







汉语拼音:cái xué








  1. 才能和学问。

    《后汉书·宋弘传》:“帝尝问 弘 通博之士, 弘 乃荐 沛国 桓谭 才学洽闻,几能及 杨雄 、 刘向 父子。” 宋 严羽 《沧浪诗话·诗辨》:“近代诸公乃作奇特解会,遂以文字为诗,以才学为诗,以议论为诗。夫岂不工,终非古人之诗也。” 清 李斗 《扬州画舫录·虹桥录上》:“﹝ 王鸣盛 ﹞幼时才学横軼,雄於属文。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第一部第五章:“啊!多情的骑士,有才学的青年。”

  2. 指有才能和学问的人。

    《南史·齐竟陵文宣王子良传》:“ 子良 少有清尚,礼才好士,居不疑之地,倾意宾客,天下才学皆游集焉。”



  1. To say a woman is talented and scholarly is like praising a flower for balancing on the scale with a cabbage or potato-utterly pointless.


  2. As everybody knows, it is not very easy to give an oral report, especially in another language that you are just learning.


  3. But sometimes I wish that I had known some of things I have learned over the last few years a bit earlier.


  4. Watching him compete, one might be tempted to think Michael swam before he walked, but he actually didn't begin to swim until age 7.


  5. If you consider (the fact) that she's only been studying English a year, she speaks it very well.


  6. a scholarship Fung alcohol, intelligent nature of the outstanding poet.


  7. The first language I spoke was Chinese and I learned English later, but I forgot all my Chinese.


  8. I saw not then what I now clearly perceIve, that the acquIsItIon of LIgeIa were gIgantIc, were astoundIng.


  9. There was a famous scholar named Guo Xiang (252 AD -312 AD) in Jin Dynasty. When he was young, he was already a very talented scholar.


  1. 才学超群。

    One's abillity and learning surpass the average.

  2. 自然人才学

    natural talent science.

  3. 以才学为诗

    Create Poetry by the Scholarship.

  4. 以才学为词

    taking talent and learning as Ci.

  5. 警卫人才学

    guard training.

  6. 我后来在大学才学的。

    I learned later, at college.

  7. 他读书万卷,才学出众。

    He has read widely and is an outstanding scholar.

  8. 这个婴儿才学着爬。

    The baby is just learning to creep.

  9. 朋友们都非常欣赏他的才学。

    His friends all greatly admired his learning.

  10. 朋友们都非常欣赏他的才学。

    His friends all greatly admired his learning.

  11. 老僧人才学广博,声名远扬。

    The old monk is knowledgeable and famous.

  12. 一个男人穷不要紧,但要有才学!

    It doesn't matter to poor, but a man should cultured.

  13. 比了这种聪明,才学不过是沉淀渣滓。

    Compared to that kind of intelligence, talent and scholarship are sediments.

  14. 试论宋词以才学为词的创作现象

    Try to Discuss the Song CI Take the Scholarship as the Word Creation Phenomenon

  15. 一位才学丰醇, 天性聪颖的优秀词人。

    a scholarship Fung alcohol, intelligent nature of the outstanding poet.

  16. 我才学着做一个更好的丈夫。

    And I'm learning to be a better husband.

  17. 才学被看作一种权利或特权而遭厌恶。

    Intellect is resented as a form of power or privilege.

  18. 我告诉你, 男人穷不要紧, 但要有骨气, 有才学。

    I tell you, it doesn't matter to be poor, but a man should be cultured.

  19. 你知道得真准确。你才学了这门课吗?

    You know it so exactly. you've just had the course?

  20. 学习书法要从临帖开始,这样才学得好。

    Learning calligraphy should start from practicing calligraphy after a model. Only in this way, can you learn it well.

  21. 吾人就是从这些错误中才学到成功之秘诀。

    It is from these mistakes that one learns the secret to success.

  22. 我们才学了一年英语,但已经能演英文剧了。

    We have studied English for only a year, yet we can act English plays already.

  23. 我花了一个多小时才学完了八分之一的内容。

    It took me more than one hour to finish one eighth of the content.

  24. 听到这个消息,我感到很遗憾,他是那么的有才学。

    I am sorry to hear that, he was so talented.

  25. 考虑到约翰才学了那么一点点,他考得已很不错了。

    John did quite well in his exams considering how little he studied.

  26. 让你小孩先学会服从,其次才学你要他学的东西。

    Let your Child's first lesson be Obedience, and the second may be what you want.

  27. 考虑到她才学英语六个月,她说得相当好了。

    If you consider that he has only been studying English for six months, she speaks it very well.

  28. 你表姐是个又有头脑又有才学的女人, 可是我怎么说呢?

    Your cousin is a very intelligent and talented woman, but how should I put it?

  29. 今年贡生的人数大大超过了去年,不知道他们的才学怎么样。

    The number of recommended students this year exceeds that of last year by a large margin. I am wondering about their talent and learning.

  30. 我才学现在唯一的问题是出于留够进入体育每一天。

    I have the knowledge, and now the only problem is staying motivated enough to get into the gym every single day.


  1. 问:才学拼音怎么拼?才学的读音是什么?才学翻译成英文是什么?

    答:才学的读音是cáixué,才学翻译成英文是 ability and learning