







汉语拼音:bīng fēng








  1. 冰冻覆盖。

    《春秋·成公十六年》“雨木冰” 晋 杜预 注:“记寒过节,冰封著树。” 唐 李绅 《登禹庙回降雪》诗:“湖暗冰封镜,山明树变梅。” 柯灵 《向拓荒者致敬》:“ 中国 无产阶级文艺的发生与发展,是和无产阶级革命血肉相连的。它在冰封的大地萌芽,用血泪的培灌成长……它就是人民的战斗和愿望的结晶。”



  1. But no one knows for sure how much crude oil lies buried beneath the frozen earth.


  2. Antarctica, as we have seen, is a cold place indeed. But this has not always been the case.


  3. So I decided to do this symbolic swim at the top of the world, in a place which should be frozen over, but which now is rapidly unfreezing.


  4. It's not even spring yet, but a long-frozen political order seems to be cracking all over the Middle East.


  5. The wind roar, scooped up the wheezing frozen soil, despite the old news.


  6. Ner'zhul cast a plague of undeath - which had originated from deep within the Frozen Throne, out into the arctic wasteland.


  7. The film, as a result of increased greenhouse effect leading to global sea surface, the entire northern hemisphere ice was all.


  8. Mountains of wind-driven snow and ice lay endlessly before him, the most forbidding place in all the Realms.


  9. The army digs a road between the mountains, so you can walk between the two mountains of ice. But the ice is always there, even in summer.


  1. 冰封池塘。

    Ice crusted the pond.

  2. 大雪纷飞,江河冰封。

    It is snowing hard, and rivers and streams have frozen over.

  3. 池子给冰封起来了。

    The pond was iced over.

  4. 这条船被冰封住。

    The ship was locked fast in ice.

  5. 感受冰封召唤的引领

    Follow the lead of call from TFT

  6. 千里冰封, 万里雪飘

    of hundred leagues locked in ice, thousand leagues of whirling snow

  7. 冰封天气会冻裂土壤

    freezing weather will break up the soil

  8. 被冰封住的一艘船

    a ship sealed up in ice

  9. 这条船被冰封住了。

    The ship was locked fast in ice.

  10. 我只为冰封王座服务!

    I serve only for the Frozen Throne!

  11. 船被冰封住而动弹不得。

    The ship was locked in ice.

  12. 这个湖冬天全让冰封住。

    The lake freezes over in winter.

  13. 南极冰封湖水的偶然发现。

    Accidental Discovery of Icesealed Lake Water in Antarctica.

  14. 这条船在冬季被冰封住。

    The ship was frozen in for the winter.

  15. 这湖冰封了,可以在上面走。

    The lake has frozen over; you can walk on it.

  16. 滑过冰封得湖面需10分钟。

    It took ten minutes to skate over the frozen lake to the other side.

  17. 这条船在整个冬季被冰封住。

    The ship was frozen in for the winter.

  18. 鳕鱼游走了,冰原再度冰封起。

    The cod swim away; the ice sheets freeze over again.

  19. 这条湖通常在一月中旬冰封。

    The lake usually freezes over by mid January.

  20. 一个无人触及的角落, 冰封多年。

    No one touches a corner, frozen for years.

  21. 十年前,这些海面平均一年冰封90天。

    A decade ago these seas were icebound an average of90 days a year.

  22. 你看这块地面,它是被冰封住的。

    You see this ground, it's ice.

  23. 全村的人被冰封在村里达一星期。

    The whole village was frozen in for a week.

  24. 地面都冰封了,我们睡在地上都冻脊背。

    The ground was frozen, and it froze our backs while we slept.

  25. 那湖全让冰封住了,到晚春才解冻。

    The lake was frozen over until late spring.

  26. 内心的火热却又想把这冰封的冷漠融化。

    Inward fervency wants to melt this icebound indifference.

  27. 我们搬不动那些机器, 因它被冰封住了。

    We cant move the machinery, because it is iced in.

  28. 围绕着这湖泊的是十六座山峰, 终年冰封。

    JEFF Didnt he have to leave Ireland when he was only sixteen

  29. 阿尔塞斯击败伊利迪安,到达冰封王座。

    Arthas slays Illidan and reaches the Frozen Throne.

  30. 云,拧下一片雪白的世界,冰封了那段记忆。

    Cloud fastening under a white world, and ice that part of memory.


  1. 问:冰封拼音怎么拼?冰封的读音是什么?冰封翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冰封的读音是bīngfēng,冰封翻译成英文是 frozen; icebound

  2. 问:冰封的拼音怎么拼?冰封的的读音是什么?冰封的翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冰封的的读音是bīng fēng de,冰封的翻译成英文是 icebound

  3. 问:冰封区域拼音怎么拼?冰封区域的读音是什么?冰封区域翻译成英文是什么?

    答:冰封区域的读音是bīng fēng qū yù,冰封区域翻译成英文是 ice covered area


