


1. 中 [zhōng]2. 中 [zhòng]中 [zhōng]和四方、上下或两端距离同等的地位:~心。当(dàng)~。~原。~华。在一定范围内,里面:暗~。房~。~饱。性质或等级在两端之间的:~辍(中途停止进行)。~等。~流砥柱。表示……






1. 合 [hé]2. 合 [gě]合 [hé]闭,对拢:~眼。~抱。珠连璧~。貌~神离。聚集:~力。~办。~股。~资。不违背,一事物与另一事物相应或相符:~格。~法。情投意~。应该:~该。~当。“文章~为时而著,诗歌~为时而作”。总共,全……







汉语拼音:zhōng rì lián hé shēng míng






  1. We express strong dissatisfaction over relevant Japanese public figure's remarks that contravene the China-Japan Joint Statement.


  1. 中日联合声明是在1972年发布的。

    The China Japan Joint Statement was issued in 1972.

  2. 中日联合声明是在1972年发布的。

    The China Japan Joint Statement was issued in 1972.

  3. 发表联合声明

    to sound a joint statement.

  4. 他们发表联合声明否认指控。

    They issued a joint statement denying the charges.

  5. 中葡联合声明于1987年签署。

    The SinoPortuguese Joint Declaration was signed in 1987.

  6. 关于婴儿哺育做法的联合声明。

    Joint Declaration on infant feeding practices.

  7. 联合声明中也证实了这一点。

    The joint declaration affirmed the bureau's examination result.

  8. 使得这份联合声明开始出现破裂。

    The unity agreement began to unravel.

  9. 为求本联合声明得以有效执行

    with a view to the effective implementation of this joint declaration

  10. 关于战略稳定合作倡议的联合声明。

    Joint statement on the strategic stability cooperation initiative.

  11. 联合声明和基本法的要义在于延续。

    A central theme of the Joint Declaration and the Basic Law is one of continuity.

  12. 更严重的是总统如何签署联合声明的问题。

    More serious was the question of how the President would present the joint statement.

  13. 两位领导人在会谈后将发表一项联合声明。

    The two leaders are to issue a joint statement following their talks.

  14. 在接下来的几小时内应该会有新闻发布会上的联合声明。

    A joint declaration on news conference is expected in the coming hours.

  15. 这一点从18日在巴黎达成的联合声明中就可以看出。

    From this point on the 18 th in Paris to reach a joint statement can be seen.

  16. 这一点从18日在巴黎达成得联合声明中就可以看出。

    From this point on the 18 th in Paris to reach a joint statement can be seen.

  17. 早期的联合声明并没有详细说明哪些产业将会贸易自由化。

    The earlier joint statement did not detail which sectors would be liberalised.

  18. 环保团体对中电液化天然气接收站选址建议发表联合声明

    Joint Statement of Environmental Groups on the Proposed Liquefied Natural Gas Terminal

  19. 这一联合声明由于后来苏联侵入捷克斯洛伐克而宣告流产。

    This announcement was aborted by the Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia.

  20. 格鲁吉亚和摩尔多瓦常驻联合国代表团的联合声明

    Joint statement of the Permanent Missions of Georgia and Moldova to the United Nations

  21. 参加国于2002年4月25日在基辅以联合声明通过了该文件。

    The participating States adopted the Document by joint declaration in Kiev on25 April2002.

  22. 会议通过联合部长声明。

    A Joint Ministerial Statement was adopted.

  23. 此种声明可联合做出, 也可以相互单方面声明的方式做出。

    Such declarations may be made jointly or by reciprocal unilateral declarations.

  24. 联合声明纳尔逊旋律,是的,民谣的旋律纳尔逊。

    JD Melody Nelson, yeah, the Ballad of Melody Nelson.

  25. 你可以声明一个结构或一个联合代替。

    You can declare a structure or a union instead.

  26. 那份声明似乎是专门就联合轰炸任务的批评作出反击。

    That statement seemed designed to answer criticism of allied bombing missions.

  27. 联合国发表了一份声明,强烈谴责绑架和谋杀行径。

    The United Nations released a statement strongly denouncing the abduction and killing.

  28. 阿拉伯联合酋长国断然拒绝伊朗的这些不负责任的声明。

    The United Arab Emirates categorically rejects these irresponsible Iranian statements.