




1. 率 [shuài]2. 率 [lǜ]率 [shuài]带领:~领。统~。~队。~先(带头)。~兽食人(喻暴君残害人民)。轻易地,不细想,不慎重:轻~。草~。~尔。~尔操觚(“觚”,供写书用的木简;意思是轻易地下笔作文)。爽直坦白:直~……



汉语拼音:bèi lǜ






  1. 加倍聚敛。




  1. Seeing conditions will determine just how much magnification you can use when collimating so work within the limits of your sky conditions.


  2. The true field of view depends on the linear scale of that field stop, as determined by the magnification of the eyepiece in that telescope.


  3. High charge-discharge rate nickel-cadmium batteries have been researched by means of surface treatment of negative cadmium electrode.


  4. Water retaining agent was an absorbing water polymer whose multiplying power was high and property of holding water was good.


  5. V. habits around the integration of the hurricane at high magnification and low magnification free conversion.


  6. By creating high-magnification portraits of the ones I find in my native Oklahoma, I aim to open human eyes to these amazing arachnids.


  7. the size of the projected textures relative to screen pixels determines minification or magnification.


  8. The ash circulating ratio is not an arbitrary value and shall be set on basis of separator capture efficiency and fly ash ratio.


  9. SAP should have advantages of high water absorbency, properly absorbent ratio, excellent resistance to salts in performance.


  1. 放大率,倍率

    Multiplying Factor.

  2. 光学倍率计

    optical dynameter.

  3. 高倍率变焦

    High rate variable focus

  4. 变焦倍率镜

    zoom converter.

  5. 高倍率变焦距镜头

    high ratio zoom lens

  6. 方法的富集倍率为40倍。

    The enrichment factor is 40 for nickel.

  7. 方法得富集倍率为40倍。

    The enrichment factor is 38 for nickel.

  8. 此滤镜用于倍率音频样本。

    Amplify multiply audio samples by amount.

  9. 超吸水纤维吸水倍率的测试方法研究

    Study on the Test Method about the Absorbent Rate of SAF.

  10. 穿心式电流互感器倍率计算

    Multiplying power calculation of feed through current transformer

  11. 关于欧姆表内阻和倍率的探讨

    Discussion about Ohmmeter Inner Resistance and Multiplying Power

  12. 提高热电厂循环水浓缩倍率的措施

    A series of measures to increase recirculating water concentration rate in thermal power plant

  13. 这个高倍率显微镜是他们实验室刚买的。

    Their lab recently got this microscope with magnifying power.

  14. 这个高倍率显微镜是他们实验室刚买的。

    Their lab recently got this microscope with magnifying power.

  15. 这个高倍率显微镜是他们实验室刚买得。

    Their lab recently got this microscope with magnifying power.

  16. 它不但有著高的压缩倍率,更有著丰富的功能。

    It has high coding gain and rich functionalities.

  17. 系数倍率法测定氯麻滴鼻液的含量

    Content Determination of Chloramphenicol and Ephedrine Nosedrops by Coefficient Multiple Method

  18. 填料对聚氯乙烯发泡人造革发泡倍率的影响

    Effect of Fillers on Volume Expansion Ratio of Foamed PVC Leather

  19. 对锂离子电池高倍率放电性能进行了研究。

    This paper researched on high rate discharge performance in lithium ion battery.

  20. 应用低倍率循环流化床燃烧技术改造锅炉

    Application of the Lower Circulating Ratio Combustion Technology to Renovate Boiler

  21. 转面倍率与像差系数表达式中的问题

    Drawback in the Transfer Surface Magnification and Aberration Coefficient Formulas

  22. 不同价态离子对保水剂吸水倍率的影响

    Effects of ions on water Absorbent rate of water retaining agent

  23. 倍率光学仪器,如显微镜或望远镜的放大倍数。

    A measure of the magnification of optical instrument, such as a microscope or telescope.

  24. 这是因为镜片各部分有不同的放大倍率所致。

    It is due to the fact that different area of the lens produce different magnification.

  25. 这是因为镜片各部分有不同得放大倍率所致。

    It is due to the fact that different area of the lens produce different magnification.

  26. 自动显示屏增光,用于手动对焦的电子放大倍率功能

    Automatic monitor amplification, electronic magnification for manual focusing

  27. 系数倍率法测定复方甲硝唑含漱剂中甲硝唑的含量

    Determination of metronidazole in polypharmacon metronidazole gargle by signal multiplier spectophotometry

  28. 长方形槽上方与侧面得放大图, 放大倍率为200倍。

    Top and side view of the slot with the magnification of200x.

  29. 长方形槽上方与侧面的放大图,放大倍率为200倍。

    Top and side view of the slot with the magnification of200x.

  30. 虽然缩放,放大倍率显示可能不正确,并可能会停止更新。

    While zooming, zoom magnification indication may be incorrect, and may stop updating.


  1. 问:倍率拼音怎么拼?倍率的读音是什么?倍率翻译成英文是什么?

    答:倍率的读音是bèilǜ,倍率翻译成英文是 The magnifying power.

  2. 问:倍率器拼音怎么拼?倍率器的读音是什么?倍率器翻译成英文是什么?

    答:倍率器的读音是,倍率器翻译成英文是 multiplicator

  3. 问:倍率差拼音怎么拼?倍率差的读音是什么?倍率差翻译成英文是什么?

    答:倍率差的读音是bèi lǜ chā,倍率差翻译成英文是 difference of magnification

  4. 问:倍率计拼音怎么拼?倍率计的读音是什么?倍率计翻译成英文是什么?

    答:倍率计的读音是,倍率计翻译成英文是 dynameter

  5. 问:倍率曲线拼音怎么拼?倍率曲线的读音是什么?倍率曲线翻译成英文是什么?

    答:倍率曲线的读音是bèi lǜ qū xiàn,倍率曲线翻译成英文是 curve of double curvature

  6. 问:倍率助记符号拼音怎么拼?倍率助记符号的读音是什么?倍率助记符号翻译成英文是什么?

    答:倍率助记符号的读音是bèi lǜ zhù jì fú hào,倍率助记符号翻译成英文是 multiplier mnemonic