





思念,想念:~念。~旧。~乡。~古。缅~。包藏:~胎。心~鬼胎。胸~壮志。~瑾握瑜。~才不遇。胸前:~抱。抱在~里。心中意:心~。胸~。正中(zhòng )下~。耿耿于~。安抚:~柔。归向,使降顺:“~敌附远,何招而不至?”……



汉语拼音:qíng huái







  1. 心情。

    晋 袁宏 《后汉纪·灵帝纪下》:“老臣得罪,当与新妇俱归私门,惟受恩累世,今当离宫殿,情怀恋恋。” 唐 杜甫 《北征》诗:“老夫情怀恶,呕泄卧数日。” 元 乔吉 《金钱记》第三折:“扫愁箒扫不了我鬱闷情怀。” 郁达夫 《过去》:“两旁店家的灯火,照耀得很明亮,反照出了些离人的孤独的情怀。”

  2. 情趣;兴致。

    明 叶盛 《水东日记·张云门书印谱后》:“太平盛时,文人滑稽如此,情怀可见,今不可得矣。” 清 袁枚 《随园诗话补遗》卷五:“不料 刘霞裳 和云:‘ 刘郎 去后情怀减,不肯红粧直到今。’”

  3. 犹胸怀。

    峻青 《海啸》第二章:“为革命事业而献身,就是你毕生的高尚情怀。”



  1. Posted: One of the key facets to being able to live a simple life is the ability to be thankful for what you have.


  2. You want to have a feeling that you want to like and the sea calm, as if you unfurl All of a sudden became unruly and persevering sea genie.


  3. And also see that it demands acute intelligence, not just a gooey feeling.


  4. I was a child who loved little animals so much. Maybe that kind of emotion has been extended to the children.


  5. Henry's works from the point of repetitive narration helps us to understand better his life thought of him.


  6. The idea that she could express herself in song imbued12 her with a new sense of direction.


  7. I express my sentiments for you with just a few simple words. I hope you will enjoy a happy Birthday.


  8. Cheng Xian-zhang s novel Gossip Lane reveals his sense of mission as a modern Kejia writer and his lamenting concern for the common people.


  9. About a week and a half ago I started getting lean protein every 3 to 4 hours and it has cut down dramatically on my food cravings .


  1. 佛家出世情怀

    Buddhism spirit standing aloof from worldly affairs.

  2. 他满怀着爱国情怀。

    He is penetrated with patriotic feeling.

  3. 过来并敞开你得情怀。

    Come and pour yourself on me.

  4. 过来并敞开你的情怀。

    Come and pour yourself on me.

  5. 往日情怀这首歌怎么样?

    How about this one the way we were?

  6. 家国情怀与民族凝聚力

    Native Land Emotion and National Cohesion

  7. 从避暑山庄看盛世情怀

    From the Summer Resort to the Spirit of the Heyday

  8. 李白遗书中的烈士情怀

    The Rarely Known Posthumous Papers of the Martyr Li Bai

  9. 布艺家居展现花样情怀

    He cloth skill house resides the display pattern state of mind

  10. 再到你窗外诉说情怀。

    Ill confide my love still by your window.

  11. 贫寒压抑其高尚的情怀,

    Instead of helping to repress that desire, why dont we help unshackle it.

  12. 收获凝聚之心,收获爱国情怀。

    harvest rally the heart, harvest their patriotic sentiments.

  13. 弘扬民族精神培养爱国情怀

    To promote the national spirit, and develop the patriotic feeling

  14. 娇滴青春, 情怀初开。

    Dilicately pretty youthhood, their love flowers are begining to bloom.

  15. 赋的地理情怀与方志价值

    The Geographical Complex of Ode and the Value of Chorography

  16. 娇滴青春,情怀初开。

    Dilicately pretty youthhood, their love flowers are begining to bloom.

  17. 有浪漫得情怀, 撩动夜得上海。

    The romanticism of the bar enriches the night life of Shanghai.

  18. 法国大革命的古代情怀探源

    The Origin of the Antique Mood During the French Revolution

  19. 有浪漫的情怀,撩动夜的上海。

    The romanticism of the bar enriches the night life of Shanghai.

  20. 这唤起了她内心的浪漫情怀。

    It appeals to the romantic in her.

  21. 新的一年,传达我至爱的情怀!

    The new year and conveyed the feelings I love!

  22. 新得一年,传达我至爱得情怀!

    The new year and conveyed the feelings I love!

  23. 你在我耳边低声述情怀。

    You whisper sweet in my ear.

  24. 艺术三国华光闪烁的民间情怀

    Art on the Three Kingdoms

  25. 我们依恋长江, 你有母亲的情怀。

    We love Changjiang, you has sentiment fo motherhood.

  26. 胡适与陈寅恪的特殊情怀

    The Special Mutual Understanding Between Hu Shi and Chen Yinke.

  27. 感受一回大连人的浪漫情怀。

    And get a feel for the romance of Dalian.

  28. 现代主义建筑师的古典主义情怀

    The classicism feelings of a modernism architect John Portman

  29. 他们有你一样的情怀与念想。

    They have the same feelings and you want to read.

  30. 归家, 一份荣归故里的儒商情怀

    Return, Only Medicine for Home Sicker


  1. 问:情怀拼音怎么拼?情怀的读音是什么?情怀翻译成英文是什么?

    答:情怀的读音是qínghuái,情怀翻译成英文是 feelings



1.心情 晋 袁宏 《后汉纪·灵帝纪下》:“老臣得罪,当与新妇俱归私门,惟受恩累世,今当离宫殿,情怀恋恋。” 唐 杜甫 《北征》诗:“老夫情怀恶,呕泄卧数日。” 元 乔吉 《金钱记》第三折:“扫愁箒扫不了我郁闷情怀。” 郁达夫 《过去》:“两旁店家的灯火,照耀得很明亮,反照出了些离人的孤独的情怀。”