and the significance of the rivalry

  16. 随着溢油事故的频繁发生,海洋溢油污染备受关注。

    As oil spills occur frequently throughout the world, marine oil pollution has received increasing attention recently.

  17. 在众多防治胰岛素抵抗的举措中, 运动一直备受关注。

    Of the many prevention and treatment of insulin resistance, exercise has always been of concern.

  18. 因此,向日葵细胞质雄性不育性的研究备受关注。

    That is why cytoplasmic male sterility in sunflower is the research focus through years.

  19. 近年来,政府采购与自出创新的关系问题备受关注。

    In recent years, government procurement and innovation from the problem of the relationship between the cause for concern.

  20. 近年来壳聚糖微球作为新型给药系统备受关注。

    Chitosan microspheres, as a novel drug delivery system, have been widely investigated in recent years.

  21. 这是备受关注的汽油消费量数据连续第五周下跌。

    It was the fifthstraight week of declining usage in this closely watched barometer of gasoline consumption.

  22. 正是在这种背景下,近年来,产业集群创新问题备受关注。

    In this context, the study of industrial clusters innovation attracting more and more attentions these years.

  23. 配股作为一种重要的筹资手段,一直以来都备受关注。

    Share allotment, as an important method of financing, has always been paid attention to.

  24. 这是近年来开始备受关注的另一个令人忧虑的问题。

    This is another worry that has come to the foreground in recent years.

  25. 然而, 本港投考海员的人数却不断下降, 情况依然备受关注。

    The falling recruitment of local seafarers nevertheless continues to remain a major concern.

  26. 小波以其优良的性能在暂态选线法中备受关注。

    Wavelet is paid much attention due to its excellent performance in transient line selection fields.

  27. 有一种特殊形式的附加工作,它们因十分普遍而备受关注。

    One form of excise is so prevalent that it deserves special attention.

  28. 受精过程中精卵质膜融合分子机制的研究一直备受关注。

    The molecular mechanism of the spermoocyte plasma membrane fusion during fertilization has been investigated in recent years.

  29. 尹继尚和李允正制片人的合作, 使该剧的收视率备受关注。

    Yin Jishang and Li Yunzheng producer's cooperation, caused this play's viewing ratio to receive the attention.

  30. 贝壳珍珠层作为一种典型得生物矿化材料而备受关注。

    Microstructured biomaterials such as nacreous layer from mollusk shells receive much attention at present.