







汉语拼音:qián diàn






  1. 专营兑换业务的小钱庄。

    清 潘荣陛 《帝京岁时纪胜·市卖》:“钱店、银号兑换压岁金银小梅花、海棠元寳。” 徐珂 《清稗类钞·农商·京师钱市之沿革》:“银钱二票,为票号、钱店、香蜡铺所发行,其数多寡无定……一旦拙於调度,营业失败,则受其害者不知其几千百万矣。” 鲁迅 《伪自由书·文学上的折扣》:“因为我们惯熟了,恰如钱店伙计的看见钞票一样,知道什么是通行的,什么是该打折扣的,什么是废票,简直要不得。”



  1. So it happened that Little Claus received another bushel of money, and the landlord buried his old grandmother as if she had been his own.


  1. 在这种应接不暇的状态之中, 我亲自跑到柜上, 付了店钱。

    In this hurry I came to the bar and paid my reckoning.

  2. 第二天清早她起得很早,付了店钱,便出发前往斯卡巴勒。

    Next morning she rose up early, paid for her night's lodging and set out for Scarborough.

  3. 我们把房民屋抵押出去, 用那笔钱开店营业。

    We mortgaged out house and set up shop with the money from that.

  4. 车是我借钱跟租车店租的。

    I'm borrowing money, so I can rent these from the shop.

  5. 车是我借钱跟租车店租得。

    I'm borrowing money, so I can rent these from the shop.

  6. 她撺掇其丈夫攒钱自己开店做生意。

    She egged her husband on to save up some money and start his own business.

  7. 玛丽鼓励丈夫存点钱自己开店做生意。

    Mary egged her husband on to save up some money and start his own business.

  8. 因此, 啤酒厂商应该把钱投资在店外, 而不是在店内。

    So brewers should spend their marketing money outside, not inside, the store.

  9. 你以为这些钱可以买整间店?

    Why don't I just sell you the whole store for that?

  10. 孩子们有了钱就直奔糖果店去。

    When the children have money, they make straight for the sweet shop.

  11. 不知道开一家店需要多少钱?

    How much do you need to start a shop ?

  12. 不知道开一个店需要多少钱。

    I wonder how much you need to start a shop.

  13. 那位经理曾经挪用店里的钱。

    The manager was found to have appropriated store money.

  14. 那位经理曾经挪用店里得钱。

    The manager was found to have appropriated store money.

  15. 你知道开个糕点店需要多少钱么?

    You know how much it gonna take me to open the bakery?

  16. 你每次会在粥店花费多少钱?

    How much do you probably spend each time ?

  17. 我卖了店为了凑钱给托尼雇律师。

    I sold my shop so I could get a lawyer.

  18. 顺便问一下,我能在你们店里换钱吗

    By the way, can I cash my money in this store

  19. 你可以从自己的钱很好赚花店店。

    You can earn good money by starting your own florist shop.

  20. 他每天都要把店里的钱锁进钱柜,才能放心地回家。

    He locks the money into the money-box every day, then he goes back home at ease.

  21. 明明自己在家可以洗车,为什么要浪费钱开到洗车店去洗呢?

    Why throw money down the drain at the local car wash when you can do it yourself at home?

  22. 不知道开一个店须要多少钱。

    I wonder how much you need to start a shop.

  23. 这家店迎合少数有钱顾客的需求。

    The shop caters to a small, wealthy clientele.

  24. 在淘宝开自动充值店需要花多少钱?赚钱吗?

    Taobao shop open automatically recharge how much money to spend ? Making money?

  25. 最后,他郁郁不乐地把它带回宠物店,要求退钱。

    Finally, he brings back it disconsolately pet shop, the requirement withdraws fund.

  26. 我们这个街头小店已赚不到钱了。

    Our little corner shop is no longer a paying concern, ie is no longer profitable.

  27. 如果你还得晚了,音像店要加收额外的钱。

    If you take it back late the video shop will charge you extra.

  28. 最重要得是申请网店执照要花多少钱, 走什么程序。

    The most important is application net inn charter should spend how many money, take what course.

  29. 最重要的是申请网店执照要花多少钱,走什么程序。

    The most important is application net inn charter should spend how many money, take what course.

  30. 钱家店凹陷

    qianjiadian sag