







汉语拼音:chén fēng








  1. 搁置已久,被尘土盖满。

    《宋史·乐志十六》:“移眄俄空,宝鑑脂泽尘封。” 明 刘若愚 《酌中志·大内规制纪略》:“凡遇天变灾眚,圣驾居此,以示修省之意。先帝时尘封久矣!” 清 蒲松龄 《聊斋志异·狐嫁女》:“此世传物,什袭已久。缘明府辱临,适取诸箱簏,仅存其七,疑家人所窃取;而十年尘封如故,殊不可解。” 鲁迅 《野草·风筝》:“我恍然大悟似的,便跑向少有人去的一间堆积杂物的小屋去,推开门,果然就在尘封的什物堆中发现了他。” 谢觉哉 《学习笔记摘要》四:“许多实习团工作团写出来的材料不找来看,甚至送来了也让它‘尘封’。”

  2. 犹尘世。

    晋 慧远 《沙门不敬王者论·求宗不顺化》:“反本求宗者,不以生累其神;超落尘封者,不以情累其生。”



  1. V: You know, I keep this trinket. . . This necklace should be worn by a young and beautiful lady, not be staffed by a backpack.


  2. therefore, let the heart of the earthly fly for a fresh, washed covered with dust, to restore a bright and clean.


  3. He said he had forgotten he had even done it until Bryant's hot streak opened that dusty page in the Lakers' record book.


  4. When the archaeologists finally dug down and opened the door of the dusty chamber, they were crestfallen.


  5. I opened the dust-laden heart among the lilies, enjoying a simple happy, perhaps, the love between the fish and bird is so beautiful.


  6. Vaguely remember those dust-laden past. . . I send you home . . . See your parents . . . I'm afraid . . . You are brave to let me sit . . .


  7. The point of this exercise is to get into places inside our psyche that we previously denied.


  8. Knowledge is a living thing to be shared among people, as it does not belong to a dusty shelf.


  9. Kai calendar lift dust-laden, memorable years has gone, life in the deep to talk to you: to write their own life without any regrets.


  1. 尘封的家具

    furniture shrouded in dust sheets.

  2. 尘封已久的歌曲。

    Found in Archives

  3. 拭亮尘封的心窗

    Bright the window that cover with dust

  4. 这件事已经尘封了

    Now this issue has been laid to rest.

  5. 勒奈特揭开尘封的秘密

    Lynette revealed a closely guarded secret.

  6. 塞满尘封的破家具的阁楼。

    An attic full of dusty, broken furniture.

  7. 青春如酒尘封爱情似蜜芬芳。

    Youth is like wine sealed, love honey fragrance.

  8. 他的故事也随着他被同化而尘封

    And his story was hushed as he assimilated.

  9. 那些书看上去褪了色,尘封已久。

    The books looked faded, dusty and unused.

  10. 我希望把你的样子尘封在记忆里。

    I wish to keep your image locked in my heart.

  11. 我有点儿把它尘封在我的记忆中了。

    I kind of blocked it from my memory a bit.

  12. 一串串绿萝,挂在我当年尘封的窗。

    Green vines, out of my dusty window.

  13. 每年一度,他们会拿出尘封的坚忍勇气

    Once a year, they take their fortitude out of mothballs

  14. 每年一度,他们会拿出尘封得坚忍勇气

    Once a year, they take their fortitude out of mothballs.

  15. 昨天的记忆已经在等待尘封被全部收起

    My yesterdays are all boxed up and neatly put away

  16. 你的自行车或缝纫机是不是被尘封了呢?

    Is your exercise bike or sewing machine gathering dust?

  17. 尘封之爱难以忘记, 陈旧的谎言更难消去。

    Old loves they die hard Old lies they die harder.

  18. 这项练习的目的是进入我们尘封的心灵深处。

    The point of this exercise is to get into places inside our psyche that we previously denied.

  19. 朋友,敞开尘封的心扉,走进大自然,拥抱阳光吧。

    Friends, open the dusty heart, into the nature, embrace sunshine.

  20. 每一扇关着的门后都有一个尘封的秘密。

    Behind every closed door is a mystery sealed with seven seals.

  21. 知识是可供分享的活体, 它不属于尘封的书架。

    Knowledge is a living thing to be shared among people, as it does not belong to a dusty shelf.

  22. 一个尘封灰积、居民全都跑光了的草原小村庄。

    A dusty, forsaken prairie village.

  23. 当往事将要尘封时, 寒风携来雪花最美的慰藉。

    When the past will be covered with dust, the wind brought comfort to the most beautiful snowflake.

  24. 我在梦想与现实之中寻找解脱, 得到的是尘封与沉重。

    In my dream and reality, seek liberation get with heavy cobwebs.

  25. 老行当,拂去历史尘封,将传统行业浓缩于一隅。

    The Old Trades shop has swept the historical dust away and collected the traditional industries together within a very small courtyard.

  26. 任何让开发构件尘封的公司无疑都在浪费自己的资金。

    Any company that permits development artifacts to fall into disuse is simply wasting money.

  27. 流逝的时间尘封了历史, 不少敏感的史实是常人无法知道的。

    The passage of time, many historic concealed is sensitive to the normal cannot know the facts.

  28. 这对宿敌以及尘封很久了, 而且我不相信它会被超越。

    This was a rivalry for the ages, and I don't believe it will ever be surpassed.

  29. 我不懂, 我只知道在我的记忆里, 它永远是场被尘封的聚会。

    I really misunderstand, but I know it is the party which never to say goodbye in my memory.

  30. 当我们翻开第一页, 世界由此开启, 如尘封的往事娓娓道来。

    We open to the first page and the universe unfolds, once upon a time.


  1. 问:尘封拼音怎么拼?尘封的读音是什么?尘封翻译成英文是什么?

    答:尘封的读音是chénfēng,尘封翻译成英文是 be dusty


