







汉语拼音:dù zhuàn








  1. 谓没有根据地编造;虚构。

    宋 王楙 《野客丛书·杜撰》:“ 杜默 为诗,多不合律。故言事不合格者为杜撰……然僕又观俗有杜田、杜园之説,杜之云者,犹言假耳。”《朱子语类》卷六六:“道理人却説得去,法度却杜撰不得。”《古今小说·众名姬春风吊柳七》:“这个词……有个一定不移之格。作词者,按格填入,务要字与音协,一些杜撰不得。” 清 赵翼 《题百体寿字》诗:“就中亦有杜撰笔,世无可证聊相期。” 杨沫 《青春之歌》第二部第二四章:“得了,你别闭门造车来杜撰故事吧!”按,此词之源,另有三说:一说为 汉 田何 (号 杜田生 )故事,参阅 宋 沉作喆 《寓简》卷一;一说为 南朝 梁 陶弘景 弟子 杜道士 故事,参阅 清 洪亮吉 《北江诗话》卷五;一说为 宋 盛度 故事,参阅 清 赵翼 《陔馀丛考·杜撰》。



  1. This is almost surely apocryphal because anyone who knew Rand's work would know how much she disliked religion in almost any form.


  2. He got so frustrated with the same underling's progress on a whitewashing report that he took a stab at it himself.


  3. It's easy to see, by the patterns of consumption they have. It really is not fiction -- it's fact.


  4. In its ZiXu, he said that he was "an ascetic" reincarnation, this invention, although it is but he has really very bitter.


  5. Piaget have one thing in common with those of Binet in that they reflect the profound wickedness of every pedagogical position.


  6. You know what? Valentine's Day is just a dumb made-up holiday.


  7. But she gave him approval on every page, and when he kept insisting she was putting words in his mouth, it became easier to leave him out.


  8. Despite statistics that prove otherwise, Bryun said the image of the average Russian man as a vodka-swilling beer lover was simply a myth.


  9. Hers is the kind of soft power that cannot be concocted by the editorial staff at People's Daily or Global Times.


  1. 这个故事纯属杜撰。

    This story is pure fabrication.

  2. 这个故事纯属杜撰。

    The story is fabricated indeed.

  3. 他的证词是杜撰的。

    His testimony was a concoction.

  4. 杜撰的人,虚构的企业

    A fictitious employee or business.

  5. 可见这不是编剧杜撰的。

    so you really know it's true.

  6. 你以为是我杜撰的吗

    You think that I'd make that up?

  7. 她还记得他最好的杜撰。

    She remembered his best inventions.

  8. 他决不杜撰他不知道的事情。

    He would not fake knowledge he didn't have.

  9. 牛顿被苹果砸头属杜撰?

    Did apple hit Newton's head ?

  10. 他讲的是真事,不是杜撰的。

    The story he told is true, not made up.

  11. 这很可能是个杜撰的故事。

    This may well be an apocryphal story.

  12. 卫报杜撰了这个悲惨的故事。

    The Guardian tells the grim tale.

  13. 它只不过是杜撰的故事而已。

    It is nothing more than a madeup story.

  14. 没人相信他杜撰的奇异的故事。

    No one believed that fantastic tale he spun.

  15. 我们需要事实,不要杜撰的故事。

    We want facts, not fictions.

  16. 事实不充分时, 他们就凭空杜撰。

    When facts fail, they draw on imagination.

  17. 这个故事一部分是真的, 一部分是杜撰的。

    The story was partly true and partly made up.

  18. 书中人物的名字大都是杜撰的。

    The names of the characters in my book are for the most part fictitious.

  19. 樱桃树的故事恐怕是人们杜撰的。

    That story about the cherry tree is supposed to be made up.

  20. 太能杜撰了,有些人真是异想天开?

    Amazing, isn't it, where some people's minds will go?

  21. 谐音杜撰词的修辞功能试析

    Rhetorical analysis of homophonic nonce words

  22. 他讲的是真有其事, 不是杜撰的。

    The story he told is true, not made up.

  23. 没人相信他杜撰得奇异得故事。

    No one believed that fantastic tale he spun.

  24. 此典故正史上没有记载,应为杜撰。

    This allusion is not recorded history, should be coined.

  25. 但与之相比, 杜撰故事也并不是神话。

    But in contrast, myth is not mythology.

  26. 你认为那个候选人会怎么杜撰这个故事?

    How do you think the candidate will spin this story?

  27. 她从自己杜撰的故事中得到了乐趣。

    She got pleasure out of the stories she invented.

  28. 他所宣称的许多内容实际上都是杜撰的。

    A lot of what he claimed, was in fact, fiction.

  29. 他所宣称的许多内容实际上都是杜撰的。

    A lot of what he claimed, was in fact, fiction.

  30. 那是杜撰的故事,而不是真实发生的事情。

    It is more a madeup story than a real occurrence.


  1. 问:杜撰拼音怎么拼?杜撰的读音是什么?杜撰翻译成英文是什么?

    答:杜撰的读音是dùzhuàn,杜撰翻译成英文是 make … up

  2. 问:杜撰者拼音怎么拼?杜撰者的读音是什么?杜撰者翻译成英文是什么?

    答:杜撰者的读音是,杜撰者翻译成英文是 fabricator



“杜撰”是个多义词,它可以指杜撰(汉语词语), 杜撰(推理小说作家)。