







汉语拼音:shí lù









  1. The most famous account of the Nagasaki bomb was written by one of its victims, radiology expert Takashi Nagai, who later died of leukemia.


  2. The second part of this book changes from being a how-I-won-the-war memoir to being a nobody-would-listen-to-me tale.


  3. But he has written a cracking story, the best chronicle so far of what officials were doing in the great financial bust of 2007-08.


  4. Once more, this article to "Teng Wangge Foreword" the teaching factual record carries on the review.


  5. If you communicate by phone, follow up with a confirmation in writing to guard against miscommunication.


  6. And PWM pulse and CAN data from communication transmit that faithful record prove feasibility of the relevant hardware and software design.


  7. In ancient times, historiographers were in charge of writing the national history, memoirs, and minutes.


  8. RILI appearing in the mid-Tang is one kind of officially compiled historical book, and an important basis for compiling Emperors Records.


  9. A report on the research-oriented study of "the marsh gas"


  1. 华侨生活实录

    life recording of overseas Chinese

  2. 明实录类纂

    Analects of the Ming Dynasty.

  3. 檀木名实录

    Scientific Name Verification of the Wingceltis Described in The Book of Songs.

  4. 五一游走实录

    Memoir of Tour During Labor Days

  5. 东莞图书馆粤剧图书馆建设实录

    Construction Record of Dongguan Yueju Library

  6. 夏洪生教授临床验案实录

    Memoirs of Clinic Medical Records Resulted from Xia Hongsheng Professor

  7. 这本日记是他晚年生活的实录。

    This diary is a faithful record of his later years.

  8. 一群人自发地聚集在事故实录。

    A of people gathered spontaneously at scene of the accident.

  9. 这是名人实录一书的小巧的节略版。

    This is Who's Really Who skilfully capsuled.

  10. 元代以后, 则只有实录而无国史了。

    After the Yuan Dynasty, only without the national history of the Record.

  11. 他们把这一事件制作了一套照片实录。

    They produced a photographic record of the event.

  12. 星河国际酒店项目深基坑监测工程实录

    A Case History of Construction Monitoring For the Deep Excavation of A Foundation Pit of the Xinghe International Hotel Project

  13. 会议记录并非实录会议上每一个人的发言。

    Minutes are not just a repetition of what was said in a meeting.

  14. 明代纂修的历朝实录是史学研究的重要资料。

    The memoir of dynasties compiled in Ming Dynasty is considered the important material for the historiographic study.

  15. 砚石台矿动力现象的工程实录与特征分析

    Engineering Memoir and Features Analysis of Dynamics Phenomena in Yanshitai Mine

  16. 四年 篡修武庙实录,已戊,晋修撰白金文续。

    Four years usurp Xiuwu Temple Record,has E,Jin Xiu Zhuan went on.

  17. 凡修国史,实录,会要等,均随时设置编修官。

    In ancient times, historiographers were in charge of writing the national history, memoirs, and minutes.

  18. 东汽公司轻型车厂某场地强夯的工程实录

    Engineering Record of Dynamic Consolidation for a Site of an Automobile Factory

  19. 从唐实录体裁看实录体的特征与地位

    Reviewing the Charateristic and Status of True Record Style from The Memoir of Tang Dynasty

  20. 从明清的小说序跋中看实录思想对小说批评的影响

    On the Faithful Recording Thought Influence Fiction Criticism from Preface and Postscript of Ming and Qing Dynasties' Novels.

  21. 古代凡修国史,实录,会要等,均随时设置编修官。

    In ancient times, historiographers were in charge of writing the national history, memoirs, and minutes.

  22. 古代凡修国史、实录、会要等,均随时设置编修官。

    In ancient times, historiographers were in charge of writing the national history, memoirs, and minutes.

  23. 被革职得执政官和他得同谋者已经写了他们得实录,

    The cashiered dictatorand his cohorts have all written their memoirs

  24. 吕伯望与卖家聊天实录网店新规挫伤积极性。

    The memoir of Lu Bowangs chat with the seller New regulations for online shops is frustrating.

  25. 被革职的执政官和他的同谋者已经写了他们的实录,

    The cashiered dictatorand his cohorts have all written their memoirs

  26. 西班牙帝国殖民编年史记与人种志中剥削印第安人实录

    Indian Exploitation in The Spanish Empire Colonial Chronicles and Ethnography.


  1. 问:实录拼音怎么拼?实录的读音是什么?实录翻译成英文是什么?

    答:实录的读音是shílù,实录翻译成英文是 faithful record; true record


