







汉语拼音:tuō shǒu









  1. 出手;离手。

    宋 苏辙 《送毛君致仕还乡》诗:“千金赴高义,脱手曾须臾。” 清 沉初 《西清笔记·纪名迹》:“ 文待詔 画设色兰花一枝,用笔极细,鲜明秀润如甫脱手。” 陈毅 《卫岗初战》诗:“ 镇江 城下初遭遇,脱手斩得小 楼兰 。” 钱锺书 《<围城>序》:“其实只仿佛魔术家玩的飞刀,放手而并没有脱手。”

  2. 指把货物等售出。

    《警世通言·蒋淑真刎颈鸳鸯会》:“常言道:‘女大不中留。’留在家中,却如私盐包儿,脱手方可。” 茅盾 《子夜》七:“我们先前如果多收二三百万,今天也是照样的脱手。” 周而复 《上海的早晨》第四部二六:“寄信太慢,万一把厂房脱手,那就麻烦了。”



  1. Say, what about all that Egyptian cotton he's stuck with? How much did he buy?


  2. Or perhaps one of your investments fall in value, and you dwell on the time when you could've sold it while in the money.


  3. Mr Hudson said: "They're not stockpiling stock . . . they're trying to get rid of it. "


  4. A Treasury official said it is too early to say how much it would sell.


  5. He hid the trades in a colleague's account and "traded out" of his position the next day at a profit.


  6. To my dismay this caused the camera he was holding to fly out of his hands and clatter to the pavement.


  7. There was a guy on the sidewalk. He had three new boxes, Panasonic video camera boxes. He said he had to get rid of them quick.


  8. The hunter reached out for the bird. "I will have to kill it, " he said. "The bird will soon die anyway. "


  9. He falls and hangs when his hand hurts, but, in less than 15 minutes, Graham has made his way up a possible . 14b.


  1. 股票假脱手

    stock parking.

  2. 我把它脱手了。

    No, I got rid of it.

  3. 她将旧汽车脱手。

    She unloaded her old car.

  4. 这些货不好脱手。

    These goods are difficult to dispose of.

  5. 这种商品很容易脱手

    This merchandise will turn easily.

  6. 这任务终地脱手了。

    The task was finally out of hand.

  7. 她说业主很想脱手

    She says that the owner is very motivated to sell.

  8. 赶紧脱手以免多受损失

    cut the loss

  9. 我们不需要把这个脱手。

    We don't need to let this one go.

  10. 他还有50来股没脱手。

    Some fifty shares lie on his hands.

  11. 把新到的货尽快脱手

    moved the new merchandise quickly.

  12. 这个星期牛仔裤很易脱手。

    Blue jeans are turning well this week.

  13. 她将旧汽车脱手给我。

    She unloaded her old car onto me.

  14. 在某人手中未脱手时间

    Lift a hand light in hand

  15. 新的挑战是找到脱手的方法。

    The new challenge is to work out how to get rid of them.

  16. 他正想将这间公寓脱手。

    He's getting rid of the apartment.

  17. 我愿意把这些货物立即脱手。

    I would like to slip out of the hand immediately these goods.

  18. 现在, 他一斤棉花也不能脱手

    Now he cant unload any of his cotton.

  19. 估计数越低, 这些公寓就越容易脱手。

    The lower assessment made it easier to sell the apartments.

  20. 现在,他一斤棉花也不能脱手啊。

    Now he can't unload any of his cotton.

  21. 话说回来,这仍是一个脱手的机会。

    Still, this is a chance to get out.

  22. 可是出乎意料, 这个案子竟无法轻易脱手。

    To Adam Warner's surprise, the Jennifer Parker case would not be disposed of so easily.

  23. 他把他在公司中的股份脱手后退休了。

    He sold out his share of the business and retired.

  24. 正好在价格下跌前脱手,真是精明之举。

    It was an astute move to sell just before prices went down.

  25. 把车卖掉时, 我很庆幸终于脱手了。

    I was glad to be rid of the car when I finally sold it.

  26. 如果站起来和脱手是要加罚时间的。

    If you stand up and get rid of is to add penalty time.

  27. 但如果价格正在走高,为什么现在就脱手呢?

    But if prices are heading higher, why sell now?

  28. 我们仓库内有许多货色, 相当不错地脱手了。

    We had a lot of stuff in warehouses which we got out very smartishly.

  29. 当那人试图让快艇转弯时, 方向盘脱手了。

    As the man tried to swing the speedboat round, the steering wheel came away in his hands.

  30. 妻子哦, 已经脱手了。还好肉店老板拿去了。

    Wife Oh, Ive already got rid of it. Luckily, the butcher took it.


  1. 问:脱手拼音怎么拼?脱手的读音是什么?脱手翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脱手的读音是tuōshǒu,脱手翻译成英文是 let … slip; get rid of

  2. 问:脱手打法拼音怎么拼?脱手打法的读音是什么?脱手打法翻译成英文是什么?

    答:脱手打法的读音是tuō shǒu dǎ fǎ,脱手打法翻译成英文是 exit play




拼音:tūo shǒu 基本解释 1. [slip out of the hand]∶出手;离手 2. [get off one’s hands;sell;disppose of]∶卖出 货物昨日已脱手 详细解释 1. 出手;离手。 宋 苏辙 《送毛君致仕还乡》诗:“千金赴高义,脱手曾须臾。” 清 沉初 《西清笔记·纪名迹》:“ 文待诏 画设色兰花一枝,用笔极细,鲜明秀润如甫脱手。” 陈毅 《卫岗初战》诗:“ 镇江 城下初遭遇,脱手斩得小 楼兰 。” 钱锺书 《<围城>序》:“其实只仿佛魔术家玩的飞刀,放手而并没有脱手。” 2. 指把货物等售出。 《警世通言·蒋淑真刎颈鸳鸯会》:“常言道:‘女大不中留。’留在家中,却如私盐包儿,脱手方可。” 茅盾 《子夜》七:“我们先前如果多收二三百万,今天也是照样的脱手。” 周而复 《上海的早晨》第四部二六:“寄信太慢,万一把厂房脱手,那就麻烦了。”