




唱:~唱。~咏。~颂。~坛。~台舞榭。~舞。能~善舞。能唱的文词:唱~。~谱。~词。~诀。民~。诗~。~行(xíng )(旧诗的一种体裁,音节、格律比较自由)。诗言志,~咏言。……







汉语拼音:rú gē rú qì







如歌如泣 [rú gē rú qì]
  1. 那声音呜呜动人,像在怨恨又像在思慕,像是在哭泣又像是在倾诉。那尾声凄切婉转,如同将断未断的细丝一样。




  1. Battle scene responding to the sad, history like songs such as the qi.


  1. 如歌的行板

    Such as the andante of the song.

  2. 如歌的柔板回旋曲

    Adagio cantabile Rond Andantino, Allegro

  3. 如歌的柔板中庸的行板

    Adagio moito e cantabile Andante moderato

  4. 沧海桑田, 繁华褪尽, 恬淡如歌。

    Marshes, bustling Tuijin, tranquil and Cantabile.

  5. 运动如歌,但却没有永恒的调子。

    Cantabile sport, but there is no timeless tone.

  6. 如歌岁月因时间的行走而抑扬顿挫。

    Cantabile years of time walking and cadence.

  7. 潮汕得大锣鼓, 行进着如歌如潮得情曲。

    Chao Shan big gong and drum, march forward as song the feelings song as tide.

  8. 潮汕的大锣鼓,行进着如歌如潮的情曲。

    Chao Shan big gong and drum, march forward as song the feelings song as tide.

  9. 生命似水,岁月如歌,相伴风雨,携手唱和!

    Take our own road, Singing Our ow n songs.

  10. 如歌, 近于晨的呼喊, 干脆而又果决。

    Cantabile, nearly in the morning cries, simply but decisively.

  11. 青春如歌,亦如随波而流,时而低沉,时而高亢。

    Cantabile youth, as well as and flow, sometimes low, sometimes sonorous.

  12. 等我们该走的时候就走,人生如歌,边走边唱。

    We should go when it is time for us, as life is a song.Sing while we leave.

  13. 等我们该走得时候就走,人生如歌,边走边唱。

    We should go when it is time for us, as life is a song. Sing while we leave.

  14. 付出过艰辛, 生命就会保留着如歌的余韵。

    Paid over the hardships the life would reserve as the remaining rhyme of the song.

  15. 山顶绵延10多公里的松树林,一望无际,松涛如歌。

    Peak stretching more than ten kilometers of pine forest,the endless,Greenfield Cantabile.

  16. 于是,设计师确定了纯美,如歌的行板的设计主题。

    Then, stylist decided pure beauty, cantabile andante design a theme.

  17. 你听起来像在悲叹,一只如歌悲鸣的蝴蝶。

    The sounds as though you were lamenting, a butterfly cooing like a dove.

  18. 这里是美丽如歌的画板,为您的风采添姿增色!

    This is the beautiful Cantabile Sketchpad, for your presence posture hyperchromic Tim!

  19. 流金岁月,岁月如歌,镀一抹怀旧的金色,纪念昨天

    The golden years of the past, the chanting bygone days, lets gild a touch of nostalgic golden, in memorizing the past yesterday.

  20. 正如他得歌一样, 江南是那样得美丽。

    As his songs, as is so beautiful Jiangnan.

  21. 正如他的歌一样,江南是那样的美丽。

    As his songs, as is so beautiful Jiangnan.

  22. 我心, 以它如涟漪的歌, 渴望拥抱这阳光普照的绿。

    My heart, with its lapping wave of song longs to caress this green world of the sunny day.

  23. 秋天得黄叶缓缓落下, 像一首无声得歌, 如一声叹息。

    Yellow leaves of autumn have no songs flutter and fall a sign.

  24. 秋天的黄叶缓缓落下,像一首无声的歌,如一声叹息。

    Yellow leaves of autumn have no songs flutter and fall a sign.

  25. 吹奏时慢板部分徐缓如歌,优美动人,要充满情感色彩。

    When playing some slow Adagio Cantabile, beautiful and moving, full of emotion to color.

  26. 它变小了,小如一首歌,亦如永恒的一吻。

    It becomes small, small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal.

  27. 相信它會是歌如其名。

    and it will probably live up to its name.

  28. 给我一种遁世,让我独自吟唱那如鸟鸣的随性之歌。

    Give me to warble spontaneous songs recluse by myself.

  29. 给我一种遁世,让我独自吟唱那如鸟鸣得随性之歌。

    Give me to warble spontaneous songs recluse by myself.

  30. 当离别时歌如狂,流转四季,问你问你。

    When leaves song like crazy, the circulation four seasons, asked that you ask you.

