







汉语拼音:cí yuán






  1. 喻滔滔不绝的文词。

    南朝 梁 沉约 《为齐竟陵王发讲疏》:“而词源海广,理涂灵奥。” 唐 杜甫 《醉歌行》:“词源倒流 三峡 水,笔阵独扫千人军。” 清 曾国藩 《送周文泉大令之官城武》诗:“词源一泻不得休,往往巉巖杂婉孌。”

  2. 词的起源。词,指长短句。

    清 纳兰性德 《填词》诗:“词源远过诗律近,拟古乐府特加润。”

  3. 语词的源头。在旧辞书中,《辞源》在语词溯源上有开创之功。



  1. With this etymology something sublime is "up to the top of the door. "


  2. The word seems likely to have been influenced bygoblin, but accounts of its origin are various and none are certain.


  3. At first recruits were only military and the main reason the military needed recruits is actually tied up in the word's etymology.


  4. It was a meaning of social divisions of people into a hierarchy that the Latin parent word classis referred to.


  5. The poor woman was set on fire and her child ripped from her womb (Asklepios etymologically meaning to be cut out).


  6. Although there isn't authoritative evidence to back this story up the etymology of pretzel tends to support at least part of the story.


  7. Now that you've read through all of that here's the much simplified etymology of the word simple.


  8. Mausolus was a satrap, or governor, in the Persian Empire, and his fabled tomb is the source of the word "mausoleum. "


  9. I'll save the worst till last and before I tell you I'll just touch on the word butter and its etymology.


  1. 基因词源学

    gene etymology.

  2. 联想词源学

    associative etymology.

  3. 以及数学词源

    as well as mathematical derivations.

  4. 英语词源辞典

    An Etymological Dictionary of the English Language.

  5. 这些词的词源相同。

    These words have the same pedigree.

  6. 此词源于法语。

    This word is adopted from French.

  7. 家居什物词源浅探

    On the Etymology of Some Words of Household Sundries

  8. 法律术语词源及其翻译

    The Etymon and Translation of Legal Terminology

  9. 双语词典中的词源信息

    On the Etymological Information in Bilingual Dictionaries

  10. 词源文化视角下的神

    The Word God in the View of Etymology Culture

  11. 词源文化视角下得神

    The Word God in the View of Etymology Culture.

  12. 这部词典不介绍词源。

    This dictionary does not give etymologies.

  13. 许多英语词源自法语。

    Many English words derive from French.

  14. 大清国号词源词义试探

    A Tentative Discussion about Its Origin and Meaning of Daicing as a Name of a State

  15. 这个词源于拉丁语。

    This word comes from Latin.

  16. 词源辨析同义词法例探

    Discriminating Synonyms through the Etymologic Angle of View

  17. 苗瑶语核心词的词源关系

    Etymological Cognate Relationships of Core Words in Miao Yao Languages.

  18. 属于词源学的或根据词源学的。

    Based on or belonging to etymology.

  19. 汉语词源研究的现状与展望

    Current Situation and Expectation of the Research of Chinese Etymology

  20. 这与该词得词源毫无关系。

    It has nothing to say to the origin of the word.

  21. 这与该词的词源毫无关系。

    It has nothing to say to the origin of the word.

  22. 英语中的许多词源于法语。

    Many words in the English language are French in origin.

  23. 这两个词的词源也很有趣。

    The etymologies of the words are interesting.

  24. 外来词源源不断地进入英语。

    Foreign words keep coming into English.

  25. 漫谈英语专业术语的词源及翻译

    Discussion on the Etymology and Translation ofEnglish Technical Terms

  26. 词源学有关词源的一门语言学分支。

    The branch of linguistics that deals with etymologies.

  27. 词源学有关词源得一门语言学分支。

    The branch of linguistics that deals with etymologies.

  28. 那么先来看一下这个词的词源。

    So the etymology of vichyssoise will come first.

  29. 那么先来看一下这个词得词源。

    So the etymology of vichyssoise will come first.

  30. 他告诉我这是个词源不详的词。

    He told me it was a word of unknown origin.


  1. 问:词源拼音怎么拼?词源的读音是什么?词源翻译成英文是什么?

    答:词源的读音是cíyuán,词源翻译成英文是 origin of a word; etymology

  2. 问:词源学拼音怎么拼?词源学的读音是什么?词源学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:词源学的读音是cí yuán xué,词源学翻译成英文是 etymology

  3. 问:词源谬见拼音怎么拼?词源谬见的读音是什么?词源谬见翻译成英文是什么?

    答:词源谬见的读音是cí yuán miù jiàn,词源谬见翻译成英文是 etymological fallacy

  4. 问:词源同源词拼音怎么拼?词源同源词的读音是什么?词源同源词翻译成英文是什么?

    答:词源同源词的读音是cíyuán tóngyuáncí,词源同源词翻译成英文是 etymological cognate